In order not to disturb everyone's sleep, she did this every day, just like today. After running, she quietly returned to the dormitory, took out the toiletries and clothes she had prepared last night, and went to the public bathroom on the second floor to take a shower.

Take a shower after exercising in the morning and you will be energetic throughout the day.

An Ran enjoyed this moment very much.

Ouyang Xiao, Li Lin, and Wang Li didn't want to go to the public bathroom on the second floor to take a bath.

It’s so hard to run.

After taking a bath, you have to do laundry, which is a lot of things.

So complicated.

"I'm not sweating, so I don't need to take a shower." Ouyang Xiao admitted that he was lazy, but did not admit that he was not good at hygiene.

"I'm not sweating either. Just go wash your face." Wang Li walked gently to the balcony.

Li Lin touched the mobile phone in her pocket and sat down on her bed.

"Don't you wash your face?" Wang Li came back after washing her face and found that Li Lin neither washed her face nor took a shower. Instead, she sat on the bed and looked at her mobile phone. The screen of her mobile phone showed a text message interface. It was clean. She hadn't said a word yet. As I typed this, I couldn’t help but joke, “Who are you texting with so early?”

"No one." Li Lin quickly stuffed her phone into the quilt and stood up, "After you wash it, I'm going to wash my face too."

When An Ran came back from the public bathroom, she saw that everyone was almost up. Li Dan, wearing a pair of cotton pajamas, stood shivering at the door of the bathroom and said in a hurry, "Li Lin, Can you hurry up?"

"Give me another five minutes." Li Lin's voice came from the bathroom.

"Five minutes is too long, I can't wait any longer." Li Dan stamped his feet as he walked, his face wrinkled, and it looked like he was really enduring it.

"Three minutes." Li Lin's voice was a little unhappy.

"Three minutes is a long time." Li Dan gritted his teeth and felt unhappy.

An Ran whispered to Li Dan, "The public restroom on the second floor is empty now."

"Thank you." Li Dan clenched a pack of tissues, rushed to his bed, grabbed the down jacket on it, turned around and ran out the door.

On the podium, a young physics teacher held chalk and sketched a simple motion image on the blackboard. "During motion, the relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration can be summarized as the following points: When the velocity of the object remains constant, , the displacement is proportional to the speed. The magnitude of the displacement is equal to the speed times the time. When the speed of an object changes, the acceleration describes how fast the speed changes and the direction of the change. If..."

what if?

An Ran listened to the following content in a daze, and only heard words such as "reduce" and "stop" intermittently.

This is the first time since Enron's rebirth that he has not listened so carefully in class, and it is also the first time that he has been so eager to look forward to the end of this physics class.

The sky was overcast outside, and the cold wind whistled through the nearby windows.

She looked out the window quietly, thoughts rushing through her mind.

A pair of hands as white as jade pressed tightly on her lower abdomen. At this moment, she felt that her lower abdomen was falling, and it hurt as if she had had a miscarriage.

This was the sequelae of her cold constitution after she started to have long hair. In order to pay attention to her body shape, she did not dare to eat too many carbohydrates and ate too much lettuce and fruits.

Every time I come here, my aunt is in excruciating pain.


Recently, in order to make significant progress in her grades in the next mid-term exam, she has increased her study tasks. She is so busy every day that she only remembers what day of the week it is, but not the concept of what day it is, so she forgets that these two days are The day she came to be her aunt.

Two days in advance.

The urgently needed sanitary napkins were still lying quietly on the shelves of the small supermarket, waiting for her to buy them.

There is no spare one in the school bag.

Thinking of this, An Ran could only hope that it wouldn't rain later and that her aunt wouldn't be in a hurry.

Let her last until after class to go to the small supermarket to buy sanitary napkins.

When you are distracted, it is easy to ignore your surroundings.

So much so that I didn't notice that the physics teacher on the podium had already finished explaining the relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration during motion, and even glanced at everyone in the audience one by one with his sharp eyes.

With such a serious look, I don't know what he is going to do.

It's probably nothing good.

Physics teachers have always been very difficult in class.

