She went crazy with the relationship between heaven and earth

Chapter 113: Covering water can reduce weaknesses

"Fourth brother, you're done..."

Accompanied by the third junior brother's extremely disgusted roar, Chen Su didn't have time to take action. The next moment, he lowered his eyes "unbearably" and couldn't look straight.

He regretted staring at his fourth junior brother.

What danger could there be in the teleportation array? Why do you have to keep an eye on the fourth child when you have nothing to do?

Chen Suming had been promoted to the Golden Elixir tomorrow morning and had already been freed from grain, but at this moment, he felt uncontrollably nauseated.

He saw with his own eyes that the fourth child actually sucked back the filth he spit out and swallowed it inexplicably, without losing any of it. The scene was really...


He couldn't think about it anymore, he couldn't help but want to vomit if he thought about it anymore.

"Fourth Junior are really..."

The third child almost retched.

At this moment, he had already reached the edge of the teleportation array. If he hadn't been teleporting and couldn't get out, he would have run as far as he could.

Everyone in their lineage has mysophobia, and Song Ning, the fourth person involved, is the most important.


After reacting, Song Ning burst into tears: "Senior Brother, you are too cruel. Third Senior Brother, I'm dirty! Ugh..."

"Shut up!"

Chen Su felt that his head started to throb in pain again: "If you want to be so dirty again, just keep howling!"


Song Ning's face turned pale and she covered her mouth tightly.

He looked at his senior brother in horror, and then at Jiang Tang, who was almost affected by him just now. He suppressed waves of nausea and never dared to make a sound again.

Seeing this, everyone in the teleportation array couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they are all from the same sect, otherwise if they were left outside, others might not be able to help but take action.

It's just too unappetizing.

Jiang Tang also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, the fellow disciple who claimed to be "dirty" mistakenly thought that it was his senior brother who did the good deeds. However, for some unknown reason, his senior brother just acquiesced and did not find the "real person". "Fierce" troublesome plan.

She really didn't mean to do something so extreme just now, it was just that the thing was too sudden, and she almost instinctively used the laws related to the reversal of time.

Of course, the result was that the control was not too good, or the effect of the law was too good, which obviously led to the inability to stop accurately, which resulted in the slightly unexpected scene just now.

"I'm sorry everyone, it was my junior brother who was rude. He has already taken the anti-fainting pill, and what happened before will not happen again. Please bear with me, fellow disciples."

After suppressing his junior brother to be honest, Chen Su quickly apologized to several other Wangxian Sect members in the teleportation formation.

Although this "risk-avoiding method" was a little harsh, the incident happened too suddenly, and it was indeed caused by his fourth junior brother who refused to take the elixir even though he couldn't handle it, so it was normal for the other party not to control his reaction well. .

The Wangxian Sect has great achievements, and the number of disciples of the inner sect, outer sect plus miscellaneous servants reaches hundreds of thousands at its peak, and even most of the fellow sects do not know each other.

But as long as it's not a big deal and your attitude is slightly better, you won't be too harsh.

In particular, Wangxian Sect itself has a good sect atmosphere. Even if fellow sects don't know each other, they are willing to save some face for each other. After all, there is no guarantee that they will have dealings with each other again in the future. Under normal circumstances, they are willing to leave some room for others and for themselves.

"It doesn't matter, young man, just do what you can in the future."

Gu Shouye shook his head with a smile and didn't care.

My little uncle moved so fast that he didn't need to worry about it at all. He didn't suffer any losses. Naturally, it was a trivial matter and he didn't need to worry about it.

And he was the first to speak, with the intention of covering for the little uncle. Those who didn't know would probably think that he was the one who did it.

"When I sit in front of the teleportation formation from now on, I will definitely take the pills honestly and will not cause unnecessary trouble to others."

Song Ning subconsciously assured Jiang Tang. He didn't know why, but he instinctively felt that it should be like this. It was as if he could feel at ease only if this person personally expressed it.

In fact, except for Gu Shouye and Chen Su, no one else really realized that it was this female foundation-building cultivator who was almost attacked by the "venomous mouth" who just made Song Ning "self-produced and self-sold" in an instant.

Another Jindan fellow disciple had some suspicions that it was Gu Shouye who had done it.

As for Zhao Mingming, Song Ning completely thought that it was their senior brother who took action to avoid the trouble of fellow female cultivators being sprayed with filth, so of course they didn't think much about it.

Who could have predicted that the situation would reverse immediately without Jiang Tang even waving his hand? The process was so fast that it seemed to have ended before it even started. It was really not something that ordinary people could notice.

Even Gu Shouye and Chen Su still haven't figured out how Jiang Tang did it. They could only vaguely sense that a very special aura wavered from her body at that moment.


