Qingqiu is difficult

Chapter 109 The inexplicable crown prince

Chapter 109 The inexplicable crown prince

The drama of "The Real and Fake Monkey King" immediately became popular in the streets and alleys, and everyone in the whole city sighed for the six-eared macaque.

"If he had been true to himself from the beginning, with his ability, he would not have to worry about not getting any credit!"

Thanks to the scholars who wrote about the six-eared macaque in a more disgusting way, everyone did not focus all their attention on the six-eared macaque. However, for a time, the true and false arguments also spread among the literati circles in the city.

Is it better to be a fake famous brand or to be a real bad brand?

At the end of the debate, the elite scholars at the Huahua Theater raised their arms and shouted: "If you want to do it, just be your true self. A gentleman is poor, picks up on others, and is looked down upon by others!"

Everyone knows it is true.

For a time, the box office of the pirated Huahua Theater in the city dropped a lot, and many famous actors secretly switched jobs at Huahua Theater. After all, this place does not discourage newcomers, but encourages newcomers and adopts the suggestions of young people.

At this point, Huahua Theater was the official leader of dramas in the city. In just half a month, many theaters that were running out of money were squeezed out. Their venues and talents were also taken over by Huazhu. A series of peripherals such as costumes and props were sold very hotly. With the accumulation of production experience, Jing Guo Shizi, who had been immersed in Xialiao, now joined the Huahua Theater and regained his popularity with the help of good scripts. Whenever a new script came out, it would also cause Luoyang to be expensive.

However, all the advantages would not fall on her. Lu Xinyi was waiting in front of the prince's door. That day she came angrily, but the prince disappeared behind closed doors. Who knew that instead of being anxious, Qin'er actually said: "Then let her Wait, I have to make her understand no matter what, right?"

This wait is half a month.

Instead of waiting for the crown prince, he first waited for Nasen's wedding. The wedding lasted for seven days. Big red silk was hung in the Full Moon City. People wore red and green. The gongs and drums were noisy for a while, and it was so lively.

Although Lu Xinyi felt a little reluctant to give up, she was still full of blessings and joy. She specially asked someone to write "The Story of the Fox in Qingqiu", based on the fox's repayment of kindness and the fateful entanglement of three lives and three lives. A sadistic love drama.

Yes, it is always despised by the world to pick off people's wisdom, but she was also original.

Although this script was not as written as the previous classic legends, it was really suitable for the occasion, and it was immediately sold out.

On this day, the prince finally came to see him. Zijing was still working in the fields, and the servant came to tell her:

"Miss Lu, the prince invites you in."

Lu Xinyi bowed in return and walked into the main hall holding up her skirt.

Although it is the main hall, with dancing gauze and carved beams and painted columns, everything is exquisite.

Because the main hall was too long and far away, and she hadn't seen anyone inside for a long time, she simply walked step by step and secretly looked at the beams - then she noticed that there were many small animals painted on the beams.

How careful Liu Zhang must have been when he decorated this house. If he hadn't been so careful, would the construction period of the house have been shorter, and would he have been able to live in his general's mansion?

A trace of sadness flashed through her heart, but as it was already the case, she could only sigh, tighten her skirt, and walk deeper.

Layers of curtains and red pillars reveal the hem of the girl's skirt.

Finally, when we reached the end of the main hall, behind a curtain, a man sat in the center, slowly making tea and drinking it.

She has been in the mansion for half a year and has never seen the prince's appearance.

"I've met the Crown Prince." She knelt down and saluted, and couldn't help but raise her head to take a sneak look at the person behind the curtain.

Behind the curtain, the man hummed, and his tone was quite brisk: "I heard that you have been looking for me for a long time."

"Yes, Xin Yi wants to ask the prince... about the stables." She nodded and replied truthfully.

"Your name is Xin Yi?" His tone hesitated for a moment, then he said with a smile, "You have the same name as the princess of the previous dynasty, so you are so bold."

Lu Xinyi bowed again: "I don't dare. I don't know that the name Princess of the previous dynasty is taboo. If the prince avoids it, I will change it now." He did not speak. Even through the curtain, Lu Xinyi felt a pair of eyes, from top to bottom, He looked at himself quite carefully. She couldn't help but shudder.

He stood up and walked to the curtain. Even though the hem of his clothes was right in front of her, she didn't dare to look up at him.

It's not that she's afraid of anything, it's just that she doesn't want to interact with too many people.

"Close your eyes and raise your head," he whispered.

Lu Xinyi felt a little obedient, but she didn't dare to think too much, so she just did as she was told.

In the darkness, she vaguely felt that the man behind the curtain was slowly squatting down and standing in front of her, looking at her more carefully and cautiously.

Lu Xinyi felt a little uncomfortable, so she said, "Your Majesty, my maid... I don't want to ask any more questions!"

With that said, she was about to get up and leave. Unexpectedly, the person behind the curtain suddenly grabbed her arm. Through a layer of gauze, her wrist was caught painfully.

"Don't leave!"

All the strength in Lu Xinyi's body seemed to have fallen apart, and she knelt down and sat there.

"Your Majesty...I already told you not to ask..." she said aggrievedly.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, the man used less force on his hand. He let go of her wrist two or three times, stood up, took out a handkerchief from his waist, and kept wiping his hands.

Only then did she remember that a maid once said that this prince had extreme mysophobia.

After wiping his hands, he threw away the handkerchief, turned his back to her, and said, "You want to ask why I agreed to Qin'er destroying your stable, right?"

Seeing that everything was back to normal, Xin Yi stammered: "Yes... yes, the crown prince clearly agreed to let me manage..."

"I agreed to let you manage it," his tone was a little stiff, and there was even a trace of anger in it, as if there was a little complaint, "but have you managed it? Since you haven't come back for so long, why are you keeping it?"

Lu Xinyi felt a little unreasonable: "But the prince... I have already arranged for others to manage this slave..."

"Can people be replaced at will?" He suddenly said angrily, turning around like a wronged child, "Lu Xinyi, your name is Lu Xinyi, right? How long are you going to keep pretending? Are you still going to Are you going to drive me crazy?”

She was shocked: "Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

After a long silence, his expression became slightly calmer, but more like a look of anger, and he said: "Since you don't understand, just go back. It's best not to come back to the Duke's Mansion again, hide outside, and never come back for the rest of your life!"

She wanted to say something more, but all she heard was "Send off", and she was forcefully escorted out of the palace by two rough men.

"Your Majesty, that stable..."

"Burn them all!"

When he looked up, he only saw endless dark clouds. Lu Xinyi felt confused: What? Why is this prince's temper as unpredictable as the weather?

She curled her lips, no, even if the stables burned down, they would be burned down, but those horses were innocent, not to mention that she was planning to make a comeback through the crown prince. She must not admit defeat until she understood it!

(End of this chapter)

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