The classmates in the audience had heads as big as buckets, and they wanted to shrink themselves up so that he wouldn't see them.

Soon, they saw him frowning and looking towards the window on the far right side of the classroom——

What's there by the window?

Oh, and there is An Ran, a big grievance who has been taken care of by the physics teacher in class since the monthly exams.

Oh, what is An Ran doing?

Staring out the window in a daze!

What's so good about this gloomy sky?

You turned your head, Lao Bi has been staring at you for at least half a minute, sister!

An Ran was in so much pain that her whole body was in a state of confusion. Where could she think about anything else?

As a result, the whole class saw that the physics teacher was very dissatisfied with her inattentiveness in class, tilting her head and looking out the window in a daze.

She herself didn't realize it.

Last Friday, we changed seats in the class and moved An Ran and Zhou Nigyue at the same table to one side and the other to the west. They both sat against the wall. The person who was originally closest to them became the person who was far away.

However, although the distance is far, the heart is not far away.

At this moment, Zhou Nigyue was more anxious than everyone else in the class. She just hated that she was far away and couldn't remind her immediately. Then she complained about the person next to her... You should remind her at least, brother!

But, no one responded at all.

She could only grit her teeth and whisper, "Look back, look back, look back..."

I don’t know if her prayer really had any effect.

An Ran finally turned around, but with half-squinted eyes, he looked at the physics teacher on the podium. He looked drowsy and sleepy, as if he had just returned from a dinner with Duke Zhou. .

The physics teacher couldn't suppress his explosive temper and shouted louder, "An Ran."

The whole class was frightened and shook.

An Ran was still confused, "Huh?"

The physics teacher took a deep breath and said, "Get up and explain the concepts related to the knowledge point I just talked about."

What did the physics teacher just say?

An Ran quickly looked at the watch on his wrist and found that only three or four minutes had passed. Three or four minutes was not enough for the physics teacher to teach a new knowledge point, which was a concept related to mechanics.

Fortunately, I seriously asked Shi Jian for advice yesterday evening.

So she endured the pain, forced herself to stand up on the table, and without even thinking about it, she used the example and metaphor that Jane had used to explain this knowledge to her yesterday afternoon to help her deepen her understanding and strengthen her absorption. He repeated it again and finally made a summary like him:

"Newton's three laws of motion are of vital significance to understanding and describing the laws of object motion."

After speaking for a while, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on An Ran's smooth forehead.

The physics teacher standing far away in front of the podium could not see it. He only knew that An Ran was not wandering around just now.

"Oh, she just didn't look at the podium, but she focused all her attention on her ears and listened carefully to his lecture!"

"Otherwise, this question would not have been answered so well."

The teacher of Grade 11 looked at An Ran who was answering questions fluently and showed an extremely satisfied look.

It would be an understatement to say that Lao Huai is delighted.

"It seems that what An Ran said in the office during the last monthly exam was true. She was really making up for her homework seriously."

The physics teacher thought like this and couldn't help but look at An Ran and smile, and praised her by the way, "Yes, that's a good answer. It seems that you have been working hard in physics recently. Sit down."

It works, thank you Teacher Shi!

An Ran put his hands on the table and sat down slowly.

After exhaling, I couldn't relax at all.

She only felt that after answering a question, her whole body had lost a lot of energy. Not only did she have a stomachache, her hands and feet were now starting to feel cold.

Seeing that the students around him had survived the crisis safely, their hearts dropped.

Seeing that the physics teacher was in a good mood, Xia Ying boldly approached her and asked in a low voice, "You are sweating nervously. The midterm exam is coming soon. The teacher is holding on tight, so you still have to pay attention."

Don't always look out the window.

As a deskmate, he had already noticed that since he moved to sit next to the window last Friday.

An Ran didn't know why, but she had a habit of looking out the window when nothing happened.

"Yes." An Ran hugged her lower abdomen tightly with her hands again, and responded to her deskmate's rare concern in a very perfunctory manner.

Forget it.

How can straight men understand the menstrual cramps that girls experience once a month?

She'd better save some energy to buy sanitary napkins after class.

