Qingqiu is difficult

Chapter 180 Within Qingqiu

(Chapter 7 has been posted to the second volume. I accepted it. I can’t repost it or delete it. Sometimes I really can’t win this modern thing. But fortunately, no one reads it. No, that’s it. No one is watching, so I feel less guilty and drunk. It’s a pity for my obsessive-compulsive disorder.)

(I asked customer service, and they told me to contact the editor. I didn’t want to bother the editor. No one would read it anyway, so forget it.)

But Lu Xinyi and Hu Ruan came all the way to Qingqiu and walked for a day and night before entering the boundary of Qingqiu.

When passing by Mo Liuying, Hu Ruan bought a few local specialties. Although he only bought some specialties on the street, it took him a full cup of tea.

Lu Xinyi knew what was going on, so he didn't care about it. Instead, he gave him more money.

She was right as she expected.

Hu Ruan went all the way west, relying on his childhood memories and walking past each house, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart - the world that seemed deep and broad at first was now just a place that could only accommodate a few people. The streets that seemed far and long at the time now only take a moment to walk through.

Everything has become smaller, only people's hearts have become bigger.

He carefully pushed the door open, and it opened with a creak. He was surprised that the door was unlocked. When he raised his eyes, he saw a man standing in the courtyard, sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground and cleaning up the courtyard. A clean one.

He was a little surprised and said hurriedly: "Did I come here by mistake? This family is not Mo Weng's family?"

The man glanced at him, looked up and down, and stood on his broom: "You are Ruan'er, right?"

He nodded.

The man put down the broom, turned around and moved the stool off the table, took a new cup from the tea set on the side, and poured a new cup of tea.

"This is indeed Mo Weng's family, but Mo Weng has been dead for half a year. You can sit down and have a cup of tea and pay homage to Mo Weng."

A muffled thunder flashed through, and Hu Ruan's footsteps became heavy. He walked forward step by step involuntarily. His heart felt like he had been punched by someone. He couldn't tell the pain, and couldn't tell what it felt like. It was just heart-wrenching, heart-wrenching and painful. It makes people hateful, as if they have nowhere to vent their anger, and they just want to curse God at this moment!

But who should he scold? Birth, old age, illness and death are all human nature.

He walked forward step by step and chuckled again: It doesn't matter if he goes away, he will be a happy old man in the underworld.

He walked into the house and saw that the mourning hall had long been removed, leaving only a small memorial tablet to lay the foundation for an old man's silent and ordinary life.

The man walked in, saw his face full of sadness, and patted his shoulder: "Mo Weng passed away peacefully, please try to express your condolences."

At this time, Hu Ruan came back to his senses and noticed the man in front of him. He looked at this man with a hint of caution and vigilance, and looked him up and down——

This man is tall and tall, dressed in black, with a dragon pattern embroidered with gold thread on his chest. His cuffs are tightly tied, with several strings of jade stones on his waist, and two sachets and rupas attached. He hangs his hands and looks like a young man from aristocratic family, but In addition to the nobility, there is a bit of chivalry that is out of place.

This person looks to be in his twenties or thirties. He has lost his childishness, but is not overly mature. Instead, he has a man's vicissitudes of life, broad-minded and capable beauty.

He asked: "Are you?"

The man looked at Mo Weng, his eyes lowered: "I am afraid of beasts, so you should call me senior brother. But we don't have much interaction between you, so there is no need to be polite!"

After saying that, he patted Hu Ruan on the shoulder, handed him three sticks of incense, turned around and returned to the courtyard. "After I cleaned the yard for Mr. Mo, I went back to Yuecheng. If you encounter difficulties one day, you can come to the Duke's Mansion to find me!"

Hu Ruan didn't answer. He kowtowed to Mo Weng three times, lit the incense, and walked out the door without saying a word.

Even though there are a lot of memories here, what’s the point when the person you can imagine is no longer there! Besides, he has more important things to accomplish now, and the kindness in this world will never end.

Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a voice coming from behind: "Don't you ask Mo Weng what message he left?"

He stopped there and was stunned for a long time before he said to Ling: "I won't ask anymore. Although I don't know how you know me, I know you. If the old man has any unfulfilled wishes, you can definitely fulfill them for him. "

After that, he opened the door and left.

With the power of his spiritual foundation and the kindness of his upbringing, he can't be considered a ruthless and unjust person, at least he is passable in terms of his own conscience.

People should always look forward, he comforted himself. If you are too sad and others see it, you will start asking questions.

He picked up his clothes and walked away, as if he wanted to escape from this place faster than anyone else. Especially facing Ling, he couldn't stay there for a second.

Outside the door, there is a vast world. Hu Ruan took a big gulp of air and wanted to lift his legs and run, but in the end he couldn't keep his dignity and turned into a quick walk.

After walking about ten feet, I suddenly heard a calm voice behind me:

"The old man has a bad memory. In the days before he left, he kept calling me your name."

After hearing this, he didn't dare to look back. He just froze in place for a while, and then strode forward with a faster pace.

But now he has lost his direction. If he had some sense just now, now he has no sense at all.

Many images flashed through his mind over and over again. For example, when Ling poured tea for Mo Weng, what Mo Weng said was not "Ling, I want to drink something warm, you want to burn me to death!"

What he said was: "Ruan'er! You little bastard! I want something warm, but you want to burn me to death!"

He would not be able to distinguish between a fearful beast and a fox. He would curse and curse at countless times, but what he called was his name.

Who was he speaking to when he was dying? Who is he thinking about in his mind?

He couldn't help thinking about it anymore and ran forward with his legs wide open——

At this moment, only physical exertion can cover up the countless problems in his heart and the ruthlessly torn wound on his heart!

After running for a long time, and finally finding the direction, I heard a noise in the distance, surrounded by a large group of people. These people completely surrounded the scene inside. A woman yelled and cursed in the street, and her voice was very aggressive. Even ten men couldn't resist it.

Just listen to the woman scolding:

"You are a good talker. Why don't you say that your man is the king of the Moon Kingdom? Why don't you say that you are the princess? Today, I am the king of heaven. Your children also stole things and ate me for nothing. If you have something, you should cut off your hand! This is the rule of Mo Liuying, do you understand?"

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