Fierce wife and sister-in-law

Chapter 174 Happy New Year, dear ones

Li Tiezhu could ignore his mother-in-law's family, but he couldn't watch his wife crying. But where to get the money, he was really in trouble.

"Guilan, don't you know if your family has money?"

"If I don't have you, I can borrow it."

"Borrow? Where can I borrow? Who among these people in the village do you think is rich?"

"Haha, Li Tiezhu, you are really funny. I don't know if other people have money, but don't you know if your second sister-in-law Tian Rong has money?"

"No, the second brother is not at home. Dad also has a big family like Fuya and Laosan. There are many places to spend money. We can't help, and we can't cause trouble to them."

"We are just borrowing money, not denying it,"

Wang Guilan turned around and swept around the room while saying, "If I don't get some money out today, my mother and the others won't leave. If they continue to make trouble like this, will we be able to survive?"

"Guilan, your mother's family has a hole that cannot be filled. One time will lead to another. We can't let them lead us by the nose, right?"

"Li Tiezhu, you promised when we got married. If you hadn't promised, they wouldn't have come to make trouble, right?"

Seeing that Li Tiezhu had no intention of borrowing money, Wang Guilan became anxious.

"You big fool and coward, why did I marry you? You probably don't know, Li Tiezhu, that your second sister-in-law has bought a lot of good things in the mountains these days and brought them to the town to exchange for money.

No one in the village knew that she was the richest. Even Mr. Rizheng looked at her face and said, "Why don't we just borrow some money, and we won't pay it back?"

Li Tiezhu, let me ask you, are you going or not? If not, I will go home with my mother and my brother.

Just live a good life with your daughter. I will take your son and find someone to marry who cares about me. "

"Okay, I'll borrow it, can't I borrow it?"

Li Tiezhu knew that Wang Guilan was just trying to scare him, but he thought that he had indeed said that his brother-in-law would provide some money when he got married.

As the man of Lao Li's family, his words must always be fulfilled.

In this way, Li Tiezhu found Tian Rong's house, watched the door tightly closed, and waited until Tian Rong came back before walking out.

"Okay, I'll find it for you. Brother, please wait a moment."

Tian Rong didn't ask what Li Tiezhu was borrowing the money for. She took out the key and opened the cabinet, took out a money bag, took out a piece of broken silver and handed it to Li Tiezhu.

"Tian Rong, I will return the food to you as soon as it comes out."

"Brother, don't worry. Is there anything else?"

"Oh, no more."

Li Tiezhu didn't expect that Tian Rong didn't even ask him what the money was going to be used for, and he felt more and more ashamed of his sister-in-law.

"Okay, I have to cook quickly."

Li Tiezhu saw that Tian Rong was busy, so he took the money and left.

After the meal was done, Old Man Li and Mr. Li returned with the corn. Most people in the village had warehouses in which to store ripe corn, but Tian Rong's family did not have any.

It would be convenient to just put all the corns in the house where Li Xizhu lived before.

"Eat, dad."

Although most people at this time ate dry food when they were busy and drank watery food when they were free.

But after Tian Rong came over, no matter how bad the food was, she never let her family members drink anything thin.

Originally, they only had simple meals, but now they can't even get anything to eat. How can people have the strength to work?

Of course, only Tian Rong can do this, and although there is no guarantee that she can eat meat every time, she can still eat lard. This is already the richest life in the village. "It smells so good!"

Li Laosan washed his hands and walked in. He smelled the fragrance of the vegetables and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"You kid, you're borrowing your sister-in-law's advantage,"

While talking, Old Man Li washed his hands and walked in, patting his son on the back.

"Your father has lived such a long life. Ever since your sister-in-law came, every day has been like a Chinese New Year. Even if I close my eyes tomorrow, my life, old Litou, will not be in vain."

"Dad, let's eat."

Tian Rong just smiled faintly, handed over a full bowl of wild vegetable soup, and put a cornmeal pancake into Old Man Li's hand.

After eating and drinking, Old Man Li and Old Man Li helped Tian Rong feed the sheep in the pen, and then drove home.

When Tian Rong saw people leaving, she closed the door tightly, washed herself and wanted to go to sleep. After all, she still had work waiting for her to do tomorrow, so it was the last word to get a good rest.

As a result, as soon as Fuya was put to sleep and she closed her eyes, she heard a knock on the courtyard door.

"Second sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, please open the door quickly. Second sister-in-law, open the door, open the door..."

Tian Rong sat up from the kang, put on her clothes and hurriedly got off the ground and ran out.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

Tian Rong asked as he ran towards the door and took away the stick on the door.

"The second sister-in-law is not well. My father and my eldest sister-in-law's mother had a fight. My eldest sister-in-law's mother suddenly fell to the ground and was lifeless. His brother grabbed my father's collar and insisted on giving him money."

After hearing this, Tian Rong understood everything.

"Stop talking here. Let's talk about it in the past."

Tian Rong turned around and slowly closed the courtyard door, reached inside and pushed the door up, then walked towards her father-in-law's house.

On the way, Li Laosan explained the reason for the incident.

He and his father went back to Tian Rong's place. They were about to unload the truck and take the old cow to the shed, but they didn't want his sister-in-law to run out at this time.

Lao Li Tou, who had to let his father-in-law send his mother and younger brother back, couldn't stand it anymore after working all day, and his back hurt terribly.

Besides, the old scalper had been working for a day and needed a rest, so he just said that.

"My mother-in-law is here. It's a long time coming. It's getting so late, so why not stay here?"

As a result, Wang Guilan immediately got angry, pointed at Old Man Li's face and asked,

"Dad, it's okay for you to work for Tian Rong every day. My parents don't come here even once a year, and I don't want you to dig out your old wine to entertain me.

I'm so unwilling to ask you to give it away. Why, do you, the old Li family, look down on our family? "

Although the eldest daughter-in-law is not an economical person, Wang Guilan is still wary of her father-in-law when they live together.

Since the separation of the family, Wang Guilan has paid less and less attention to his father-in-law. At this time, listening to the words of Wang Guilan, a bastard, Old Man Li's stubborn temper immediately rose.

"Yes, I don't want to give it away. You can think whatever you want."

Before Wang Guilan could say anything, an old lady rushed out from nowhere, scratched Old Man Li's face, and cursed, "

"You old fool, how dare you bully our old Wang family? If you still look down on us, I will kill you now."

Old Man Li was already full of anger. When this crazy old woman came out, he was startled at first, but then he was about to scratch his face with a five-foot scratch.

Lao Litou instinctively stretched out his hand and pushed, and the old lady fell to the ground like paper.

Then his son ran over like a vaulting monkey and grabbed Old Man Li by the collar.

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