Jiang Tang naturally did not embarrass Song Ning, and simply responded to express that he understood, so there was nothing to blame.

The galaxy is reversed, and the water can be recovered. Even if it is not a true reversal of time itself, even if it is just a little superficial, the power of the law is unexpectedly and naturally terrifying and powerful.

Perhaps it was because the anti-sickness elixir was very effective, or perhaps because he received a clear response from Jiang Tang. Song Ning also breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he could no longer see the embarrassment he had felt before. He could only stand beside his senior brother honestly, trying his best to reduce the pain. own sense of existence.

He wanted to keep a low profile and even wish to be invisible, but the third senior brother Zhao Mingming had to act like a thoughtless person and immediately showed off their presence by jumping around.

"I wonder which peak this senior sister is from? My fourth junior brother almost caused harm to you just now. You really deserve to be scolded. Fortunately, senior sister is generous enough not to argue with him."

Zhao Mingming took the initiative to introduce himself, including his two senior brothers.

"We are disciples of Lingdan Peak. They are my senior brother Chen Su, and fourth junior brother Song Ning. I am the third in line, and my name is Zhao Mingming. The three of us are direct brothers, and we learn from Lingdan Peak Zhenjun Xianmo. By the way. , this is the spirit-boosting elixir that I made myself, and the effect is quite good, it is our apology to senior sister, please accept it and don’t be dissatisfied."

Don't hit the smiling man with your hand, not to mention that Zhao Mingming is not only good at talking but also practical, and he is indeed sincere.

"It's just a small thing, it has no impact."

Jiang Tang did not accept anything: "I am Tang Xiaowu, a disciple of Dongtian Peak. We are all from the same sect, so there is no need for the spirit-boosting pill." After the Four Seasons Secret Realm and the best spiritual treasures, Tang Wu, the trumpet, no longer belongs to the Wangxian Sect. He was unknown, so Jiang Tang opened his mouth and added a small one in the middle of Tang Wu, still intending to keep a low profile to the end.

"It turns out to be Senior Sister Tang from Dongtian Peak. Nice to meet you!"

Zhao Mingming saw that Jiang Tang really didn't care, and he wasn't refusing with false politeness, so he didn't insist on giving gifts, and his impression of Jiang Tang became better.

He did not ask who the Tang Xiaowu Master was. After all, not all Foundation Establishment disciples could have specialized disciples. The lucky ones like them who were accepted as direct disciples by True Monarch Nascent Soul were the very few.

However, this Senior Sister Tang seems to be a little younger than him and the Fourth Junior Brother, but she has already reached Foundation Establishment and is an inner disciple of the Headmaster Peak. Maybe there will be more and better opportunities in the future. In short, she will definitely There is a good way out.

Coupled with the fact that Senior Sister Tang was calm and dignified in situations, Zhao Mingming naturally wanted to make friends with her, and soon they started to talk more.

However, Zhao Mingming was very measured in what he said and did. He basically took the initiative to tell interesting stories about himself and Lingdan Peak, and did not deliberately inquire about the specific situation of Jiang Tang.

When talking about it, he even said boldly that if Tang Wu wanted to refine any elixirs in the future, he could go to him at Lingdan Peak, and he promised to only charge the most basic fee, and would never let Senior Sister Tang suffer.

If he can't refine the elixir for the time being, his senior brother is here. If the senior brother can't do it, isn't there his own master!

In short, if Jiang Tang needs any elixirs, just go to him and he will definitely help solve them. He guarantees that everything can be done and is of high quality and low price.

Seeing that Zhao Mingming's words were getting more and more outrageous, as if he was trying to attract business for their master and apprentice in disguise. As the senior brother, Chen Su felt that he was going to be humiliated. He quickly stopped the third child from continuing to talk nonsense, so as not to ruin the world. They all blew a hole.

"Junior sister Tang, don't listen to my third junior brother's nonsense. There are thousands of elixirs in the world, and no one can guarantee that they will be omnipotent and perfect."

After Chen Su explained, he was afraid that Jiang Tang would misunderstand that he was not willing to provide convenience in alchemy, so he added: "Of course, if junior sister has any need for elixirs in the future, as long as our senior brothers can help, we will definitely not decline."

"Thank you, Master Chen, for taking care of me."

Jiang Tang had never met Zhenjun Xianmo, but he had heard Master Lu mention that this person was extremely good at alchemy, and his attainments in alchemy were among the best in the entire Jiuzhou cultivation world.

Therefore, she did not refuse the olive branch offered by Zhenjun Xianmo's direct disciples. Maybe it would come in handy in the future.

Seeing that Jiang and Tang were having a lack of conversation, Zhao Mingming stopped talking about this and that after being warned by his senior brother, and the teleportation array became quiet.

