Lin Xingchu looked at the registration time and names. There were indeed many people out looking for supplies.

The government can only give survivors a place to take refuge. The survivors need to find the supplies themselves. Of course, they can also choose to go with the military search team in the safe zone to obtain shelter, but they need to pay half of the supplies they receive.

There are also many people waiting to go with the team.

Lin Xingchu and Su Yu don't need it. They are both mutants, so there is no need to share the supplies with others.

Although the safe zone has been restored, there is still a wildlife park in front, where the most mutated animals appear.

But there are also people who choose to take a detour in order to avoid a direct encounter, but this detour is only a few hours away.

Of course, there are also people who hide aside and do not move forward, but wait for others, or want to wait for the army to go first, but the military team has completed the restoration and construction of the safe zone these days, and will not go looking for rescue or supplies first!
  The survivors have no supplies, but they still have enough spare supplies for military use.

Before Chu Xiuran left, he gave Su Yu the Mitsubishi Military Sword. I have to say that the relationship between the two of them had a subtle feeling.

Friend and enemy? Lin Xingchu occasionally imagined some big dramas in his mind.

Lin Xingchu has lost several weapons, and she found that many weapons are not as useful as her claws!
  It's just that when the claws are directly inserted into the mutant beast's body, there will be a sticky feeling and a bloody smell, but you will gradually get used to it!

And she can control the length of her claws, especially those of cats! Sharp! The sturdiness is pretty good!
  But when her strength improves in the future, these will become stronger little by little.

Lin Xingchu decided to find a mobile phone to find supplies this time. Now that the satellite network has been restored, it means that he should be able to access the Internet, right?
  However, it seems that you also need to find a satellite network card, which should be available in these mobile phone stores.

Lin Xingchu and Su Yu did not choose to take a detour. After all, a detour would waste too much time.

They chose to walk directly to the mountain forest where they met Chu Xiuran last time. Although the road was not easy to walk, they avoided walking directly from the entrance of the wildlife park!
  Most of the wild animal mutants have dispersed. Lin Xingchu and Su Yu were lucky this time and did not encounter large mutant beasts.

They were mainly looking for supplies this time. They didn't want to confront the mutant beasts, so they would avoid them immediately. If they couldn't avoid them, they would have no choice but to attack them directly.

Most of the corpses they encountered before had been dried or mutilated.

There is not even a complete body of someone who died outside, and no one knows who they are.

It takes an hour or two to walk through the wildlife park. If you have a car, you can get there in half an hour.

Lin Xingchu and Su Yu didn't have transportation, so they could only walk. They hadn't reached the mountain city yet.

Much of the road surface has been cracked, so they can't drive even if there are cars.

"Is this an earthquake again?" Lin Xingchu frowned. She remembered that the road was not so serious when they came.

Now the road is full of potholes, and the pipes inside the collapse are exposed. Not only are they exposed, but yellow water is flowing out.

These may be water pipes, which collapsed during the earthquake.

If all the roads in the city were like this, she didn't know if she could make it back in one day.

(End of this chapter)

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