under hot lips

Chapter 170 Don’t even care about your life

Xu Youqian walked out and looked back at Ye Ku, "Aren't you going out?"

Ye Fan glanced outside the window: "Get out? Are you kidding me? Do I have personal freedom?"

Some people have been sent to surround the place. She still wants to say something.

The scope of your activities is the villa? The kind that can't even get close to the villa gate?

Xu Youqian was speechless, opened the door and left. When closing the door, he added: "I will come back very late at night, please remember to go downstairs to eat."

After that, he closed the door.

Ye Fan didn't say anything and picked up the phone.

There are many missed calls on the phone, the most numerous ones being from Qin Lang. He has also sent himself a lot of messages, but they have been unable to be read back.

My phone has always been with Xu Youqian. Who opened it and looked at it didn't need to be explained.

Ye Jin first replied to all the messages, and then reported that Qin Lang was safe.

After Qin Lang received the news, he was stunned.

No, can you really send yourself a message?

[Xu Youqian, you are so shameless. Now you are imitating Ye Jin’s tone and sending messages to everyone. You really treat everyone as a fool, don’t you? 】

[Let me tell you Xu Youqian, how can your shoes not get wet when you often walk by the river? You'd better be careful. 】

[You are kidnapping. You have been pretending to be dead for so many days, and suddenly you are pretending to be Ye Fan to send a message. Do you have another conspiracy? 】

There was a crackle on the other side, and Ye Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

She was shocked at the time she was working at this moment. She didn't expect Qin Lang to type so fast. He kept talking for a while.

Ye Fan was afraid that the other party's output was still too fast, so he quickly replied.

[Qin Lang, it’s really me. He gave me his phone. 】

Qin Lang: "..."

Qin Lang: [Really? 】

Ye Fan: [Of course, but I want to talk about the previous things with my collaborators now, so I won’t talk to you now. 】

In the past few days since she disappeared, others have been unable to contact her. Of course, she has to give a good explanation.

As for the truth, it cannot be spoken at all.

Ye Ku was sitting by the window replying to other people's messages. When he saw Xu Youqian getting into the car and leaving, he looked away.


Xu Youqian hasn't come back yet, and Ye Ku has been awake for the third day.

With his stomach growling with hunger, Ye Ku put on his pajamas and went downstairs.

Downstairs, it was extremely dark.

Ye Ku walked down the stairs slowly.

Suddenly, the lights came on.

The living room suddenly became bright. There was a candlelight dinner on the dining table. Two bottles of red wine were placed on it, and roses were placed in the center of the table.

Leaning against the wall was the servant, with a smile on his face and even more excitement.

Others picked up their cell phones and started making calls.

"Sir, yes, madam is downstairs."

Ye Jian's movements were stiff.

Well, they still know how to do this now.

Ye Jin closed his eyes and went directly into the kitchen. Not finding what he wanted, he immediately went upstairs again.

The servant was shocked when he saw this scene: "Madam, you can't go upstairs. You have to stay in the living room. You can't go upstairs."

"Oops, we're upstairs again, what are we going to do?"

What else can I do?

Of course it's salad!

Ye Jin just looked back at them, didn't say much, and continued walking upstairs. As soon as she came up, the servant sighed again, "Oh, why don't you turn off the light?"

"What's the matter? You've already informed your husband. He must be on his way back now. Could it be that one of you told him not to come?"

A group of people look at each other.

Of course they didn't dare to say it.

They thought just now that the lady would be very happy when they saw this scene. They were all very happy, thinking that they were finally liberated today and no longer had to endure such difficult days.

But I didn't expect it.

Madam really doesn't care about their lives at all, what should they do?

A group of people shook their heads helplessly.

"Just keep the lights on. When Mr. comes down later, he will scold us, and we can continue to watch."

A group of people had no choice but to do this.

Turn off the lights. After a while, the gentleman will understand everything without even turning them on when he sees them from outside.

Think about it, you're going to get scolded anyway, so it's better to be more magnanimous.

A group of people returned to the kitchen and found a small stool to sit on.

One by one, they were discussing what to do if they were scolded later.

Ye Ji walked downstairs again. Her movements were very gentle, but there were still some noises at the stairs, but the people in the kitchen were talking, and they were all complaining.

Naturally, no movement was noticed at the stairs.

Ye Jin poured all the red wine on the roses, and without hesitation she lit the roses with the lighter in her hand.

At this moment, the flames burned directly.

The people in the monitoring room were negligent and did not notice Ye Ku's actions. By the time they found out, the table had been completely burned.

There was a tablecloth on the table, which also burned. The table was originally made of wood, but it didn't burn for a while.

The people in the kitchen noticed the smell of smoke outside, and everyone looked at it in horror. When they saw the situation outside, everyone was so surprised that they couldn't sit still.

"It's on fire, it's on fire."

"Hurry up and put out the fire. Whoever knows a fire extinguisher should go and put out the fire."

The fire had spread and the roses all over the table were burning.

The flames shot up, illuminating Ye Ku's face even more terrifyingly. No one had ever thought that such a cold beauty would do such a crazy thing.

It's okay not to eat, but now he's threatening his own life.

Everyone can't care so much anymore. If the madam has any problems, what will happen to them...

None of them dared to think about it and hurriedly ran out. When they got close to the table, they felt very hot. Seeing that Ye Ku was still a few steps away from the table, the servant didn't care about anything else and forcefully dragged Xu Youqian to him. main entrance.

"Don't you want your life? Even if you don't want your life, you still have to think about us. You always do this."

With the CEO, they don't care about anything.

"We treat you to dinner for your health, but if you don't appreciate it, don't hurt us."

"That is, if you want to die, don't get involved with us. We just want a stable job. You will live or die here."

No one cared about Xu Youqian’s identity.

At this moment, he started to complain softly.

They could tell that Ye Fan was a soft person. Even if they stood next to her and scolded her, she would not say anything to her husband.

That's why they dare to curse with confidence.

But they were afraid that the husband would come to trouble them again later, so they could only pray that the lady would not say anything.

That's all, no matter what they say, there's nothing they can do.

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