under hot lips

Chapter 235 The inspection report is fake

Old housekeeper: "Ye Jin is already an adult, so it's not easy to handle, but the child is still very young, so it's easy to handle."

Mr. Xu had a faint smile on his lips: "That child, is there anyone around to protect him?"

The old housekeeper nodded heavily: "Since the last time I was kidnapped by Ye Niao, sir, I have taken this matter very seriously and often sent people to watch it secretly."

There are a lot of bodyguards around the child's school, and people will come to see him at different times. If they want to take the person out under the nose of the teacher. Not an easy task.

The old housekeeper began to analyze the pros and cons.

Mr. Xu nodded, "In that case, take your time. You won't become fat after one bite."

Early the next morning.

Xu Youqian got up refreshed.

Ye Jian also got up and started to wash up.

Xu Youqian looked at her getting up without saying hello to him, and felt a little depressed in his heart, "We are now married, and we are really together now. We have a marriage certificate. After the wedding, don't treat me anymore." Can you just keep a straight face?"

He took Ye Fan's hand, hugged her into his arms, and said cautiously.

He didn't even dare to raise his head or look into her eyes.

He buried his head in Ye Jin's neck and said in a low voice.

In his eyes, there was more of a prayer.

Ye Fan said softly: "Don't come near me, I'm going to wash up first."

She pushed Xu Youqian away and turned to go to the bathroom.

The shower was turned on, and there was only a splashing sound coming from inside.

Xu Youqian froze on the spot.


Xu Youqian did not imprison Ye Ku in the villa, but let her go to work with confidence.

The person is already his own, so of course he doesn't have to worry about the relationship between Ye Fan and Qin Lang.

It's not a big deal for two people to work together. Although Qin Lang has some dirty thoughts, Ye Fan will not do anything to feel sorry for him.

At this point, he was quite relieved.


Xu Youqian received a call.

It's from the kindergarten.

It wasn't the bodyguard who called, it was the teacher.

Xu Youqian had countless doubts in his heart, but he did not dare to delay and answered them quickly.

The teacher's anxious voice penetrated from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Xu, it's not good. Something happened to kid Ye Mengqi."

Xu Youqian was stunned: "What happened?"

Teacher: "Fainted."

Xu Youqian's face immediately turned cold, "Okay, I understand. I will arrange for my bodyguard to bring him back, and you will let him go later."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and immediately arranged for a car to take him to the hospital near the kindergarten.

The bodyguard protecting Ye Mengqi was also notified and sent him to the hospital.

This tense scene was also discovered by another group of tracking personnel, who immediately reported it to the old man.

Mr. Xu got this video and looked at the old housekeeper: "What is this situation?"

The old housekeeper smiled and said: "It seems that this young lady is not in good health and has some problems. Then your opportunity will come."

Mr. Xu frowned: "What chance?"

Xu Youqian treats people like treasures. After staring all morning, I couldn't see anything.

If you get even a little closer, you will be noticed, and those who stare can only pretend to be nonchalant and walk away.

He also knew what kind of skills the people under his command had, and he didn't expect that the people sent by Xu Youqian were even better. He even suspected that Xu Youqian was someone invited from the mercenary group.

He worked very hard for this mother and daughter.

This child, he had secretly investigated early on, and he was not Xu Youqian's child at all.

Thinking of this, the old man smiled proudly: "Go and send the appraisal report to Xu Youqian's mailbox. I don't believe it. Can he still accept it calmly after seeing the appraisal report?"

No one could accept this, including Xu Youqian. If he knew that this child was Ye Fan's and had no blood relationship with him, he didn't believe that Xu Youqian could still want this woman.

To put it bluntly, Xu Youqian still firmly believed that Ye Ku had never betrayed him, but in the five years since they disappeared, he had never conducted a serious investigation.

I always thought that Ye Jin was really dead, instead of living well.

Therefore, it is unknown whether Ye Jin had any other men during this period.

Over there at the hospital.

Xu Youqian walked anxiously around the door of the ward.

The lights in the operating room were still on.

He was holding the phone, wondering whether he should notify Ye Ku or not.

He understood that Ye Ku was Ye Mengqi's mother, so how could she do it without notifying her, but if something really went wrong with the child, even calling her would only make one more person worried.

Xu Youqian sat on the chair.

next second.

The operating room door is opened.

He jumped up quickly: "Doctor, what's the result now?"

The doctor took off his mask: "The result is not very good. There is something wrong with this child."

Xu Youqian looked shocked: "Impossible, she is in good health."

When I transferred to this school, I also had a physical examination, and all examinations showed normal.

He didn't believe there was anything wrong.

At first glance, it seems that the doctor is being alarmist.

The doctor looked at Xu Youqian and said seriously: "Mr. Xu, this is true. Look at this blood report."

When they were in the operating room, they had already discovered something was wrong, and immediately arranged for personnel to draw blood and send it for examination. They had already done urgent processing, and the report came out early.

Xu Youqian looked at the report and his hands couldn't help but tremble.

"No, it's impossible."

"It's not true, it's fake."

The doctor did not expect the patient's family to react so violently: "This report is true. If you don't believe it, Mr. Xu, you can go to another hospital for examination, but I assure you, there is absolutely no deviation in this examination, and the results will be the same."

After hearing this, Xu Youqian couldn't sit still.

The old man has this disease, and so does he.

The assistant stood behind Xu Youqian, "President, Madam always said that this child is not yours. Doesn't this result just explain everything?"

Xu Youqian nodded in astonishment.

Yes, Ye Jin always said that this child had nothing to do with him, but this report came out and Ye Mengqi was his child.

Otherwise, how could there be such a blood disease?

They are all hereditary.

Xu Youqian became polite to the doctor: "Arrange the surgery as soon as possible."

The doctor hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Xu, this matter is not easy to arrange."

Xu Youqian frowned: "The operation must be performed as soon as possible. My patience is limited. Please arrange personnel."

The doctor said seriously: "We will contact other hospitals as soon as possible to see if there are suitable bone marrow for transplantation."


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