Help!I'm so pregnant that I'm pampered by my nemesis

Chapter 148 What do you think about me?

As soon as you enter Fengcheng, you will feel like you have entered another world.

The well-proportioned houses, clean and tidy streets, some of the greenery on the streets are very poetic, and the environment is beautiful and peaceful.

The difference between the orcs from other tribes and the natives of the Phoenix tribe is particularly obvious.

Generally, the orcs who come to trade are dressed in fur clothes, barefoot, and carrying exposed goods, which makes them look a bit unevolved and rough.

The Feng people are different. They wear leather shoes, cloth and cotton jackets with underwear inside, and their hair is neatly combed.

It looks energetic and refined, and feels particularly high-end and civilized.

There are various shops on the street, offering food, clothing, supplies, and accommodation.

Objects large and small cover all daily necessities, making people want to shop just by looking at them.

Orcs from other tribes can first deliver their goods directly to the city gate and the Phoenix Clan's purchasing station to sell them for gold coins, and then go to the city for consumption.

You can also send it to the market to sell it yourself, and the price is usually higher.

Then take the gold coins and go to the store or the Feng Clan's supermarket to buy things.

In the supermarket, you can buy everything.

Even the bricks and shapes of the house have small templates for you to order.

Yun Chaojun went shopping and bought himself a pair of shoes. The size was just right, and they were white. They matched his robe just right.

This gave him a new understanding of Feng Jiu.

Fengcheng is indeed a paradise on earth, Feng Jiu is really not simple.

I heard that she gave birth to nine children for Long Qinghan. As the king of Jin Kingdom, he had to come to congratulate her in person.

And now that the Feng clan allows polyandry, doesn’t Feng Jiu have other ideas? Wouldn't it be a pity for someone as smart as her to spend her whole life with Long Qinghan alone?

Bringing congratulatory gifts and social documents, Yun Chaojun visited Feng Jiu in person.

Feng Jiu was very busy, but he was still the king of the Jin Kingdom, and in such a disputed situation, she had to give him face.

The Fengwang Palace has a main hall specially designed to receive foreign guests. In addition to Feng Jiu, there are also Liu Po ​​and Lao Wan who accompany her to receive foreign guests.

Yun Chaojun passed through the majestic royal city gate and saw the large fountain in the square at a glance, which was very spectacular.

The magnificent palace and exquisite gardens are all stunning. This Phoenix King is really a strange woman.

He came outside the hall and was ushered into the hall by his servants. The delicate and petite queen was sitting on the main seat above, wearing a black robe and a crown, looking graceful and elegant.

"Phoenix King." Yun Chaojun smiled softly unconsciously.

"What's the matter with King Jin's visit?" Feng Jiu never minced words, she always said what she had to say directly.

But I have to say that this Mr. Yun Chao was quite handsome and looked stunning in his white clothes. He disturbed the hearts of many women.

Of course, except Feng Jiu.

"I heard that King Feng gave birth to nine children, and I came here to congratulate him." After Yun Chaojun said this, he waved his hand and asked his servants to bring the gifts.

There are some spiritual stones, precious medicines, gold nuggets, and luminous pearls, fist-sized pearls.

They are indeed some good things, and this golden king is very discerning.

"Thank you very much. However, our two countries do not have friendly relations. It can be said that there is still some tension. King Jin's gift is too expensive for us to accept. You can just bring it to your wishes."

Yun Chaojun did not expect Feng Jiu to refuse so simply, but he was not angry either, but smiled: "Those are all misunderstandings, I never meant to antagonize King Feng.

So these things can be gifts for children, or they can be an apology for what happened before, and also the sincerity of the upcoming transaction with the Phoenix Clan. " "oh? "She's really good at making things up. It's so hard for her to refuse anymore. Fengjiu reaches out her hand and makes a gesture of invitation.

"King Jin, please take a seat and let's talk carefully. Come and serve tea." The tea is produced by Fengjiu Space and is definitely delicious, but I don't know if these orcs are used to it?

Upon hearing the order, the palace servants came forward with tea and snacks to entertain the distinguished guests.

Snow-white cups, brown tea, Yun Chaojun saw it for the first time, as well as exquisite snacks. He finally felt like a VIP.

He picked up the tea and took a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "It smells good, it can refresh you, and it is also useful for improving your spiritual power."

It is comparable to a spiritual stone. This made Yun Chaojun surprised and praised: "As expected of the Phoenix King, it is a fine product!"

"Excuse me, it's just an ordinary leaf from a high mountain. It can indeed refresh you, but it has little effect on spiritual power."

Yun Chaojun smiled and shook his head, she was so humble.

"I want to build a palace like Feng Wang Palace. I hope Feng Wang can design it and the price can be negotiated."

The last person to escape from the Kingdom of Jin was Yun Chaojun's mother. She almost emptied the Northern Wilderness Golden Palace, which was a huge fortune, plus the gains from the secret realm.

King Jin is a really rich man.

"Okay, do you want the exact same thing? Or something slightly changed."

Feng Jiu thought that it couldn't be exactly the same, because her palace had omitted many unnecessary places. In fact, the layout was still a bit smaller, after all, the territory was limited.

Yun Chaojun's eyes flashed and he said, "Can you take me to visit?" This was actually a bit presumptuous. Who wants others to fully understand their territory? How insecure.

Feng Jiu didn't even frown, and immediately replied: "The front hall is fine, of course, but the harem can only be used to see models."

"Okay, then leave now?" Yun Chaojun did not insist.

"Please." Feng Jiu stepped down from the first position and led Yun Chaojun to explain from the main hall where guests were received, and it was completely businesslike.

Yun Chaojun was also very satisfied and had been listening carefully, but occasionally when his eyes met Feng Jiu's, it was particularly meaningful.

A few people were walking out of the hall when they suddenly heard the cry of a baby. Feng Jiu's brows jumped. Which kid rebelled again? It’s really inseparable for a moment.

Everyone turned around and saw Su Yang coming over with Long Xiaosi in his arms.

"King, I don't know what's wrong with the fourth princess. She keeps crying and can't even be coaxed."

These children are all human beings. They will not bully children like Su Yang and Su Hua, but will only play tricks on the maids.

As for Long Xiaosi, she was spoiled by her father. She would cry when she didn't like her, and no one could coax her except Feng Jiu and Long Qinghan.

"Come here and let me take a look. Is Long Xiaosi's skin itchy again? Mom, just give you a few spankings and it will be fine."

Feng Jiu took over Long Xiaosi. The little girl really looked like her. Yuxue was cute and her eyes were round and round as if they could talk.

This is the first time Yun Chaojun has seen Feng Jiu's child. Isn't it too cute?

"Don't hit her." How could such a good child be hit? Yun Chaojun was afraid that Feng Jiu would really take action, so he quickly stopped him.

Feng Jiu was stunned. She didn't expect that he would take her seriously. She was a little amused: "No, our four treasures are her father's darlings. We can't afford to pay for it if it's broken."

Yun Chaojun nodded in agreement. If he had such a lovely daughter, he would also regard her as his darling.

"Can I hug her?" I don't know how she feels, but it's different from other orc babies, right?

"Can you do it?" The child was small and not easy to hold, so Feng Jiu was a little unsure.

Yun Chaojun suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. He really didn't know how to do it. He quickly waved his hand, which made Long Xiaosi giggle, thinking that she was playing with her.

This scene moved Yun Chaojun so much that he blurted out the words naturally: "Feng Jiu, it is said that the Feng clan can also have polyandry. How about you consider me?"

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