The school bell has already rang through the sky. I don’t know if I got positive feedback from Enron about serious teaching. The physics teacher of Class 1, Grade 1, rarely held the class:

"You must remember to complete your homework after class. The purpose of learning knowledge is to apply it. If you don't apply it in daily life, it is useless. Do you remember?"

"Remember..." The students in the class responded less positively.

The physics teacher felt that they could not continue from their somewhat absent-minded attitude, and reluctantly threw the chalk tip into the chalk box on the podium.

"Just remember, get out of class is over!"

The lower body tightened.

An Ran felt that something was wrong. A slight amount of liquid was being discharged from the body, but fortunately it was not much.

As soon as the physics teacher left, she turned pale and rushed out of the classroom immediately.

Zhou Nigyue, who originally wanted to come over to chat with her, saw her rushing out in such a hurry. After a second of surprise, she opened the window next to her and said, "An Ran, why are you going?"

An Ran turned around and replied hurriedly, "To the supermarket, will you go with me?"

Go to the supermarket?

An Ran, who rarely goes to the supermarket, wanted to go to the supermarket. Zhou Nigyue, who originally didn't plan to go to the small supermarket because of the bad weather, changed her mind.

"Go, wait for me."

"Pa", Zhou Nigyue closed the window, squeezed through the back of her deskmate and rushed outside.

It was freezing cold, and there was no one in the corridor outside the classroom.

An Ran waited for a moment and saw Zhou Nigyue walking towards her quickly. The other person was very fast, but she was even more anxious.

Therefore, before Zhou Nigyue could reach her, she turned around and walked out.

Zhou Nigyue had to run to catch up with her, and comforted her very considerately, "Don't worry, there's enough time, Lao Bi only delayed it for four minutes."

I couldn't stand being dragged into class by the teacher for even a minute.

Not to mention four minutes, Zhou Nigyue had just been staring at her watch to count the time and remembered it firmly.

"I know." An Ran responded perfunctorily and continued running forward.

Zhou Nigyue finally felt her abnormal panic, "Why are you so anxious?"

"I'm here, auntie, to buy bread." Just as she was going down the stairs, An Ran slowed down, but she felt something was flowing more and more from her stomach. "Can you help me see if my back is red?"

Zhou Nigyue quickly stepped back and looked at her butt. She found that her pants were clean and breathed a sigh of relief, "No."

An Ran also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing how nervous she was, Zhou Nigyue became nervous and said, "Is it a lot? It won't be a lot on the first day, right?"

"I had a lot of menstrual flow in the first two to three days." Last month, An Ran faced her sixteen-year-old self's menstrual flow for the first time, and An Ran was shocked.

She never knew that her body had ever been so smooth and discharged so much blood.

Thinking of how many years after her previous life, every time she came to visit her aunt, if she did not take various medicines and medicated foods to replenish qi and blood, she would have no blood volume, which made her extremely anxious. She often wondered whether she was prematurely aging and going to menopause. I felt so sad.

It's really a drought, a drought, and a flood.

"How much is a lot?"

"It's almost like changing one for each class."

That's so much better.

Zhou Nigyue looked at the sweat on An Ran's forehead and thought she was worried about not being able to hold on to the small supermarket, so she said thoughtfully, "Can you still hold on? Otherwise, go back to the classroom and find a classmate to borrow one. Go to the toilet and change it first. I'll help you." Go buy it?”

This is a good idea.

But, “Who should I borrow from?”

Zhou Nigyue was stunned, "Let's go to the small supermarket together."

At least the goal is clear. Go to the classroom to ask someone to borrow it. If you ask the wrong person, you won't get it after asking around, which is a waste of time.

The two of them went down the stairs and saw the flat road in front of them. An Ran wanted to run again, but as soon as she moved her feet, she felt a stab of pain in her lower abdomen, which made her vision go dark.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Nigyue helped An Ran, who was swaying, in time.

"My stomach hurts and I can't run."

The voices were all weak.

This is very painful!

Zhou Nigyue understood instantly and quickly looked around.

