After finishing the conversation, Jiang Mi felt a little uninterested.

The area of ​​this layer was very large, but she estimated that the actual converted clean soil was not even ten kilograms. This was obtained by the entire base's continuous purification day and night. That little bit of pure soil was carefully placed in a separate laboratory. Inside, it is easy to install with transparent glass for easy observation at any time.

There are only three and a half glass boxes with arms and palms high. The soil is soft and you can see a little green on the surface of the soil. It is said that they are growing vegetables. Jiang Mi didn't ask much about it. After just a few glances, he felt a little confused. Left disappointed.

Didn't even think to look closer.

But in general, Jin Lei is on the right track. He is not just a plunderer, he knows how to develop sustainable development, he has plans, means and abilities, and he is a relatively qualified manager.

Wenyu would introduce each floor to her, almost in detail. Until the third floor, Wenyu paused a little.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Mi noticed it and turned his head to look at her. The elevator door happened to open, revealing a somewhat dim environment behind it. A strange smell instantly filled the elevator, and Jiang Mi frowned.

Wenyu pursed her lips and whispered for a long time: "This is where the women of the base live."

Women on a floor by themselves?
Jiang Mi raised her eyebrows. The special smell she just smelled, coupled with Wen Yu's words and behavior at the moment, made her vaguely guess.

"There are very few women in the base, even fewer awakened people, and their bodies are weak, so..." Wen Yu seemed to be talking, "In order to survive and have a stable environment, they all voluntarily used this method. In exchange for supplies.”

Jiang Mi nodded, his expression indifferent.

It is difficult for women to survive in the apocalypse. If they had the ability, few women would choose to sell their bodies to survive.

She would not look down upon it. Jin Lei's willingness to open a special floor for these women was actually very humane. At least he did not force these women to do this.

Wen Yu seemed to be afraid that she would misunderstand, and then explained: "These women can make their own choices, and the boss also stipulated not to go too far, and this method is the best protection for these women, otherwise the base will not be able to carry too many useless people. people."

"I know, no need to explain." Jiang Mi felt a little depressed and didn't want to hear anymore.

Wenyu noticed that she was in a bad mood and stopped talking, pressing the button of the elevator to continue going down.

The first and second floors are where ordinary base personnel enter and exit, but this building is Area A, so those who can work here are core base personnel. Ordinary base members can enter and exit, but are not allowed to go to the second floor and above.

"The building on the left is Area B, and the building on the right is Area C. It is where other ordinary members of the base work and stay." Wenyu walked beside her, and the two of them stood outside the building in Area A. People who came and went would shout when they saw her. When I heard about Sister Wen, I didn't see anything intriguing.

Jiang Mi asked casually: "Where is Area D?"

Wenyu pointed to the back of the building, where the inpatient department originally belonged.

"There." Wenyu looked at her, "Want to go over and have a look?"

I didn't take her there directly, but asked first. It seemed that District D was different from the previous three buildings.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Mi asked as he walked towards it.

The area of ​​the inpatient department seems to be larger than that of the main building, but the floors are not that high, only the sixth floor. There is a large balcony on the top. When you look up, you can see several solar panels. "Area D is mainly for research." Wenyu pushed open the heavy glass door and let her go in.

"Some of the mutants we captured are imprisoned here for research." Wenyu explained, leading her to the second floor.

"The underground floor is full of aberrations. If the environment is not good, I won't take you to see them. Go upstairs."

The upstairs was very clean, and even the smell of disinfectant made Jiang Mi feel like he was back in the hospital before the apocalypse.

But then an inhuman roar interrupted her thoughts.

Wen Yu led the way. The lights in the corridor on the second floor were not on, and only the green indicator lights on both sides of the wall were working. It made the entire corridor eerie, and with the roars that sounded from time to time, it looked like the scene of a horror movie.

"Miss Jiang shouldn't be afraid, right?" Wen Yu suddenly said with a bit of a smile.

Before Jiang Mi could answer, she continued: "When this place was built, it wasn't so scary when I was there. The lights were basically on. There were a lot of things being held here at the back, and the power consumption increased. Solar power alone was no longer enough." To meet demand, in order to save electricity we can only shut down most unnecessary power systems."

"Then it became like this. It's actually fine during the day. Although the corridor is still very dark, it's the scariest at night. I usually don't want to come here. The mutants I catch when I go out are all transported by people. come over."

Jiang Mi smiled, "Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm really afraid. Even though I've never seen a ghost before and never hurt me, I still get butterflies in my heart when I think about it." Wenyu said with a smile: "Maybe people are like this. I never thought that one day I am an ordinary office worker, but I can kill people without blinking an eye. The thing I fear most in the apocalypse is being harassed by my boss, and the thing I fear most now is chronic death."

"Seeing myself turning into a monster day by day, and then counting down my life, is so tortured, sometimes I even want to just die."

Her tone was light, but she was deeply analyzing herself.

There was no hysteria seen before, it was so calm that it was heart-wrenching.

Jiang Mi listened silently, and then replied after a long time: "When people are alive, there is still hope. After death, there is nothing. Times are developing, and it will suddenly be fine one day."

Wen Yu hummed softly and said with emotion: "Yes, I thought so too, and I lived day after day with this idea in fear."

The topic got a little deep, and Jiang Mi felt heavy, even heavier than when he saw the third floor of Area A.

Wenyu didn't continue the topic, perhaps because she felt more comfortable saying it. Then her tone was much more relaxed, not pretending to be relaxed, but really letting go of her worries for the time being, and her words and deeds became much more casual.

Until the two of them walked into a laboratory, a huge iron cage contained a deformed mutant. It could still be vaguely humanoid, but it was on all fours, its skull became like a rugby ball, and its eyes were squeezed out of place. The ribs were protruding and staggered, making his torso look very thin. His whole body was covered with mucus, and his black and green tongue hung out of his mouth and dragged on the ground.

It's hard to imagine that this is a living person.

"This is one of our former companions." Wen Yu crossed her arms and looked at the aberrant creature with a calm expression.

"He was contaminated and became like this after his awakening failed."

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