Help!I'm so pregnant that I'm pampered by my nemesis

Chapter 152 Encountered when you opened your eyes

At seven o'clock in the evening on the seventh day of July, a long, luxuriously modified black car was driving on the Yuling Panshan Highway in the suburbs of Beijing at a speed of 77 yards.

The driver, Lao Lin, who is in his forties, carefully controls the speed of the car. It cannot be too fast or too slow. All numbers must be seven to be lucky.

Also to prevent the two unconscious bride and groom from being jolted out of the car.

But in fact, is seven really an auspicious number? Lao Lin disagreed in his heart. What age is it? Is the old man too superstitious?

Let two young people who don't know each other get married directly in a coma, so that they can really call their souls? Will it wake people up?

Even if the two young people really wake up, can they accept the fact that they are married?

Thinking of his arrogant and arrogant young master who disdains everything, but who is unabashedly confident and domineering and likes to pursue the ultimate in things.

Lao Lin shook his head inwardly. There was still trouble over this matter.

There were two other people accompanying him in the car. One was Mr. Sun, the housekeeper of the Dongfang family. He was also in his forties and was responsible for taking care of the young master of the Dongfang family.

He always sat upright, like a statue, as if he was not tired.

One is the bride's aunt, Ms. Yao, who looks to be in her forties.

She was closing her eyes and concentrating at the moment, as if she was resting from the exhaustion of socializing at the banquet just now.

Yuling Mountain in the western suburbs of Beijing is where high-level figures in the center of the capital live. It has a quiet environment and is under military jurisdiction. The routine is very spacious and the speed limit is 80 yards.

Therefore, there are very few traffic accidents on this road, which makes Lao Lin feel very relaxed.

But just as he was about to reach the checkpoint, when he was leaving the area under his jurisdiction, three fast sports cars suddenly rushed towards him from the opposite side, still chasing each other.

Lao Lin was suddenly shocked. He never imagined that someone would dare to drive a speeding car in such a place. He hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Sun, the car from the opposite direction is rushing over. The situation is a bit strange."

"Pull over, flash, and honk the horn." Mr. Sun gave the order immediately and decisively. He must remind the other party that this is the Dongfang family's car. Who dares to hit it? !

Lao Lin quickly followed the instructions and honked the horn as hard as he could, but it was too late. The two cars met just on the curve, which was a blind spot. The other car's speed was too fast and the distance was short.

There happened to be another cliff on the right side, and their car had no way to retreat!

"Jump out of the car!" Lao Lin shouted.

But it was too late, "Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the two cars collided!

Their car was knocked off the cliff and rolled over. Only Lao Lin managed to jump out.

The other party's car couldn't stop and fell down immediately.

Old Lin rolled for quite a while before he stabilized his body. Then he saw the third car flying directly over his head. He couldn't brake and jumped off the cliff? !

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" The three cars hit the bottom of the cliff with sparks and lightning.

Lao Lin was completely confused. The accident was obviously beyond the scope of what he could understand and bear.

"Mom!" It's over!

Lao Lin wailed in horror, limping up without caring about his injuries, asking for help! be quick!

With such a deep cliff, can the young master and young mistress be saved?

As soon as Feng Jiu opened her eyes, she might as well not open them!

She felt like her body was being tossed around in a drum washing machine. Her body was not her body, right?

"Grape, what's going on?"

Feng Jiu immediately used her immortal power. Fortunately, it worked and stabilized her body in time. She glanced at it and said, "I'll wipe it!" Isn't this my aunt?

So she used even more magical power to suspend the entire car and float it in mid-air.

Now, there is no need for systematic explanation at all. Feng Jiu is more familiar with modern times than it is, and her own leg is broken, and the calf bones are pierced through the flesh and exposed to the air.

The blood was flowing like a faucet. If she had been a few minutes late, her body would have died. There were two cars rolling over on the way. Feng Jiu reached out to grab them, stopped the two cars, and then gently stuck them halfway up the mountain.

It was better to take care of herself first. After Fengjiu stopped the car, she took painless medicine and straightened her leg bones herself.

Then he used Xianli to set the bones. It only took half a minute to make his leg bones intact as before. As for the outer skin and flesh, he needed to be properly mended, at least to make a show of it.

It would be bad if the immortal power is exposed.

After tidying herself up, Fengjiu quickly checked on the aunt who raised her. When she saw this loving lady again, Fengjiu felt as if she had been in another world.

However, she herself has indeed passed two lives, but for her aunt, time should not have passed very long, right?

Feng Jiu has lived in modern times for 25 years. The old lady Nuwa directly transformed her into a three-year-old and threw her into the mountains. She was rescued by the aunt who collected herbs.

At that time, her aunt was in her twenties, young and beautiful, but now she was smashed to pieces. Feng Jiu could hardly recognize her, which made her heartache almost break.

Unexpectedly, the meeting again would be like this. Feng Jiu once again used her immortal power to repair her aunt's body, leaving only some less serious trauma.

Then, he turned the man next to him over and discovered that it was actually Long Qing. No, it should be the reincarnation of Shaotian? !

"I met you when I opened my eyes. Putao, what is his current status?" Fengjiu asked the system while treating him.

"Master, the male protagonist is called Dongfang Yu in this life. He is 24 years old. He has returned from studying abroad with two doctorate degrees and founded several listed companies of his own.

The Dongfang family has more people serving in the military and politics, and it is an old and powerful family.

Just today, you have married him. Not only did you get the certificate, but you also got the wine.

The future wedding anniversary will be the seventh day of July. "

Qiqi is also called Qixi Festival. According to legend, it is the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet once a year at Magpie Bridge.

But who is the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl? Just a person from the past.

As the name suggests, ghosts meet each other, so today is Ghost Festival, and it is also the day when ghosts open their doors.

Is it really romantic to choose such a day to get married? This would cause an accident.

"It's embarrassing for my aunt, but she actually helped me find the target." Did things go too smoothly?

Ms. Yao only inherited the Yao family's small traditional Chinese medicine clinic. The business was good or bad, and she could barely make a living.

How did she find such a powerful and wealthy family? It seems that there is still more to the story inside. Let’s wait until Ms. Yao wakes up to talk about it.

"Then what is our mission in this life? We can't just give birth to children, right? I have already assisted in the birth of one hundred thousand babies in modern times."

The system searched immediately, but after a long time, he said with a vague understanding: "It can't connect to the main mission, maybe because the male protagonist is unconscious.

The secondary task is to reduce batches of casualties, increase the fertility rate by 80%, and reverse the situation where the death rate is higher than the birth rate.

The reward is also the divine space and the repair of the Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart. "

When Feng Jiu heard this, she suddenly screamed: "How is this possible? This is modern times. Young people no longer want to have children, and they still want to increase their number by 80%? It's just a daydream."

Modern life is a fast-paced one. Women also go to work every day to support their families. They can’t take care of themselves. Who has time to get married and have children?

Feng Jiu, who returned to modern times, didn't want to have a baby herself, so why did she have any reason to force others to do so?

It's dying.

After Fengjiu rescued the other three people, he moved them out of the transformed car.

Only then did she have time to look at the people in the other two cars and save them quickly. Even if it was unrealistic to increase the fertility rate, she wanted to reduce the mortality rate.

There was only one person in each of the other two cars, two young men.

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