The end of the world is coming: Others mutate and I transform

Chapter 187 The little sparrow is also mutated?

This kind of place only has meat, and there are no vegetables to eat with it, but it is very satisfying to eat meat alone.

There are bowls and chopsticks here, and they haven't been unpacked yet. Lin Xingchu is already sitting on the edge waiting.

I have to say that the meat of this mutated pig is really fragrant, more fragrant than ordinary meat. It seems that even with the mutation, it is still edible.

"It smells so good." Shi Hao swallowed, and so did Li Yaohui. Both of them looked at the pot where the meat was cooked.

They haven't eaten meat for who knows how many days, and they haven't even eaten anything hot.

So delicious.

"Why does the meat of this mutated beast taste so good?" Li Yaohui said, swallowing unconsciously again.

"No matter what, just die if you want! I want to eat meat anyway!" Li Yaohui had already fought for a bite of meat.

Shi Hao remembered that Lin Xingchu said that it was the first time he ate the meat of a mutated beast to see if he could adapt to it. If he got diarrhea, he couldn't eat it. Eating too much would be life-threatening.

But if you can adapt to it the first time, then you will have no problem eating it, and it seems to keep you healthy.

They don't know whether what Lin Xingchu said is true or false!

"I want to eat anyway!" Li Yaohui said, she still trusted Lin Xingchu's words.

After a while, Su Yu's stewed meat began to slurp, and even started to smell fragrant.

Seeing that the two people seemed to be trying to compete with her for meat, Lin Xingchu was very unhappy. She said, "You have to eat and cook it yourself!"

The first pot of meat was enough for her and Su Yu to eat!

What Lin Xingchu said was correct. He was saying that the mutated pig was killed and dissected by the other party. It was probably because the two of them helped later, otherwise the meat would not be shared with them.

Shi Hao was not angry when he heard Lin Xingchu's words, and immediately went to find a similar pot. Neither of them had cooked before, so they put most of the seasonings into the pot.

After a while, Su Yu's cooked meat was ready and he took the pot to the other side.

Shi Hao and Li Yaohui quickly set up the pot, but there wasn't enough firewood, so they split the table next to them to use as firewood.

On this side, Lin Xingchu took chopsticks and a bowl and started eating. The little sparrow was still standing on its head, and then suddenly flew into Lin Xingchu's hand.

"You want to eat too? Doesn't the little sparrow not eat meat?" Lin Xingchu frowned.

If she remembers it well, popular science has said that sparrows generally feed on weed seeds and seeds of wild grass plants!

Lin Xingchu watched the little sparrow standing on her hand, eating a piece of mutated meat that she picked up.

This is not only meat, but mutated meat!

"You won't eat it to death, right?" Lin Xingchu was startled. Just when she didn't want the little guy to eat it, she took a piece of meat in her mouth, flew to the table beside her and started eating.

My meat! Lin Xingchu felt a little distressed.

Su Yu served her another bowl, and while Lin Xingchu was eating, he looked at the little sparrow next to him.

Shi Hao and Li Yaohui on the side watched the two people, including a little sparrow, eating with relish.

Their stomachs were growling loudly!

So hungry! It smells so good! I want to eat!

After a while, the little sparrow ate a whole piece of meat. Its belly had become round. It flapped its wings several times before it staggered and slowly flew to Lin Xingchu's head.

The little sparrow lay on the head of Lin Xingchu's ball. After eating and drinking, he began to rest.

"It's okay." Lin Xingchu was surprised. Today's world may be mutating little by little, and many things are beyond their knowledge.

After a while, Su Yu and Lin Xingchu showed off a pot full of meat. They were so comfortable and full.

Lin Xingchu felt that his whole body was full of energy!

The meat stewed by Shi Hao and Li Yaohui was good, so they each took a bowl, but neither of them started to eat.

"I'll eat first," Shi Hao said. Although they are very hungry now, the meat in the bowl is very fragrant, tempting them all the time.

"Don't!" Li Yaohui quickly grabbed Shi Hao.

"We are brothers, we have to eat together! We have to die together," Li Yaohui said.

Besides, they saw that both Su Yu and Lin Xingchu were fine, and the little sparrow lying on her head was alive and kicking, which gave them a lot of confidence.

"Okay." Shi Hao responded.

So both of them put a piece of meat into their mouths, although the meat was very chewy.

Li Yaohui frowned and said, "Did we add too much salt?"

"It seems so!" Shi Hao said

None of them had cooked before, and they didn't know how much to put in. They just watched it.

Although it was a little salty, it didn't affect them too much, mainly because the two of them were too hungry.

They just ate a few pieces and felt full. ,

But they saw Lin Xingchu and Su Yu eating a whole pot of meat! They may have eaten less than a third, so how could they be full?

"Isn't this meat too filling?" Shi Hao said,

The two of them only felt that the meat was very filling. They did not feel any other symptoms, nor did they have uncomfortable diarrhea. Instead, they felt very powerful.

It seems that they have a suitable physique, but they can't eat too much.

They couldn't throw away the remaining cooked meat, so they searched for a crisper box from the tuck shop and put all the meat in it.

The mutated beast's meat can still be kept for several days after being cooked.

Su Yu cooked the remaining meat in a pot and put it in a safe, so that he could eat the meat in the next few days.

It's just that after this, I have to work until night. I will definitely stay here again today.

Around the small shops. Su Yu and Lin Xingchu both checked and found nothing else.

The weather was still a bit cold at night. They burned a fire in the house and could not close the doors and windows. Only one window was opened.

Four people gathered around the stove, and some hot water was boiled in the pot.

It is already difficult to sleep peacefully in bed.

I don’t know if they ate too much mutated pig meat, but everyone was in unusual spirits that night.

In the early morning, everyone was still awake.

Lin Xingchu turned her back and secretly played with her mobile phone. There was a car to charge, which was enough for her to play for a while.

Lin Xingchu browsed the news on the Internet. Sure enough, some people could strengthen their bodies by eating meat, but some people were not used to it and some died from it.

But everyone knows that the meat of mutant beasts is edible, and they jokingly said that in the future, these mutant beasts will be eaten by them and become extinct.

However, no one dares to try mutant zombies, but what humans don't know is that the reproductive ability of mutant beasts has also become stronger.

Nowadays, even the average number of people who use the Internet are not as common as before. There are 1.3 billion people in the entire country of China, and now there are not even half of them left.

(End of this chapter)

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