When Wei Hanzhang changed clothes and came out, Xiao Junzhan was already on his horse waiting for her.

Seeing her getting out of the car, he pointed to a red-brown horse next to him and said with a smile: "The resting place is in front of you tonight. Come up slowly and let's ride over."

Wei Hanzhang stood on the ground and looked up at the tall man on the horse.

Under the setting sun, his handsome facial features were dazzling, and his dark eyes were looking at him intently. His brows were gentle, like clear waves, which always gave Wei Hanzhang the illusion that he could tolerate himself without any bottom line.

The moment this thought appeared, her heart suddenly contracted, like a bell after being hit hard by a heavy object. The aftermath was still lingering, and a feeling she had never experienced before emerged from the bottom of her heart.

Like joy, but also like anger.

...This damn worm made her become so unlike herself!

She blamed all this on the Gu insects, calmed herself down, and got on her horse.

It had been too long since he had ridden a horse, and his mood was very complicated. As soon as Wei Hanzhang got on the horse, he held the reins and without even saying hello, he tightened his legs and galloped forward.

The expressions of the guards who were ordered to accompany him changed. After confessing, they were about to chase after him. Xiao Junzhan gently raised his hand to stop him.

He smiled slightly and ordered: "You can just follow me from a distance, you don't have to follow closely."

As he spoke, he tightened the reins in his hands, and the horse under his crotch suddenly galloped away like a shooting star.

He left the team far behind, leaving a group of ministers and guards looking at each other.

The sun was about to set, and the evening breeze of early autumn was no longer so hot. Wei Hanzhang rode his horse galloping all the way through the clouds and flowing water, feeling very happy, as if he wanted to leave all the worries in his heart behind him along with the scenery along the way.

Until the sound of horse hooves approached from behind, Xiao Junzhan galloped over.

She glanced sideways and said nothing. She just raised her whip and sped up, trying to throw the man off again.

But I heard him say: "If Ranran leaves me again, she will have no choice but to ride with me."

Wei Hanzhang turned back and glared at him angrily.

Xiao Junzhan asked with a smile: "Ran Ran is good at riding. How about I take you to the hunting grounds for hunting after I return to Beijing?"

The royal hunting ground is located on the outskirts of the capital. It occupies a very large area and houses many species of birds and animals. It is said that the scenery is also very good. Even when His Majesty is in charge, even if he is not in good health, he will lead his ministers to hunt every year.

Once the dynasty has been in peace for a long time and the world has surrendered, the high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital no longer have any sense of crisis. They spend their days in the rich and powerful's dens and indulge in sex. The hunting ground is one of the few places besides the military camp that can add vitality.

Secondly, it is also a rare way to maintain the relationship between the monarch and his ministers after leaving the court affairs.

Xiao Junzhan has been in power for seven years. He only visited the summer palace once this year, but he visited the hunting ground several times every year.

Especially in spring and autumn, when the temperature is suitable and political affairs are not busy, he loves to take his ministers and workers on hunting trips.

This year there were floods in several states in the south of the Yangtze River. He went there in person, and the spring hunting in Beijing was put on hold.

Now that summer is over and the temperatures are no longer hot, autumn hunting can indeed be arranged.

Wei Hanzhang grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. She had seen a lot of misty pavilions and spring lakes, but she had not been to the hunting ground yet. After hearing this, she immediately became interested, but since she had planned to avoid this person after returning to Beijing, she was a little hesitant.

Finally, after hesitating for a few breaths, he said: "I'd better not go. My grandma's family has arrived in the capital. When I go back, I want to stay with my grandma and not run around."

Not wanting to be close to him was one of them, but the reasons she gave were true. She did miss her grandmother, and she also missed the carefree and pampered days in Xuzhou.

Less than half a year after returning to the capital, everything has changed. Gu Yunran, a friend who grew up together in the past, married another woman, Cao Xinrou jumped to her death, and her eldest cousin Jiang Zhiqin was abandoned by her husband's family and exiled with her father. She still doesn't know where to return. Is it in Beijing?

Second cousin Jiang Zhixue heard that she was also divorced after returning to Xuzhou. I wonder if the family will regret it after the decree of knighthood comes.

Thinking about it now, her two cousins ​​had bad marriages, and even her cousin, who grew up in the Jiang family, had her engagement annulled.

But they were implicated by their family, and she...

Wei Hanzhang sighed lightly, and only after returning to the capital did he realize how happy he was in Xuzhou.

Only her grandfather and grandmother loved her the most.

The two old people are getting old, and she has made a marriage decision. She will marry into the palace next year at the latest, and the days she spends with them are getting shorter and shorter.

Xiao Junzhan knew that this girl had deeper feelings for the Jiang family than the Wei family, so he was not upset when he heard her rejection. He only said: "Ran Ran, do you want the Jiang family to take root in the capital and continue to pass it on?"

"What do you mean?" Wei Hanzhang thought he was using the Jiang family to seduce him like he did in the beginning, so he frowned and said: "I am very close to the Jiang family, but I will never give up for the benefit of the Jiang family. You use your power for personal gain.”

None of her three uncles can support the wall. They can just be a humble official. If they really become an official with real power, it may not be painful for such a huge dynasty, but the people who rule it will suffer. .

Wei Hanzhang couldn't do such a thing.

She is satisfied if she can protect the Jiang family and prevent it from ending like in the original work.

In Xiao Junzhan's eyes, Wei Hanzhang has always been an arrogant and wanton little girl. She is still a child. She needs to be held in the palm of her hand and pampered, but she always says something that cheers him up.

Just like now, he was slightly startled when he heard it, and then smiled and said: "Ran Ran misunderstood. My favor to the Jiang family is already preferential treatment, and I don't intend to promote any more of your uncles."

The two were walking side by side at the moment, with attendants following them from a distance, and no one else around. His voice was carried by the autumn wind. Wei Hanzhang listened and nodded: "That's good. If you really praise them, I'm afraid they are not worthy of their virtue." If you are in position, you will cause trouble of confiscation of the house again."

Then will she plead for mercy or not?

Xiao Junzhan thought of the files he had read about the three generations of the Jiang family, and he agreed with the little girl's opinion.

He returned to his original position and said: "What I mean is that the Jiang family's title can only be inherited for three generations. Starting from your grandfather and ending with your cousin's generation, Ran Ran thinks which of your cousins ​​can lead the Jiang family?" Establish a portal in the capital and pass it on."

Wei Hanzhang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he couldn't.

She knows her cousin well, and her uncle is her elder. Her grandmother rarely mentions the faults of her elders in front of her. However, her cousins ​​are all of the same generation and they grew up together. She has no idea what their temperament is, whether they are well-educated or not, and what their abilities are. is clear.

She didn't say anything for a long time. Xiao Junzhan smiled slightly and continued: "The Jiang family has no successors and has been away from the capital for many years. It has no foundation. It is because of you that I can return to the capital this time. Ran Ran wants to make the Jiang family fast in the capital." If you have a firm foothold, you have to give them more face."

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