Although Lin Xingchu can transform into a semi-complete body of Swift and has wings, she has not tried flying yet.

She must try it when she goes out tomorrow. She hasn't flown it yet, so she doesn't know what it will feel like.

Her wings are a bit like the winged mutants in foreign movies, but her wings are blue and not that big.

She was still a little excited that night, and she didn't sleep for about three or four hours until dawn.

The weather outside was a bit gloomy today. Lin Xingchu thought that her half-complete Swift wings would easily tear the clothes on her back, so she simply wore a suspender belt under her coat.

Just take off your coat when you transform.

After cleaning up, Lin Xingchu and Su Yu went out. As soon as they went out, the two girls upstairs were watching them from the window.

These two girls stopped them two days ago and wanted Su Yu to take them to the mountain city to look for supplies.

"The two of them came in and out at the same time. We can't talk to that boy alone."

"And I heard that they have children in their family. They may be married and have children." Lu Yu said with a frown.

A marriage relationship is much stronger than an ordinary relationship. Lu Yu has no such idea, so he should just go and find supplies with the munitions team in the safe zone.

The munitions team in the safe zone also has good strength.

"No matter what." Lu Xue was a little unwilling.

"I think you just have a crush on a certain man, right?" Lu Yu knew his sister too well, so she always wanted to follow that man, and she had been staying at the window for the past few days, wasn't it just to see that man?

Lu Yu admitted that the man did have good looks and a good figure, even better-looking than male celebrities. But at first glance, the man seemed silent and cold, and he didn't like to talk. Besides, he already had a married wife and even children.

There is no way that Zhang's sister fell in love with this appearance. Before the end of the world, Lu Xue liked to chase stars, especially a male star who would block the airport or even his home.

There was quite a big fuss once. At a male celebrity event, I rushed up and hugged someone. As a result, this matter became a hot topic.

Lu Yu and Lu Xue are only two years apart. Now that their family members are gone, they are the only sisters left to depend on each other.

"Lu Xue, the world is different now. Don't be impulsive!" Lu Yu persuaded her sister. Maybe this kind of persuasion had no effect on her sister, but she couldn't help but say it.

"By the way, I heard that the safe zone will form a team and participate in training so that they can have a certain ability to protect themselves. Why don't we go and participate?" Lu Yu said quickly, hoping that Lu Xue could divert his attention.

"No, I can't stand military training. Joining the training team will definitely be more tiring." Lu Xue frowned and directly rejected her sister's proposal.

"Then I will go and participate. None of us have the ability to mutate. If we don't participate in the training, the future will be difficult." Lu Yu has also figured it out in the past few days, and he also encountered dangerous mutated zombies when he went out to look for supplies.

She has been too easily influenced by her sister recently when she was with her, and she even followed her sister to stop someone else that day.

"Sister, have you fallen in love with the captain of the munitions team?" Lu Xue looked straight at Lu Yu.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lu Yu felt a little guilty. They were in danger when they were looking for supplies that day, and it was that man who saved her.

Lu Xue didn't say anything else. Anyway, her sister's face said everything.

(End of this chapter)

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