Chapter 181 Edible Mutated Beasts

Lin Xingchu only felt that his whole body was full of energy, as if he had swallowed energy beads.

Su Yu looked at Lin Xingchu nervously on the side. Although he knew that she had a strong recovery ability and could offset even the side effects of energy beads, he still couldn't help but worry.

But when he saw that Lin Xingchu had finished eating a big rabbit leg and showed no signs of poisoning at all, and was actually enjoying the meal, he was slightly relieved.

"It tastes really good, but it's a pity that there are no seasonings like chili powder, cumin, etc., otherwise it would be even more delicious." Lin Xingchu said excitedly

"How do you feel about your body?" Su Yu asked, this was his biggest concern.

Lin Xingchu leaned close to Su Yu's ear and whispered: "I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, I felt that my body was full of energy."

It shows that this mutated beast also has energy in its body! It can also be absorbed by the human body, although this mutant rabbit has very little energy.

"But there is very little energy, Captain Su. Will it be possible that the bigger the body is, or the powerful mutant beast will have enough energy?" Lin Xingchu's eyes lit up, and she felt that she had missed too much.

"Maybe." Su Yu was not sure. After all, this requires people to try, or a large number of experiments, before the results can appear.

Su Yu also picked up a piece of rabbit meat and ate it. It tasted really good, mainly because they were carnivores.

I eat some dry food all day long and have no time to cook. The meat is also packaged ready to eat and tastes like MSG. How can freshly roasted meat be as delicious as this!

Sure enough, with a rabbit leg under his belly, Su Yu didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he could faintly feel the energy from the rabbit meat, but it was very weak.

The two of them quickly finished the roasted rabbit meat, while several others were still waiting. Su Yu and Lin Xingchu were poisoned to death.

But after the two people walked around in a circle, they started to go back to the car to rest. Su Yu had been driving for a day, and now he had completely flattened the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Lin Xingchu had been lying in the car all day and was not sleepy at the moment, so he sat in the car and browsed the screen.

Lin Xingchu discovered that the safety zones in several cities across the country are really large! Especially Kyoto has a large population, but the casualties are indeed minimal.

On the contrary, those small cities in the third and fourth tiers, especially villages and counties in the mountains, are the most dangerous, and may even be almost wiped out.

Sure enough, advanced cities have strong resources, not to mention that China has already predicted this end of the world and built a safe zone in advance.

Even if this is the case, it is impossible to protect the country's more than one billion people. It can only ensure the survival of a certain number of people. If the population can be left, it is already very good.

For example, a mountain city is a second-level city after all, but its location is not good and earthquakes occur frequently. It would be good if only a few hundred thousand people among millions of people could survive.

When Lin Xingchu visited the safe zone in Kyoto, he couldn't tell that this was an apocalyptic world, but the prices of supplies online were very expensive!

Lin Xingchu saw that medicines were very valuable in Kyoto, and she planned to find some medicines when she went to Kyoto this time.

Having traveled through so many cities along the way, there must be many pharmacies.

Lin Xingchu was scrolling silently on her phone, looking at the latest news, when she suddenly felt two people approaching. She stood up and opened the window.

The two men approached their window and were startled by the sudden opening of the car window.

"Is something wrong?" Lin Xingchu's attitude was cold and his tone was not very good.

"No, no, just passing by." The man smiled awkwardly and said.

Then the two people left quickly. They had seen this girl who looked very cute. She killed the mutant beast without blinking an eye and directly tore the mutant beast to pieces. They have also killed mutated zombies, and they all have weapons in their hands, so they would not dare to tear them apart like this.

Too violent, too bloody.

"It's not that mutant beasts can poison people. How come they don't do anything after eating them?"

"I read on the Internet that there are limits to eating mutant beasts. They are originally infected with mutations!" The man couldn't help complaining.

Another girl suddenly thought: "They say mutant beasts are poisonous, but no one on the Internet has said that they cannot be eaten! Alien beasts are ordinary people infected with mutated animals, just like humans, some people become mutants after being infected. Do you still have super powers?”

"That's right! Maybe these mutated beasts were infected and turned into super animals? In fact, their meat is edible?"

"Maybe you can gain mutant abilities by eating their meat?" Although this idea is a bit fanciful, it is also possible.

Everyone unconsciously analyzed it, and Su Yu and Lin Xingchu had no problem eating mutant beasts, so they felt more and more possible.

Even if they encounter the next mutant beast, they must hunt it and give it a try!

In fact, Lin Xingchu was also a blind cat who encountered a dead mouse. These mutant beasts did mutate due to infection. Unlike those mutant zombies, these mutant beasts were infected while they were alive.

These mutant beasts can indeed be used, and they will also enhance people's physique and strengthen their health. Of course, whether the mutant beasts can be used is also related to the person's physique.

Some people can't adapt to it, and they will have diarrhea after eating it, which is harmful to the body, while some people will strengthen their physique and strengthen their body after eating it.

This is survival of the fittest! They are now at an unknown level of development, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

Maybe mutated animals rule the world, and humans struggle to survive, or mutate zombies, or maybe humans finally succeed in occupying the top.

Now they are all adapting faintly. Mutated zombies, mutant beasts, including us humans are all adapting.

It's almost time for who can succeed in the end.

Early the next morning, a few of them left, seemingly in a hurry because they were anxious to find the mutated beasts.

Not to mention them, even Lin Xingchu tasted the taste of the mutated beast yesterday, and now the dry bread in the morning feels tasteless.

On the third day, they were still driving slowly on the highway, because the highway had long been out of maintenance, the road surface was broken, and it was even more difficult to walk. They could not drive so fast.

"Team Su, look, the official website of China Kyoto has released the latest news."

Kyoto has released the latest research results. The meat of mutant beasts is edible, but after all, it must be cooked at high temperatures, and not everyone can use it.

You will get diarrhea after the first time you eat it. People who are vomiting are advised not to eat it, as it may be life-threatening.

If you don’t have this reaction after eating it for the first time, it will enhance your physical fitness after eating it.

"It seems that we all have edible physiques." Lin Xingchu said with a smile when he saw the news.

(End of this chapter)

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