Chapter 116

Gu Cisheng still didn’t know that he was missing a rotten peach blossom. At this time, he was talking to Jiang Chunyu about what happened during the morning maintenance, “I didn’t expect that the three tractors in the commune had different levels of wear and tear. The machinery in the county The factory didn’t care at all.”

Jiang Chunyu somewhat understands that there are also transportation teams in the county, and the development of machinery factories in small counties may not be as great as that in their prefecture-level cities. Machinery factories serve as key scientific research support units, and there are even fewer technicians.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chunyu couldn't help but make some suggestions, "Do you want to go back and discuss with your leader whether you can find technicians for training on a regular basis? Or they can arrange for people to go there. In short, as long as you can learn, it will be considered good." It’s a way.”

"That's a good idea." Gu Cisheng pushed up his glasses, his eyes full of surprise. She is indeed the lesbian he likes. How can she be so smart? "I'll repair the machinery in the warehouse later."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of a tractor rumbling outside the team headquarters.


The tractor stopped at the door, and the director of the commune clasped his wind-tossed hair with his fingers, "Expert Gu, I finally found you. I haven't even finished thanking you this morning. Why did you leave so quickly?"

When Gu Cisheng saw the director of the commune, the warm feeling he had shown Jiang Chunyu just now disappeared. Instead, he had a solemn face and frowned.

Hearing the words of the commune director, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. The work was done, why would he stay if he didn't leave?
I have already dealt with Expert Gu in the morning. The director of the commune is very aware of his reticent character and doesn't care at all. He is an expert with good skills and it is normal to have a temper.

"Expert Gu, I heard that you are going to repair the machines of the Taoyuan production team this afternoon. In fact, the machines of many brigades in our commune are broken. Could you please help us repair them?"

With a smile on his face, the director of the commune rubbed his hands and continued, "Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain. If you have any demands, just ask for them."

Jiang Chunyu suppressed a smile. It was the commune director's expression that was too flattering.

Gu Cisheng saw that the director of the commune made Jiang Chunyu happy, and there was a hint of melting in the iceberg face, so he directly agreed, "Stay here first and let me take a look. It may not be possible to fix it."

The director of the commune wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was so nervous. If someone like this came to their county, he would do anything to win over him.

Jiang Chunyu stood on tiptoe and glanced at the machines loaded on the tractor. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "Good guy, you have to be able to collect the wool by yourself."

He patted Gu Cisheng on the shoulder and encouraged, "Come on!"

The cafeteria was used as a temporary lecture venue. As soon as Jiang Chunyu entered, he saw a crowd of people, all of whom were lesbians. Some of them were squatting, some standing, and some carrying small stools to sit down. However, these people had They all had needlework inside, hoping to attend classes and work at the same time.

This was what they did when they took literacy classes before. They didn't know a few words and saved a lot of money on kerosene lamps.

Director Fan pulled Jiang Chunyu to the first row, "This is the chairman of the Women's Federation of our commune. Next to him is Director Zhu from the Propaganda Department. What we are doing today is for the benefit of female comrades. Director Zhu will publicize it in the commune." Blackboard promotion.”

Director Zhu was just assigned this year and originally thought it would be a good job. When he heard that he was going to talk about lesbians, his head was buzzing. After all, he was also a gay. He sat aside with red cheeks and a sullen face.

If he hadn't gone out without toilet paper, he would have plugged his ears.

Jiang Chunyu began to give lectures. She did not talk about complicated medical theories, but told female comrades what kind of diseases they would develop through their hygiene habits.

At first, everyone didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until Jiang Chunyu talked about several cases that caused early death and infection that everyone put down their sewing work and listened seriously.

After Jiang Chunyu finished speaking, someone started asking questions, "Dr. Jiang, can you really say that basking in the sun can kill the bacteria? Is it true that you can't have sex when you're on your period?" Do country people pay attention to that? They just put it away after use. I kept it aside for future use, and I didn’t even think there was any problem with having sex.

Jiang Chunyu nodded affirmatively, "In fact, not only the close-fitting clothes that everyone wears, but also the sheets and quilts used when sleeping, I recommend that everyone wash them regularly to avoid the generation of bacteria."

When it comes to bed sheets and quilts, most people don’t think it’s necessary to wash them frequently.

Cloth tickets were scarce at this time, so the quilts we made were all sewn with pieces of cloth, which was very troublesome to take apart, and the textile threads used to sew quilts also cost money.

Washing the quilt once a year around the New Year is basically considered a clean house.

Jiang Chunyu understands everyone's feelings, but he can't agree too much, "In fact, when I was helping you see a doctor this time, I found a lot of small bumps on everyone's arms or necks. These are underwear and bed sheets. The consequences of not cleaning up.”

Most of the necks shrank, and it was obvious that Jiang Chunyu had hit the key point.

Later, Jiang Chunyu examined several lesbians with serious gynecological diseases and prescribed some Chinese medicine to treat them.

"I see that every household has their own plot of land. I heard from Aunt Zhu that there is wild turmeric in the mountains. You can plant some at home to get rid of the cold weather. If you have abdominal pain during the period, you can also use turmeric to boil water."

Turmeric is low cost and has so many benefits. As soon as everyone heard about it, they planned to go to the mountains to dig turmeric tomorrow.

After everyone started chatting, any problems between men and women came up.

Who said dirty words are only for men? Middle-aged women love to tease young, newly married daughters-in-law.

"Hey, your gangster is looking at the big and the fat, how about that? If it doesn't work, hurry up, while Dr. Jiang is here, you can take a look at what's wrong."

Hearing this, it just reminded the careless Officer Zhu, and he realized that he had been fascinated by what the woman said just now.

But what this eldest sister said makes sense. It happened that his sister-in-law had been married for two years and still couldn't get pregnant. Dr. Jiang really had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

Jiang Chunyu was speechless for a while. The eldest sisters and ladies were somewhat fierce. Look at the little wife's face, which was as red as a monkey's butt.

The chat in the cafeteria was lively, and Gu Cisheng outside was extremely efficient. It was the tractor that brought all the machines that had been repaired.

Just as the guys were transporting the machine back, Zhou Zhiming brought several police officers into the brigade headquarters.

The captain was being complimented by other captains. When he saw Zhou Zhiming, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Zhiming opened his mouth, he knew why his right eyelid kept twitching in the morning.

Zhou Zhiming: "I haven't seen you for a few days, captain. How are you? Is Yan Danni, an educated youth from your brigade, here?"

(End of this chapter)

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