Xu Zhao got out of the car with the tour guide.

Outside, the bus was surrounded by a vast expanse of white, making it difficult to see the surrounding scenery clearly.

No one dared to wander around for fear of getting lost with the team.

The person who just exchanged blood for red water was obviously weaker than the others in physical strength, but he gritted his teeth and kept up.

Ye Xiaomei tied the cloth strip on her arm into a tight knot, and kept walking quickly to keep up. Suddenly, someone next to her suddenly bumped into her.

Ye Xiaomei has gone out several times with some teams from the base to search for supplies. She has encountered zombies, mutated animals, and people who robbed people on the road. She has already developed a certain level of vigilance and force.

When someone bumped into her, she quickly leaned toward the player next to her.

Ye Xiaomei knocked down a man next to her, a male player named Qiao Shan.

Ye Xiaomei quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Qiao Shan swung a chain out and threw it at the man who attacked Ye Xiaomei. The man was hurt, but he still rushed towards Ye Xiaomei.

The attacker who attacked Ye Xiaomei was a male player with blood on his body. He was one of the people who did not exchange red water with the tour guide.

When Ye Xiaomei wanted to stand up, he rushed over and tugged at her pocket, which was where Ye Xiaomei put the red water.

Ye Xiaomei is a new player. She has no props and can only rely on physical strength to deal with such an attack. She turns over and rolls to the side, and the man also pounces on her.

The other players slowed down and watched the two men fight.

Xu Zhao was not too far away from Ye Xiaomei, so she looked back. Ye Xiaomei had been her neighbor and gave her wild boar meat, so he was considered a good person.

When the male player was pressing on Ye Xiaomei's lap, Xu Zhao pulled out his dagger and waved it in front of the man. The man was so frightened that he hid back, and Ye Xiaomei took the opportunity to push the man into the mist.


The man let out a scream after entering the fog, as if he was dragged away by something.

After his whole body disappeared into the fog, the screams stopped abruptly.

The other players were heartbroken when they saw it.

It turns out that this fog is inaccessible.

The man just now must have been in trouble.

Both veteran players and new players think so.

The tour guide turned around at this time. He glanced at everyone, especially Ye Xiaomei, who had just gotten up from the ground. He looked at her for two more seconds. The smile on his face faded a little. Although he was still smiling, it was like a smile. Roubuxiao said, "Remind you, fighting is not allowed in our group. Anyone who does not abide by the rules will be punished. This person will accept the punishment himself and forget it."

Ye Xiaomei's face turned pale, with a hint of hopelessness. She walked to Xu Zhao and whispered to her: "Miss Li, thank you."

Xu Zhao nodded and said nothing.

After the tour guide reminded us, we turned back and continued walking forward.

He stepped up the stairs, and suddenly the white fog in front of him dispersed, revealing some scenery.

As the players walked up the steps one after another, the white mist quickly dissipated, revealing all the scenery ahead, and even the noise could be heard.

The players are now standing at an intersection, with a relatively spacious street in front of them. In front of the intersection are two rows of women wearing sand towels, one row of five people, and two rows of ten people.

They all held a handful of burning incense in their hands, and they looked a bit like ethnic minorities from somewhere in the real world, but not exactly.

They look at the player with full enthusiasm, but also a little greed.

They shouted in unison: "Welcome to the dream town, the dream town will make your dreams come true."

After shouting, he shook the incense in his hand up and down and left and right.

Xu Zhao asked the tour guide: "What are they doing?"

As a tourist, you must ask questions when you see customs and customs that you don’t understand. The tour guide smiled at her and said: "This is for everyone to burn incense. The Dream Town enshrines various gods to help people realize their dreams. If you enter the Dream Town and get exposed to the smoke of fireworks, it will be easier for you to get the blessings of the gods."

This dream is actually about burning incense and worshiping Buddha?

So what was the seed of the dream just now?

Xu Zhao continued to ask: "Will God's blessing make the seeds of dreams grow faster?"

The tour guide smiled and said, "We'll find out later."

Xu Zhao asked again: "Can everyone burn incense? Are there any conditions?"

Tour guide: "There are no conditions. You can choose to burn incense or not. It depends on your wishes. But I also want to remind you that this incense will smudge your eyes, but it will get better soon. It doesn't matter if you sacrifice a little health for our dreams. Yes, isn't it?"

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Xu Zhao felt that the tour guide’s words were full of coaxing.

He seems to recommend that players burn incense.

Ah Cheng said: "Mr. Tour Guide, what kind of health do you mean by sacrificing a little health? Eyes?"

The tour guide's eyes turned to his face, still with a smile on his face, "Not necessarily. If you are worried, just close your eyes."

Another player asked: "Mr. Tour Guide, can we see today's route arrangement?"

As a tourist, you have the right to know this itinerary.

The tour guide looked at her in surprise: "Don't you go to the B&B first and then to the shrine?"

No one knows about this itinerary or anything.

The other players looked at each other.

If any player wanted to ask anything, the tour guide said: "Go in first, you will know later."

That sentence again.

You'll find out later...

After the tour guide finished speaking, he walked aside, cleared the way ahead, and said to the players: "You go in."

Li Kang asked: "Won't the tour guide go in with us? Don't you need to burn incense?"

None of the other players made any move, and all looked at the tour guide.

The tour guide smiled slightly: "I have no dreams, and I don't burn incense."

No dreams?

Xu Zhao didn't know if this dream was the players' original dream or if it was just a dream.

After the tour guide finished speaking, he saw that the players hadn't moved yet, so his smile faded a little, "Aren't you going? We have to check into the Dream Hotel before 6 p.m. If it's overtime, you'll have to live outside."

Xu Zhao looked up at the sky. The sky was clear, the breeze was gentle, and the sun was shining brightly. It was impossible to tell that it was already evening.

But she knew that this game time could change at any time.

She walked forward, and Ye Xiaomei followed her and asked in a low voice: "Miss Li, do you want to burn incense?"

Ye Xiaomei knew that the girl in front of her was an old player. She had just exchanged points for red water. Only old players could get red water.

She was a newcomer and didn't know anything. She shamelessly followed because of the friendship she had had as a neighbor for a few days.

The veteran players must be more experienced than the new players, so when she saw that the veteran players had changed to red water, she gritted her teeth and did the same.

Follow the footsteps of veteran players.

Now, suddenly there was another incense. Ye Xiaomei's sixth sense told her that this incense was probably not that simple.

She had a bad feeling.

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