The smile on Zhou Nan's face has not stopped since he received Shen Qingjia. This is the heartiest smile he has ever had in his life.

Whenever someone comes to congratulate him, he will reward him generously.

The wedding room is full of joy, and the guests are arriving and it is very lively.

The wedding procession with gongs and drums stopped, Zhou Nan raised his flower arrow and quickly shot Jiaozi, and couldn't wait to lead Shen Qingjia to Luojiao.

"Slow down." He raised his hand to protect her, very carefully.

Shen Qingjia was led by him to the lobby to get married.

She had a hijab covering her head, which made it difficult to walk, so Zhou Nan kept holding her hand, which was very reassuring. .

Her hand was small and soft. Zhou Nan held it, feeling happy in her heart.

When they came to the auditorium, under the loud voice of the official, they bowed first to heaven and earth and second to high hall. After the husband and wife bowed to each other, they finally became husband and wife.

"The ceremony is completed and sent to the bridal chamber——"

Zhou Nan held Shen Qingjia's hand and couldn't wait to enter the bridal chamber to take a look at his beautiful bride. Some guests wanted to make trouble with the bride, but he coaxed them away.

Everyone said that he was impatient, but without causing any trouble, they all dispersed and went to eat.

Zhou Nan took her to their wedding room. The place was newly decorated and prosperous. The quilt was full of fruits, which meant that when the melons were ripe, they would be born early.

Zhou Nan's heart was full of kindness. After helping Shen Qingjia sit down, he couldn't wait to lift her hijab.

Today, she is very beautiful, like the most delicate flower under the bright spring sun, slowly blooming, making people look at it, and they can't help but move their hearts.

Zhou Nan looked at her with burning eyes, reluctant to look away.

Cheng Wenwen felt his intense gaze and teased him with a smile: "Idiot!"

"With you in front of me, how can I not stay still?" Zhou Nan held her hand and sat with her, very excited.

Just when he was about to get close to her, there were guests outside urging him. Zhou Nan was a little annoyed, so he hurriedly kissed her forehead and said gently: "Wait for me to come back soon!"

He walked very quickly and went out in a hurry.

Shen Qingjia laughed at him.

He did come back very quickly, with a bit of drunkenness on his body. He smiled when he saw him, took his hand and said: "Qingjia, I finally married you. I feel like I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. "

"seems like it."

Seeing how drunk Shen Qingjia was, she was going to pour him a glass of wine, but she was pulled and entangled by him.

He held Shen Qingjia with his warm breath, breathed into her ear and said, "Don't go, Qingjia, I miss you so much!"

Two hot souls, hot bodies, instinctive desires are no longer suppressed, the clothes are retreating, the wedding candles are dripping little by little, swaying in the wind, the dim light hits the wall, filling the room with affection.

"Qingjia, I have missed you for a long time..."

Zhou Nan bit her earlobe, making no secret of her desire.

Shen Qingjia, on the other hand, was already a little tired and wanted to sleep, but this guy was full of energy and didn't feel tired at all, again and again.

Shen Qingjia saw that what he said was so pitiful, so she just followed him.


In the early morning of the next day, Shen Qingjia was woken up by Zhou Nan's kiss. He held her waist and kissed her on the face.

Shen Qingjia felt a little wet and pushed him: "Okay, let's sleep for a while."

When Zhou Nan heard her gasping, his eyes dimmed and he said hoarsely: "Go to sleep!"

But even though he said that, his movements didn't stop at all, which made Shen Qingjia angrily say: "How can I sleep with you like this?"

Zhou Nan laughed: "But I just want..."

Now that I have eaten meat, it is never enough.

Zhou Nan saw her pouting and frowning, very dissatisfied, so she gave up: "Okay! I'll let you go first!"

Zhou Nan retracted his hand, only held her in his arms, and fell asleep together.

Because Zhou Nan had no elders, Shen Qingjia did not need to go to pay his respects. The two of them slept until midnight and did not get up. Shen Qingjia didn't wake up until she had enough sleep, and beside her, Zhou Nan was already up.

Zhou Nan sat aside and saw her waking up, and said, "Get up and eat something!"

"Oh, bring me some clothes!"

This guy was already fully dressed, but Shen Qingjia was still naked. She pulled the quilt, and her exposed fair skin was full of red marks.

Zhou Nan took the clothes and turned around. When he saw her like this, with loose black hair and a pretty face, she felt very itchy in her heart.

"Give me the clothes quickly!"

Zhou Nan's voice was deep and she said, "Let me put it on for you!"

"No! I'll wear it myself!"

How embarrassing it is to ask him to help with clothes!

Shen Qingjia didn't want to.

But Zhou Nan insisted: "I'll help you!"

He had already started, pulling Shen Qingjia and starting to play with it, putting clothes on her body.

His rough fingers were still touching her, making her tremble uncontrollably, but just when she was about to scold him, he raised his eyes and asked so innocently: "What's wrong? Does it hurt you?"

Shen Qingjia couldn't bear it anymore, so she picked up his face and kissed him.

Zhou Nan succeeded, and couldn't help but turn against the guest and deepen the kiss.

After the two kissed inseparably, Zhou Nan let go of her and said, "Let's eat first!"

Shen Qingjia snorted, feeling that this guy still had some conscience and didn't want to kill himself.

But Zhou Nan thought: Only when she is full can she have the strength to continue.

Zhou Nan quickly dressed Shen Qingjia, then the two of them sat at the table and started eating.

During this period, Caihuan knocked on the door and said, "Miss, uncle, someone sent you a gift, saying it is a wedding gift to congratulate you."

Shen Qingjia asked: "Who sent it?"

"There are three copies! One belongs to the Young Master of the Wei family, and the other two are unsigned, but everyone who came said that they need you to open them yourself."

"Making it so mysterious?"

Shen Qingjia didn't think anything was wrong, but when Zhou Nan heard about the Wei family's young master, his face darkened slightly and he felt very uncomfortable.

They are newlyweds, do they still need gifts from them?

Before Caihuan came in, Zhou Nan quickly walked out, took in the gifts brought by Caihuan one by one, and placed them in front of Shen Qingjia.

He didn't speak, but his expression betrayed his thoughts.

Shen Qingjia asked him funny: "Are you jealous?"

Zhou Nan said: "No!"

Shen Qingjia didn't believe it and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, if you don't like what others give me, I just don't want it! I won't even look at it."

Zhou Nan snorted and said, "Then I'll ask someone to take it to the warehouse to pile it up!"

"Okay, okay, listen to you!"

Zhou Nanzhen took these three gifts and sent them to the warehouse.

Of course, in addition to sending it to the warehouse for stacking, he also opened it and looked at it to see what these people had given away.

The first gift was from Wei Yu. It was just a good jade pendant with the meaning of "Made in Heaven" engraved on it. It was a good gift, but Zhou Nan didn't care. He wouldn't ask Shen Qingjia to wear it.

When I opened the second copy, there were just a few paper cranes and a letter inside.

He couldn't help but pick up the letter and looked at the envelope. It read affectionately on it: Qingjia Kiss.

The name at the signature place - Gu Dingzhi.

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