Help!I'm so pregnant that I'm pampered by my nemesis

Chapter 187 has an underground palace

Seeing that Su Ziran was well, Feng Jiu finally felt relieved.

But what is this stupid kid doing? You agreed to be kidnapped, but ended up drinking tea and chatting with the bandit leader on the top of the mountain?

However, Su Ziran's foul mouth was actually more like cursing, and the other party didn't take her seriously at all.

Yangmingshan is a scenic tourist attraction with steep peaks, and the sightseeing plank road has only been developed to the middle part.

The top of the mountain is too dangerous and not open to the public, even though the scenery is beautiful.

At this time, it is the sunset, the sunset is infinitely beautiful, and the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful. Countless tourists are staying to watch the scenery, take photos, and have a good time.

By choosing such a public place, the kidnappers can easily create chaos. Even if the military comes, they will be wary of them and help them escape.

"The place is so big, did the other party tell me the specific location?" The headless searcher was too passive, which made Dongfang Yu feel that something was wrong.

"No, but I know they are at the top of the mountain." Feng Jiu frowned. She only saw Su Ziran and a man in black.

But there can't be just one gangster. How can she find others in a huge sea of ​​people? If you don't find them, you won't be able to see through the traps set by these people.

Who would believe it? This beautiful place is actually full of crises.

"The top of the mountain is a restricted area and there is no way. How did they get up there?" This place was familiar to Song Shuheng.

There is a small temple in the middle of Yangmingshan, which is said to be very spiritual. He used to accompany Mother Song there to pray to God and worship Buddha.

Feng Jiu took a quick look and knew the inside story: "There is a tunnel there, it's secret."

"Isn't there one of the strongholds of that group here?" If so, they would undoubtedly be in trouble. Dongfang Yu pressed the pistol hidden on his body, feeling nervous and excited.

This was a more thrilling feeling than when he went to keep peace.

"There are indeed secret rooms, magnificent ones, like underground palaces." It is really blatant to establish a base in such a tourist attraction.

I'm afraid it's also to absorb people's anger, right? In addition to treasures, there are also strange formations in the underground palace, and the traveler's life seems to be floating there.

Can Feng Jiu know about this? Dongfang Yu pursed his lips and asked uncertainly, "Can you see through it?"

Wherever Feng Jiu looked, he seemed to be able to see through things. Dongfang Yu rubbed his arms uncomfortably. He was not running naked in Feng Jiu's eyes, was he?

Feng Jiu's eyes flashed slightly, how could you talk about this kind of thing casually, in public: "What do you think?"

She just didn't give Dongfang Yu any reassurance and seemed mysterious.

Forget it, everyone needs privacy: "Let's go and destroy their lair. There must be a lot of treasures in there, right?"

Dongfang Yu doesn't have any other hobbies. He just likes to make some small money every day.

Although his savings are extremely generous, didn't Feng Jiu say that if they need a lot of merit, they must do good deeds.

When he had free time, he immediately opened a personal foundation to help those in need.

All of this requires money, so doesn’t it seem that the money earned by being a gangster is very delicious?

"It's a good idea. It should yield big results. Let's go and save people first." Feng Jiu felt that if it were any later, Su Ziran would definitely scold him.

The three of them had a clear goal and headed straight up the stairs to the top of the mountain, but someone soon followed them.

Although the other party pretended to be casual, Feng Jiu still felt it.

"Someone is following us." Dongfang Yu also felt it.

Song Shuheng turned around and saw an elderly couple behind them, looking like they were climbing a mountain to watch the sunrise.

Doesn’t Dongfang Yu suffer from persecution delusion?

"As long as we enter the tunnel, someone will probably stop us. Kill them then!" Feng Jiu's words were a bit harsh.

Song Shuheng glanced not far behind him again and asked uncertainly: "Aren't we trying to earn merit? Isn't it bad to take someone's life?" Mainly, Song Shuheng didn't believe that the two elderly people could be a gangster.

"Anyway, you have to be careful." Feng Jiu didn't say much. She believed that when the gangsters raised their weapons, Song Shuheng would know how to resist.

Who says that old people are kind-hearted and highly respected? Anyway, she saw strong malice and sin in the two old men behind Feng Jiu.

As some people get older, it only proves that they have done more bad things.

After Feng Jiu's reminder, Song Shuheng didn't dare to look back.

The three of them were young and strong, and soon arrived at the temple in the mountain, and the old man behind them followed them up.

I don't feel tired at all. How can I look like an old man with such endurance? Unless they are skilled and have deep physical strength.

Song Shuheng's heart lifted even higher.

As if she could see through things, Feng Jiu walked straight towards the tunnel entrance, which was in a small cave behind the temple.

The other party used a blindfold, and ordinary people couldn't see the existence of the cave at all. Feng Jiu stretched out her hand, but was stopped by someone else's voice.

"Miss, this is private property. Isn't it impolite for you to tamper with other people's things?"

The person who spoke was the old lady who had followed them up the mountain earlier. Her tone was gentle and soft, and she looked particularly kind.

Feng Jiu paused and said with a smile: "I know, but my master invited me here. If you don't believe me, ask your master."

As soon as Feng Jiu finished speaking, she saw that the expressions of the two old guys changed drastically.

Feng Jiu not only saw through the formation and discovered the cave, but he actually knew them?

Or do you know their owner? On the contrary, these servants have never seen their master's true face.

Now that they were recognized, the two old men simply stopped pretending and immediately raised the alarm. For a time, more and more helpers came from all directions.

And these people held either knives or guns in their hands. They were outnumbered and attacked Feng Jiu and the others without hesitation.

Dongfang Yu immediately fought back and protected Feng Jiu and Song Shuheng behind him. The battle was about to break out and the scene was in chaos.

Feng Jiu also let go of the fight. Anyway, the formation was activated nearby, and people outside could not hear the movement inside at all.

Of course, all of the dozen or so people on the other side were maimed in the end. Feng Jiu also used formations to tie them up, at least to prevent these people from informing them.

Among them, Dongfang Yu also contributed a lot. He finally regained his confidence by Feng Jiu's side.

After the three people threw those people into the cave, they continued to move forward.

There are two roads in the cave, one leads to the top of the mountain and the other leads to the underground palace.

Feng Jiu didn't need to ask. She chose the path at the top of the mountain and rescued Su Ziran first. To her, the treasure was just an ordinary yellow and white thing.

You can't live without money, but it doesn't mean much if you have more money.

"Let's go to the top of the mountain and take that path to the underground palace. There are many people guarding it. We'll conquer it later."

Of course the two men had no objection, and they quickly reached the top of the mountain.

Fengjiu was the only one who came out of the tunnel. Dongfang Yu and Song Shuheng hid early.

"I am coming."

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