"Run!" Kong Weiwei shouted as he ran away.

Ye Xiaomei has been chased by zombies and mutant animals many times in the real world, so she still has some reflexes.

Before Kong Weiwei finished shouting, he had already started running.

The NPC is still chasing after him.

"Why is he still chasing us?" Kong Weiwei ran relatively fast. She had breakfast in the morning and her physical strength was still good.

Ye Xiaomei has less experience in going out in the real world than Kong Wei, so the two run equally well.

Ye Xiaomei used her sleeve to wipe the blood on her face while running. Could it be that the blood on her face caused the NPC behind her to pursue her?

The two of them ran all the way to the Yuanmeng Temple.

The NPC didn't know why he stopped chasing him.

But here, the blood-sucking vine emerged and quickly ran towards Ye Xiaomei.

Ye Xiaomei waved away the blood-sucking vine with half a wooden stick and fled up the steps.

It was only when they reached the mountain that they escaped the pursuit of the blood-sucking vines.

Although Kong Weiwei was not injured, she still had a hard time running and stood in front of the temple, panting.

"What a crappy game, I can't even ask for directions..."

Ye Xiaomei was even more embarrassed than Kong Weiwei. She was injured on her face, and she didn't know if it would attract the attention of other NPCs.

"Do you still want to go down the mountain to find a way now?" Kong Weiwei asked.

Ye Xiaomei shook her head, "I won't look for it anymore. It won't work. Instead of asking people for directions, it's better to go find a tour guide."

Although the tour guide didn't look like a good person, at least he didn't attack anyone if he didn't agree with him.

Kong Weiwei agreed with her idea, "But the tour guide, I don't know why he didn't show up today."

Ye Xiaomei raised her head and looked at the sky, "Aren't you going to eat in the temple? Go in and take a look first?"

Kong nodded slightly and said to her: "You can eat some with me too. I think it tastes pretty good. Of course, the taste comes second. The most important thing is to fill your stomach. Like just now, I can't run without any physical strength." That NPC."

Ye Xiaomei: "Let's talk about it later."

After entering the gate, there is the patio, which is no stranger to the two of them. Yesterday, no matter when they came in or when they left, the patio was filled with smoke, and this time was no exception.

Ye Xiaomei still touched her eyes with red water, but Kong Weiwei seemed indifferent.

She even felt that the smoking was correct. The more smoke you smoked, the more you could see the essence of the food.

Naturally, Ye Xiaomei would not advise her. Everyone has their own way of getting through.

Kong Weiwei walked to the middle of the patio and stopped. She closed her eyes, and her face unconsciously exuded a bit of enjoyment.

Ye Xiaomei waited for her to open her eyes before leaving. Kong Weiwei closed her eyes for about three or four minutes, "How do you feel?"

Kong smiled slightly and said, "It's good. I feel like my eyes can see more clearly."

For some reason, Ye Xiaomei felt that Kong Weiwei's smile at this time was somewhat similar to the tour guide's smile.

But she didn't say it out loud.

The two walked through the patio and heard a few "ding-ding" sounds, and then saw the NPC running to a place.

Kong Weiwei and Ye Xiaomei said, "Let's go over and have a look too."

Ye Xiaomei had no objection, so the two of them ran after the NPCs.

The NPC came to the canteen where their players ate yesterday, but they wanted to go in again. That place should be the kitchen.

Kong Weiwei said: "It should be time to eat, just in time, I have to eat too." After saying that, he and the NPC entered the house at the back.

Ye Xiaomei naturally followed in.

After just a few steps, she felt a faint stench. She pulled Kong Weiwei, who was walking quickly next to her, and asked, "Do you smell the stench?"

Kong paused slightly and took a few breaths through his nose, "No, it's the smell of food. Let's go there quickly. I don't know if it's too late."

As she spoke, she pulled Ye Xiaomei forward.

Ye Xiaomei followed and walked a few more meters, and the smell became more obvious. She felt that she was not delusional.

But Kong Weiwei didn't react at all, and neither did the NPCs around him. They looked greedy, as if what was in front of them was some kind of delicacy.

There are many NPCs, and they are piled up around something, reaching out to grab something to eat.

Kong Weiwei pulled her and squeezed into a crowd. Only then did Ye Xiaomei see what the NPCs were surrounding. It was a pool made of stones, and food was pushed into the pool.

Ye Xiaomei's hometown is in the countryside. When she was a child, she saw her neighbors building such a pond to feed pigs.

In her hometown, this pond was called a pig trough.

Why is this temple so strange? How can it allow tourists to eat like this?

Of course, after Ye Xiaomei saw the food in the pool clearly, she stopped worrying. Her first reaction was that this was a pool worthy of the food in it.

After she came up with such an idea, she herself was stunned.

what happened?

Not to mention the delicacies inside, it can't even be called a normal meal.

It's just a pile of rotten vegetable leaves, hairy fruits, and green rice.

But the NPCs grabbed a handful and ate them very happily.

Kong Weiwei was more normal. She took the lunch box she picked up and went over to grab one.

"Xiaomei, it's cabbage, tofu fried rice, and fruit. You can also get a box, or it will be gone if it's too late." Kong Wei turned to Ye Xiaomei and said.

Ye Xiaomei pointed to the food in her lunch box, "Weiwei, are you sure the cabbage, tofu, rice and fruit in it are good?"

Kong lowered his head slightly, took a sniff, and said with a smile: "It's good. There's no smell and no mold. You're not worried that Xu Zhao and the others said these are bad ingredients, so you don't dare to eat them, are you? But I didn't notice it. Is there anything wrong? You should see the same thing as me, right?"

Ye Xiaomei's face was a little complicated, "Wei Wei, what I saw was spoiled ingredients, and I also smelled a bad smell."

She finally understood why Xu Zhao and the others were determined not to eat these foods.

Now that she saw it, she didn't dare to eat it. She would rather go hungry than eat these, which would make her sick even worse.

Kong Weiwei was stunned for a moment when she heard what she said, and glanced at her suspiciously, "Are you telling the truth or a lie? You were just like me yesterday, seeing the same food."

Ye Xiaomei: "Weiwei, I don't need to lie to you. I did see something different from you. Maybe it's because you smoked just now and I didn't."

Kong lowered his head slightly and took a mouthful of food. While chewing, he said, "It's up to you. I want to eat anyway."

Ye Xiaomei saw that she was eating so deliciously, and felt nauseous in her heart. She couldn't help but ask, "How do you feel after eating it? Does it taste weird?"

Kong Weiwei: “No, it’s delicious.”

Kong Weiwei ate in a hurry. After finishing a few bites, she went to the pool to grab a box. She grabbed a few pools before grabbing a box. She looked more like a refugee than a refugee. When she stayed with the NPC, her temperament was almost fusion. together.

Ye Xiaomei felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She knew that something was wrong with Kong Weiwei's behavior, but she also knew that she could not persuade him.

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