He actually wanted to ask Senior Sister Tang why she went to such a far away place in Zhongzhou. Was she taking over a sect mission or had some personal matters to deal with?

But when he saw that the fourth junior brother was acting like a quail, he didn't even dare to look at Senior Sister Tang, so he completely stopped being confused.

Others didn't know it, but Zhao Mingming knew very well that his fourth son couldn't be like this for no reason.

Fortunately, the fourth child did not act as a warning, but simply did not dare to look at Senior Sister Tang. This made Zhao Mingming confused but did not think too much.

After a while, the teleportation array finally stopped.

Zhongzhou has arrived.

"We're here, we're in Zhongzhou!"

Stepping out of the teleportation array, Zhao Mingming's voice was particularly excited.

The passengers on this trip were all members of the Wangxian Sect, so they were not afraid of being laughed at.

However, Zhao Mingming's excitement did not last, as the clear sky that Zhongzhou saw for the first time turned dark without any warning.

It seemed that something suddenly burst out of the sky, and they performed an extremely realistic interpretation of what it meant to "block out the sky and the sun."

"It's a soul-eating monster, run!"

Accompanied by thrilling screams, the remote transmission transfer point in Zhongzhou instantly went into chaos.

A group of huge, ugly things that looked like black crows were flying as if they were well-trained. Many monks were unable to move as they passed by, and were swallowed directly by the huge open mouth.

"Hurry up and find a bunker to hide, be careful of the soul-eating beast's spiritual interference!"

Chen Su grabbed the two stupid junior brothers beside him and ran away. It was best not to confront monsters like the Soul-Eating Monster.

He can still have some ability to fight back, but if he wants to protect Zhao Mingming and Song Ning, he can only avoid them first.

The remote transmission transfer point in Zhongzhou is quite large, and there must be high-level powerful people with at least Nascent Soul Realm cultivation standing there. As long as it can be delayed for a while, and the powerful people sitting there take action, the danger can be averted.

But it backfired, maybe because the flesh and blood of the Wangxian Sect members were particularly sweet. Before they could even take two steps, Chen Su and the others were surrounded by four soul-eating monsters, cutting off their escape route.

Before they could even curse, the largest of them, the soul-eating monster, had already swooped towards them with its mouth wide open, moving at an indescribable speed.

The terrifying force of devouring directly overturned Zhao Mingming and Song Ning, who were the worst in cultivation. In the blink of an eye, their bodies flew uncontrollably towards the bloody mouth like arrows.

Chen Su only had time to grab the nearest Zhao Mingming, and his heart suddenly went cold.

Zhao Mingming was even more confused. He heard "Fourth Junior Brother" stuck in his throat. The next moment, he saw that the Fourth Junior Brother who was about to be swallowed into the mouth of the monster was caught by a dragon that suddenly appeared and was taken away from the mouth of the monster. .

When he looked again, he saw that it was not a dragon. It was clearly Senior Sister Tang from Dongtian Peak who whipped out a long whip like a dragon in time and snatched the Fourth Junior Brother away from the mouth of the monster.

"Why are you so dazed? You two take care of yourselves in the middle, while everyone else is occupying one side of the battle formation!"

Gu Shouye is extremely fast and directly issues instructions to all his fellow disciples.

The four-way battle formation is the most commonly used small offensive and defensive formation among Wangxian Sect members. Even fellow sects who have never cooperated before can quickly form an offensive and defensive formation for each other when encountering danger.

The four people with the highest cultivation level in the team each defend one side, using offense as defense, and protect the other weaker companions in the middle, trying to buy precious survival time for everyone.

So in just one breath, the four-sided battle formation took shape.

The three members of the Wangxian Sect, who were riding on the Golden Pill, plus the Jiangtang Foundation-Building Perfection, each guarded one side. Each person carried a soul-eating monster to prevent the monster from breaking through the defense line. They tried to delay as much time as possible, waiting for the high-level great master who was stationed at the Zhongzhou Teleportation Transfer Station. Can come to the rescue.

Song Ning, who had just been rescued, saw in the blink of an eye that Senior Sister Tang, who had rescued him, was standing in front of them to defend one side, manipulating the dragon-like long whip magic weapon to repel the monsters that were trying to devour their prey time and time again. She seemed to be extremely skillful. He is not inferior at all to his senior brother and the other two fellow Jindan masters.

So, can the gap between foundation building and foundation building be so big?

Zhao Mingming and his junior brother Song Ning had the same thoughts at this moment. When did Dongtian Peak produce such a capable foundation-building senior sister?

Such a powerful combat power has already exceeded the level of foundation building and is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Golden Core. Why haven't they heard of Tang Xiaowu's name before?

Logically speaking, senior sister Tang should not be so unknown with her level of strength.

and many more!

Tang Xiaowu? Maybe it could be Tang Xiaowu?

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