Chu Xiuran frowned slightly when he saw Lin Xingchu had left. This guy was completely unorganized and undisciplined.

"Trouble." Chu Xiuran frowned and said

When Chu Qingran heard her brother's words, she didn't say anything, but she was still envious of those with wings.

That kind of flying in the sky without restraint is very free.

Lin Xingchu ate one of his own mutated persimmons, and with the eyes of a cat, he had super night vision ability even in the dark night.

She glanced around and found no mutant geckos, but there were a lot less mutant bugs on the ground.

Judging from this, these mutated bugs will most likely dissipate by tomorrow morning.

Lin Xingchu slowly flew over Dingzhou City. There were actually lights on in several high-rise buildings. It seemed that there were survivors in Dingzhou as well.

She didn't bother, and when she turned the corner, she saw the mutated gecko, and she was climbing on the wall at the moment.

Fortunately, Lin Xingchu's induction was very strong. If he went through like this, he would definitely be attacked.

The mutated gecko was motionless and didn't move its eyes, as if it was dead, but Lin Xingchu knew that it was waiting.

Lin Xingchu hung in mid-air, switching to the cat's semi-complete form, and his reaction speed increased.

Just when Lin Xingchu was about to go over, the little sparrow flew over, and the mutated gecko stuck out its tongue, so fast it was blurry.

The little sparrow squeaked and spit out a mouthful of venom onto the mutated gecko's tongue.


The mutated gecko is immune to poison, and the sparrow's venom balls cannot poison it, but it slows down her movements.

The little sparrow immediately flew aside. Lin Xingchu frowned. The main and most dangerous thing against this mutant gecko was its mutant tongue.

Lin Xingchu's only ability is melee combat, and he has no long-range attack skills. This is now Lin Xingchu's weakness.

Suddenly she thought of her own cheetah speed, which she had not tried yet, the speed of a cheetah plus its own wings. Lin Xingchu's eyes lit up, and he immediately switched to cheetah mode. The wings behind him changed from dark blue to patterned color, and his head turned into fluffy patterned ears.


The wings and the speed of the cheetah were so fast that there was only a blurry afterimage. Lin Xingchu was not familiar with it at first, and she almost hit the wall. Fortunately, she braked in time.

Fast enough!

Then Lin Xingchu flew quietly behind the mutated gecko. Before it could react, Lin Xingchu had already pulled out a dagger from his waist and inserted it into its head.


The mutated gecko was in pain and twisted its body to climb up the wall quickly, but its speed was not as fast as Lin Xingchu's.

In the next second, Lin Xingchu flew to it, and this time Lin Xingchu's claws scratched its body.

But the gecko's tail suddenly broke, and the half of the gecko with the dagger became faster.

Lin Xingchu chased after it all the way, seeing that it was about to get its energy beads, how could she let it go so easily?

As a result, when it followed him around the corner, the mutant gecko disappeared.

But Lin Xingchu clearly felt that it was around. Could it be that he climbed in through the window of this high-rise community?

But there were no signs of broken windows around it, and suddenly a tongue wrapped around its neck from the side.

She also saw the figure of this guy. Isn't this guy a mutant gecko? But a mutant lizard? He was actually able to hide himself.

Lin Xingchu grabbed Juan Gu, and her neck was wrapped so tightly that her face turned red and she almost couldn't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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