Xu Zhao saw that the person shouting was actually the female NPC, the NPC she had smeared with red water and followed her before.

After she finished shouting, she seemed to send some kind of signal to the surrounding NPCs, causing those NPCs to rush up one by one to attack the tour guide.

Some even shouted after the NPC, "I want to go home!"

One sound after another.

Xu Zhao also shouted: "I want to go home, I want to go home!"

Ye Xiaomei, Ah Cheng, Chen Xiang, and Lei Jun also shouted together.

Finally the whole street was shouting.

There are countless NPCs surrounding the tour guide.

It wasn't until the sun went down that the NPCs surrounding the tour guide dispersed.

Xu Zhao and others walked over to see the tour guide.

I didn’t see the tour guide, I didn’t see the corpse, I didn’t even see the muddy meat.

There was only a puddle of mud, and on top of that puddle was a rotten piece of wood.

Ye Xiaomei was shocked: "Is this a tour guide?"

Chen Xiang was also shocked, "Is he made of wood?"

Ye Xiaomei's face turned pale as she thought of something, "Are we entering a supernatural copy?"

Xu Zhao didn't know either, but she had experienced animals turning into humans, so it didn't seem that strange for plants to turn into humans.

The tour guide solved it and the NPCs dispersed, but they didn't know what to do and their faces were confused.

Seeing that it was getting dark, I could only instinctively hide back inside.

The same is true for Ye Xiaomei.

Xu Zhao walked to the door of the hotel. She stood guard at the door without closing the door, watching the sky completely darken.

The streets were quiet.

Very common, no mutant plants.

Chen Xiang and the others were also watching at the door, not including the NPCs.

After waiting for a while, the mutated plant still didn't appear, and the NPC couldn't believe their eyes.

I don’t know who suddenly said: “We are normal, our town is normal!”

Everyone cheered.

Ye Xiaomei walked up to Xu Zhao and asked her in a low voice: "Can we pass the level?"

Xu Zhaodao: "See if the dream seeds have changed."

Ye Xiaomei took out the glass bottle and looked at it, but there was no change.

It's still the same little bud as it was in the morning. It hasn't grown taller, but fortunately it hasn't withered either.

The same is true for Xu Zhao.

It seems that you can't clear the level by solving the big BOSS, but you still have to complete the task.

Ye Xiaomei was a little discouraged, but quickly cheered up again.

Xu Zhao walked up to the female NPC and asked her, "Do you still recognize me?"

The female NPC was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Xu Zhao: "Aren't you from this town?"

The female NPC nodded.

Xu Zhao: "You were also brought here by a tour guide? You said this place can help people realize their dreams?"

The female NPC nodded again.

Xu Zhao: "What is your dream? Has it come true?"

The female NPC's voice was hoarse: "It didn't come true. I think my mother likes me."

Then she added: "It's all a lie, it's impossible."

Ye Xiaomei was not far away, and her expression changed greatly when she heard this. She walked over and said, "Why do you say that? How do you know?"

The female NPC didn't look at who was asking her, and continued: "My friends and I came in as a group, there were five people in total, and now I am the only one left. Some of their dreams were to get rich suddenly, and some to cure their family members from terminal illnesses, but none of them have been realized... …”

Ye Xiaomei quickly asked: "Why? Where did they go? Did they realize their dreams and leave?" The female NPC smiled, but her smile was uglier than crying. "They have all become plants. They are in the flower bed at the foot of the mountain. Their dream seeds sucked blood and turned into plants after eating them..."

At this moment, Chen Xiang and others also gathered around, and their expressions changed drastically when they heard the female NPC's words.

Ah Cheng: "You mean, this kind of child will be able to eat people when it grows up?"

The female NPC didn't know whether she didn't hear it clearly or something, but she still repeated one sentence, "It's impossible to become a plant..."

Suddenly, a scream sounded, and everyone looked towards the sound. It was Kong Weiwei who was holding her own glass bottle in her hand, looking at the seeds inside, with a panic on her face, "My seeds!"

Then she rushed towards Ye Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, don't you have red water? Can you lend me some red water? I will definitely repay you. I can do whatever you want me to do!"

Ye Xiaomei lowered her head to look at her seeds. Originally, her seeds had sprouted, but now, the leaves had lost their luster and were dying.

Ye Xiaomei shook her head, "I don't have any more."

After she finished speaking, she took out her red water bottle and showed it to her.

Kong Weiwei's face turned pale. He thought of something and rushed to Xu Zhao, "Can you lend me the red water..."

Xu Zhao: "Isn't your dream to eat? Go and eat."

Kong Weiwei seemed to have just come to his senses and hurried to the kitchen.

Chen Xiang came over and said, "Why pay attention to her? Just now she wanted the NPCs to go to the incense shop to light incense."

Xu Zhao: "She can't eat it."

Chen Xiang reacted and nodded, "Yes, it's full of spoiled food. It's strange that she can eat it."

Xu Zhao ignored Kong Weiwei. She looked into the hotel and didn't see Jin Mu. Ah Cheng said, "I took care of it."

Xu Zhao was a little surprised. Chen Xiang explained: "He just lit incense."

Xu Zhao knew that she would do the same thing in her place.

She said to the NPCs around her: "Are you all hungry? Should we see if there is normal food in this hotel?"

"Do you think this room stinks? Should we bring some water to clean it?"

No one moved at first, Xu Zhao took the lead, and Ye Xiaomei and Chen Xiang also took action.

After a while, some NPCs also moved, some were doing hygiene, and some were looking for food.

After Xu Zhao took care of the hygiene, someone found wild vegetables outside, and someone found yellowed flour in the hotel's warehouse. It had not deteriorated badly, and some NPCs said it was still edible.

Then, an NPC was responsible for cooking and made a large plate of wild vegetable gnocchi.

Everyone ate with gusto, and some even showed satisfaction.

Kong Weiwei also rushed over and grabbed a bowl to eat. After she finished, she looked at the seeds, but they were still the same. Maybe it was because she didn't have enough time, so she comforted herself.

After eating, everyone went back to their rooms, and Xu Zhao also went back to his room.

She also cleaned up the room and had the best sleep since entering this dungeon.

The next day, just after dawn, I heard voices and the sound of sweeping the floor in the street.

She opened the window and looked down, and found that someone was already sweeping the street with a broom.

Smoke rose from other rooftops, and the smell of normal food could still be faintly smelled.

She also saw that the white fog on the roadside had receded a little. She took out the seeds and looked at them. The new shoots had grown two inches.

"Miss Xu, have you gotten up?"

Ye Xiaomei shouted outside the door.

Xu Zhao walked over and opened the door, "You're up, what's wrong?"

Ye Xiaomei looked happy, "My seeds have grown again."

Xu Zhao smiled slightly: "Mine too."

Ye Xiaomei: "That's great."

The town is gradually recovering, and the white fog is getting less and less day by day, gradually revealing more features, including houses, schools, squares, fields, and rivers.

Xu Zhao's seeds also grew bigger and bigger. On the twelfth day she entered the dungeon, the seeds bloomed into bright red flowers.

"Congratulations Xu Zhao, successfully passed the level."

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