Although she is not the powerful one, it is really cool to pretend to be so powerful with my brother behind me.

While Yuan Fuxiang was still shocked, Jiang Mi secretly glanced at her brother and saw Jiang Xun looking at her with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

"I don't know when I will be as powerful as Mr. Jiang!" Yuan Fuxiang's eyes flashed with longing. Jiang Mi coughed and patted his shoulder, "As long as you practice more, sooner or later there will be such a day, and now you have become a superpower Or, you don’t have to worry about radiation contamination, which is also a good thing.”

Yuan Fuxiang nodded and was about to say something else when he caught sight of Mr. Zhang lying on the other bed from the corner of his eye. He hurriedly walked over to take a look, then turned to Jiang Mi and asked worriedly, "Why haven't you woke up yet, teacher?"

"The awakening time is related to one's physical fitness. It took you a little more than two days. Mr. Zhang is older, so it should take a little longer." Jiang Mi explained.

Yuan Fuxiang carefully checked Mr. Zhang's physical condition and found that the heartbeat, pulse, body temperature, etc. were all very normal. He seemed to be asleep and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "That's OK. I remember that Miss Jiang seemed to be sleeping when she woke up." Did it take a day?”

"I exercise regularly, and I always eat three balanced meals a day, so I will naturally be better than you." Jiang Mi chuckled.

"They are building an incubation room downstairs. Come down with me. You can just get familiar with Mr. Deng's place."

Yuan Fuxiang nodded, and then thanked the two of them: "Thank you for helping me take care of the teacher. Thank you very much."

Jiang Mi waved his hand and walked towards the door, "Since you have all joined Shuguang Base, we are all a family now. It is too foreign to say this. Mr. Zhang is not only your teacher, but also ours." Mr. Zhang is the backbone of the base and the future development of the base is indispensable. It is necessary to take care of Mr. Zhang emotionally and rationally."

Yuan Fuxiang scratched his head in embarrassment and hurriedly followed Jiang Mi, apologizing again and again: "Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing..."

The two of them were talking as they went downstairs. Jiang Xun retracted his gaze and glanced at Zhang Laozhong, who was still asleep and motionless on the bed, and then looked down at the book in his hand.

On the fourth floor, all the shelves in the rooms have been placed. Yuan Fuxiang appeared in front of everyone after two days and attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, Jiang Mi didn't tell anyone else about his awakening. He only called Zhang Laosi. For people, after saying that, they pulled people upstairs and started to awaken.

In the past two days, no one asked Yuan Fuxiang and Mr. Zhang what they were doing. Jiang Mi just vaguely said that they were going to do something important.

Seeing Yuan Fuxiang's energetic appearance, many people became curious.

Someone came over and asked in a low voice. Yuan Fuxiang showed a mysterious smile, waved his hands very pretentiously, and said in a pretentious tone: "You will know in a minute."

By this time, Jiang Mi had found Mr. Deng and explained Yuan Fuxiang's situation to him. Mr. Deng was very happy. They had just installed the anti-radiation meter that Jiang Mi had taken out in every room and were about to start planting seeds. I didn’t expect Jiang Mi to bring such a big treasure!

"Little Yuan! Come quickly!" Deng Lao waved to the surrounded Yuan Fuxiang through the crowd.

"Hey! Here we come!" When Yuan Fuxiang heard Mr. Deng calling him, he immediately straightened his back and majestically pushed through the crowd and walked quickly to Mr. Deng. Jiang Mi and Mr. Deng were both standing in front of a shelf by the window. In front of them was a neatly arranged incubator. Mr. Deng was holding a bag of Shanghai Qing seeds in his hand and spreading them into the incubator. "This kind of green vegetable is now Just sow it casually first and wait until finger-sized seedlings grow, then divide the seedlings and cultivate them.”

Mr. Deng was talking in an old and gentle voice while he was moving. Jiang Mi knew that he was teaching her, so he listened carefully. When Yuan Fuxiang came over, Mr. Deng had just finished scattering the bag and covered it with another layer. Only then did Bo Tuhou look at Yuan Fuxiang, lowered his head slightly, looked at him from behind the lenses, and said with a smile, "Not bad, I feel a lot more energetic."

Yuan Fuxiang was a little embarrassed to be praised by Mr. Deng, "Thanks to the potion given by Miss Jiang, otherwise I might not be able to become a superpower in this life."

Mr. Deng smiled and pointed to the incubator where the seeds had just been planted. "I heard from Miss Jiang that your power is to control water. Come on, water it in here."

Yuan Fuxiang hurriedly started to control it with his mind. In a few breaths, the water polo was already as big as a grapefruit. Seeing that he seemed to be putting it directly into the box, Mr. Deng quickly stopped him, "You can't pour it directly like this. If you pour it like this, the impact will be strong." If it’s too big, all the seeds will be flushed out. It’s best to use a gentle shower, like a shower, can you do that?”

After listening to Mr. Deng's words, Yuan Fuxiang took a deep breath and said, "I'll give it a try!"

At this moment, other bystanders had already exclaimed in low voices when he condensed the water polo. They looked at Yuan Fuxiang who was controlling the water polo with all his strength in shock and surprise, and began to discuss among themselves in whispers.

Yuan Fuxiang concentrated on breaking up the grapefruit-sized water polo.

It is easy to condense the water balls into bigger and bigger ones, but it is very difficult to disperse them. It only took him less than five seconds to condense them, but it took nearly five minutes to disperse them, but they only dispersed into soybeans. It's as big as a drop of water, but if you want to make it smaller, it won't work.

Yuan Fuxiang's face was now a little pale, and the sweat on his forehead slid down his cheeks, even flowing into his eyes. He did not dare to move.

After a long time, Yuan Fuxiang licked his dry lips and said with a trembling voice: "I...I can"

He didn't dare to let go of his concentration.

Mr. Deng nodded, "That's okay. Now you can pour water into the box. Be careful to keep it low. The soil layer is very thin. Don't turn the seeds out."

After Mr. Zhang finished speaking, Yuan Fuxiang nodded carefully, and then controlled a drop of water in front of him to move above the box. It took him two minutes to finally move it, and then carefully lowered the height, but he found that there was no way to pour it.

Because the water droplets were not evenly distributed and the whole shape was spherical, after moving it to the incubator, the water droplets at the bottom had penetrated into the soil, but the top water droplets were still very high. He had no choice but to keep controlling it. The water droplets slowly pressed down, allowing the water droplets to slowly merge with the soil. It was not until the last drop of water droplets penetrated into the soil that he took back his hand as if he had lost all strength. He staggered twice and almost fell to the ground, but someone behind him had quick eyes and quick hands to help him. Give him a hand.

Mr. Deng asked with concern: "How is it? Is your body unable to bear it?"

Yuan Fuxiang felt a slight sting in his mind, and after the dizziness in front of his eyes subsided, he smiled bitterly: "The main reason is that the control time is too long. Give me more time to practice, and I won't be able to do it anymore in the future."

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