It's a naked provocation.

Bai You didn't take it seriously.

Run as fast as you feel.

The person suddenly accelerated again, and was bound to throw away the person behind her. This time, the distance between her and the person behind reached ten meters.

The cheers were even louder.

At this time, Lu Chenze crossed his arms and smiled helplessly: "What kind of physical strength is this?"

It is estimated that he is not even half of his previous physical fitness.

Tang Ling looked at him, "Lu Shen, what did you say?"

Lu Chenze said: "No."

Then he took out his mobile phone and patted Bai You.

The people on the high platform were talking passionately, repeating themselves impatiently over and over again, but suddenly their voices stopped abruptly, and someone grabbed them by the collar and pulled them off the high platform.

He was also a boy, but that man's physical strength was much better than his. He had no power to fight back. His face was red and bloodshot because he was being strangled by his collar, but his hands were still struggling like an octopus.

Want to shout for help.

But because of the incident on the field, not many people looked this way, so no one rescued him. He was dragged directly into the dark and beaten. When he came out, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Here, Bai You slowly accelerated and gradually caught up with the person in front.

More than half of the trip has passed, with only the last lap left.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and sped up. The person in front of her panicked because of her acceleration and also accelerated. However, before she could run a few steps, her breathing became heavier, and it was obvious that she could no longer keep up with her physical strength.

The sound of cheering on the side of the track is louder than the sound of cheering.

Bai You steadied his breathing and accelerated again in the last half of the lap. At this time, the people behind him desperately chased after him, trailing half a step to the finish line.

"Whoa whoa-"


People in class one jumped up with excitement.

Wang Xiao covered his little heart and his eyes widened. What the hell? He was a sports idiot as promised, but he still ranks first in running.

However, at this time, the judges on the side raised the small flag in their hands and loudly announced the results.

"First place is Chen Yan."

"Second place Bai You."

After reporting, he glanced at Meng Zirao and looked back calmly.

Slowly write down the time in a notebook.

Jiang Yi supported Bai You at the finish line and frowned slightly when he heard the ranking.

She clearly saw that Youyou was number one.

What's going on? Did she see it wrong?

Tang Ling and Qian Haoming were also surprised. Isn't Sister You first?

"What do you think? Bai You is clearly number one!"

"Yes, Chen Yan is still one step behind Bai You."

However, the judges just said: "Based on the record I have here. What I record here is the time from the starting point to the end. Bai You is not as fast as Chen Yan."

That's what he said, but he didn't have much confidence and was a little cautious.

Bai You sat directly on the grass, panting and resting. Listening to their argument, his eyes glanced elsewhere and caught Meng Zirao's figure.

She crossed her arms and put on makeup today. Her bright lips were particularly high-profile in the gray and cold weather.

Bai You suddenly stood up and walked towards her. Meng Zirao's heart jumped inexplicably, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he calmed down again, as if the matter was none of his business.

Bai You smiled, grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the judges. This move shocked everyone.

The crowd made a way out of the way and gaped at her.

Meng Zirao struggled, "Bai You, why are you so crazy? Let me go!"

Bai You ignored her and dragged her to the judges, smiling at the judges with a chill on his lips, "What benefits did Meng Zirao give you? Is a crappy sports event worth your cheating?"

The judges were startled. They never expected that Bai You would guess this matter, so they could only bite the bullet and said: "What are you talking nonsense about? This is a serious competition. This is the time I recorded. You are the one who is slow, why are you still there?" What about wrongfully accusing people?”

Bai You: "Unjustly accused?"

He turned to look at Meng Zirao, who was arranging his clothes, "You can't do anything except these little tricks."

Meng Zirao said: "What does it matter to me if you run slowly? If you have the ability, then you can pay for the first place. It's the same as the mid-term exam."

There was an uproar all around.


"Bai You's midterm exam results were cheated?"

However, these words were turned back by cold looks from those around him before he could even say a few words. It was better to do less than to say more, and he did not dare to say any more.

At this time, the person a few meters away frowned.

Jian Zhi said: "Meng Ziluo is treating everyone as fools. No matter how you look at it, this is Bai Youkuai."

Jiang Feng adjusted the volunteer badge on his sleeve and walked over.

Someone with sharp eyes saw him at a glance, and immediately made way for him, saying, "Master Jiang, come and see, there's a quarrel."

There was no emotion on Jiang Feng's face. Although he didn't want to get involved in Bai You's affairs, this behavior of treating everyone as fools still offended him.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Bai You had reached the finish line early, but the judge wanted to do the opposite and make it clear that he had accepted a bribe.

Bribery in school, that's not okay.

He walked up to the judges in a few steps and said, "You are wrong."

Jiang Feng has a great reputation in the school. Everyone knows that he is the young master of the Jiang family. He is the only junior member of the Jiang family, but he is very valuable. Furthermore, no one in the Jiang family can match the position and power of the Jiang family in Beicheng. However, when the judges saw him, their eyes immediately became panicked and they began to dodge, not wanting to offend him.


He looked at Bai You and then at Meng Zirao, hesitant and unable to figure out what this young master Jiang meant.

So I waited for his next words.

When Meng Zirao saw that Jiang Feng was not calm, he slowly tightened his cuffs with his fingers, looked at Jiang Feng in disbelief, and said, "Young Master Jiang, do you want to take care of this matter too?"

Jiang Feng glanced at her and asked, "Did you do it?"

Speak your mind and hold nothing back.

Meng Zirao did not expect that he would ask this in front of so many people, and immediately retorted: "No!"

Whether it was true or not was not that important. Jiang Feng knew that the two of them had always been at odds and had no interest in caring about this. He just turned his eyes to the judges and said lightly, "Bai You crossed the line first."

One sentence settled the matter.

He said that Bai You crossed the line first, and that was Bai You. The judges immediately said yes and re-announced the result.

Jiang Feng strode away, but the judges wiped their sweat.

Why was he so unlucky? He originally agreed to this matter because he thought it would be easy to handle. He never expected that people from the Jiang family would also get involved, so how could he dare?

When he met Meng Zirao's murderous eyes, he could only say timidly, "That is the young master of the Jiang family. I can't help it."

Meng Zirao glared at him fiercely and dug his fingertips into his palm.

Didn't she know it was the young master of the Jiang family? It was precisely because she knew that she was so angry.

If this kind of thing happened in the past, Jiang Feng wouldn't even take a look at it, let alone take care of it. Now he actually personally upholds justice for Bai You. It can only be said that Bai You's methods are superb and her whitewash plan this semester has worked.

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