"I'll help you lean over there. Don't leave. Wait here for me to come back. I'll buy it for you." She pointed to a wall in the corridor beside the stairs.

Fortunately, it was cold today and all the students were hiding in the classroom. Otherwise, the corridor was usually the favorite place for students to gather and whisper, and An Ran would have no place to stay if she wanted to.

"Okay." An Ran took out a 50-yuan note from her pocket, put it into Zhou Nigyue's hand, and then let her help her to lean against the wall.

"If you feel uncomfortable, squat down." An Ran was not allowed to sit down because the ground was cold and dirty.

"I know, thank you." An Ran was very glad that Zhou Nigyue followed him, "Fortunately, you followed me."

"Why are you so polite to me?" Zhou Nigyue now wished she could fly to a small supermarket, "What brand do you usually use?"

An Ran thought for a moment and said, "You can buy it yourself, as long as it is ultra-thin."

"Okay." Zhou Nigyue squeezed the money tightly and rushed out like the wind.

Someone bought sanitary napkins for her, so An Ran just leaned against the wall and closed her eyes to relax.

She stood so secretly that students who passed by on the stairs could see her up and down, and no one could help but look at her.

She is so beautiful and dazzling.

She is thin and long, with skin as white as snow. She looks like she is leaning against the wall with her head tilted up, and her delicate side face seems to be modeled after the model in the window. People can't help but be attracted to her.

Among the people taking the stairs, there were four tall boys in thick clothes crowded at the entrance of the stairs on the first floor, pushing and shoving, and whispering:

"Go, go quickly."

"You don't dare to go now, how about other times?"

"That's right, if you dare, I respect you as my father!"

"Such a great opportunity, if you don't take it, you will be a grandson."

"I..." The tallest boy in the middle had a handsome face that was flushed. He was nervous and angry, "I'm not even ready."

As soon as he said this, the three boys who had just pushed him gently increased their strength in their hands with great tacit understanding.

"Go! You!"

"What are you not ready for?"

"It's been in your pocket for two weeks, how long do you want to prepare it?"

The tall boy was accidentally pushed into the corridor.

He was pushed so hard that he couldn't stand still. If he had long arms and legs, he could quickly hold on to the wall. He might fall to the ground and roll directly to An Ran's feet.

He was so angry that he wanted to curse, "You are still human, not human!"

The girl he had long admired was standing not far away. The tall man was very angry, but he didn't dare to scold them too loudly. He only dared to scold them in a low voice with a fierce look on his face.

After he finished cursing, he quickly turned to look at An Ran, hoping that she still had her eyes closed and didn't see how cowardly he had just been.

But he fell into a pair of bright and clear eyes.

The boy's face instantly turned red, and he was so nervous that he didn't know where to place his hands and feet. He hurriedly wanted to apologize to her, but his words were incoherent, "I'm sorry, I...I..."

"It's you." An Ran opened her eyes long before the boy was pushed over.

She just closed her eyes and was not asleep. These boys were standing by the stairs muttering for so long. She was not deaf, so how could she not hear them?

It's just that the voices sounded like strangers and I didn't want to talk to them.

It wasn't until she felt someone being pushed to her side that she opened her eyes and recognized her when he made a sound.

"You, you still remember me?" The boy has a handsome face, a pair of heroic eyebrows, and big eyes, clear and nervous. He looks like a straightforward young man.

"Remember, you invited me to drink Assam milk tea in the cafeteria before." An Ran's lips raised slightly, revealing a natural and touching smile, and the eyes falling on the male god's eyebrows revealed tenderness and kindness.

It's like a clear lake, and like a spring breeze blowing from the lake in April.

She really remembers!

Just once, I mustered up the courage to ask her for a drink. I was rejected as expected, but I didn't expect that although she rejected him, she still remembered him.

The boy's originally nervous heart was like fireworks exploding in the dark night, but because of the memory of An Ran, his heart surged.

"It's me!" The boy clenched his fists excitedly, not knowing what to say, "I..."

The three boys behind him were also very surprised when they saw An Ran's reaction, so they couldn't help but urge him! 1314(End of this chapter)

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