Xu Zhao was still in a daze when she returned to the base. She cleared the level.

She looked back and saw that a suddenly mutated zombie had been killed and it was safe. The people who ran away gathered back in the square, but suddenly, two more zombies rushed out from the crowd who were walking back.

One of them caught up and pounced on Zhang Gui, opened its mouth and gnawed half of his head. Zhang Gui fell straight down, blood sprayed, one eye widened, obviously in disbelief.

Guo Xin turned around and saw that he was completely stunned. His legs and feet were weak and he collapsed on the ground. Shi Li was about to go back and pull him. At this time, a zombie rushed towards them. Shi Li raised his foot to kick him. The zombie stepped forward regardless of the ground and kicked Shi Li. Li's feet spread apart, and then she jumped on Guo Xin.

Guo Xin let out a scream of fear.

This series happened so fast, in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers who had been chasing the zombies arrived in time and fired two shots, killing the zombies on Guo Xin's body.

But Guo Xin's skin was scratched by the zombie's claws, and he was so frightened that he fainted.

Xu Zhao blinked again and saw that Guo Xin was awake, and Shi Li's face was also in a trance.

Xu Zhaoneng was sure that in the blink of an eye, Shi Li and Guo Xin were different. They had cleared the dungeon.

She stepped forward: "Master Guo, Ms. Shi, congratulations."

Shi Li was stunned for a moment, but quickly came to her senses and said, "Congratulations."

"Shi Li, I succeeded!" Guo Xin jumped up from the ground.

Xu Zhao noticed that the wound on his neck that had been scratched by the zombies had healed, and others seemed to be more energetic.

It looks like a healing kit was used.

Shi Li was in good spirits. She looked quite embarrassed and her eyes were a little dazed, but there were no obvious injuries on her body.

"Damn! Added one year to your life span?" Guo Xin was not happy for a few seconds, and his face fell again, as if someone had cheated him out of hundreds of millions.

Shi Li looked around and reminded him: "Young Master Guo, pay attention."

Guo Xincai calmed down, then found Xu Zhao standing in front of him and said, "I remember you."

Xu Zhao smiled: "Then Mr. Guo must still remember the promise he made to me."

Guo Xin warned: "What promise?"

Shi Li reminded from the side: "A house in Area B, two trucks of supplies, she gave Mr. Guo cosmetics and water, and saved Mr. Guo's life."

Guo Xin's mind turned quickly, he glanced at Xu Zhao and asked, "Did you successfully pass the level?"

Xu Zhao raised his eyebrows: "What do you think?"

Shi Li reminded Guo Xin again: "Mr. Guo, if she can stand here and talk to you now, it means that she has passed the level. Like Zhang Gui who can't get up from the ground, it means that she has failed to pass the level."

Guo Xin glanced at the ground. Indeed, Zhang Gui was already dead.

"I can give you a house, but you have to join our Guo family's escort team."

Xu Zhao: "You didn't mention this condition at the beginning. Does Mr. Guo mean to regret it?"

Guo Xin now knows her identity as a player, so she must get the benefits if she can. Otherwise, she can just kill him in the dungeon.

Shi Li looked at Mr. Guo with a disapproving look, and reminded him, "Young Master Guo, you didn't mention this condition at the beginning."

Mr. Guo couldn't help turning around and rolling his eyes at her, "Can't you say no now?"

Shi Li motioned to Guo Xin to step aside, "Mr. Guo, I have something to tell you."

Reaching the side, Shi Li said: "Mr. Guo, do you know who is the first person to pass the customs?"

Guo Xin was not a fool, and he immediately knew what Shi Li was going to say, "The first person to pass the level was that woman. Do you want to say that she is a capable person, and you should win over her?"

Shi Li nodded, even if she didn't win over him, she couldn't offend him.

This person named Li passed the customs on the second day, which is not easy. Moreover, Shi Li also saw that this person had many props and was an old player with a lot of experience.

Guo Xin rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, I can promise her, but I hope she won't join other teams. You can persuade her when you have time. Our Guo family team not only has rich supplies, but also various There are beautiful men for you to choose from.”

The corners of Shi Li's mouth twitched.

"By the way." Guo Xin suddenly remembered something, "Doesn't this woman know the content of my first live broadcast?"

He didn't want anyone in the real world to know what he was broadcasting in the copy.

Shi Li's heart sank, but she didn't show it on her face, "No."

Guo Xin looked at her again and walked away.

Shi Li and Xu Zhao said, "Young Master Guo agreed."

Xu Zhao nodded, "Then when can I move there?"

Shi Li thought for a while, "Maybe tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Xu Zhao glanced at her and said, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Shi Li nodded, "Talking while walking?"

Xu Zhao had a good impression of Shi Li and nodded.

Shi Li said: "Are you moving here by yourself or with your family?"

Xu Zhao: "Myself."

Shi Li was a little surprised, but quickly returned to normal, "Master Guo hopes you can join the Guo family team."

Xu Zhao nodded, "I know, but I have no intention of doing so for the time being."

Shi Li also wanted to persuade her: "The resources of the Guo family are quite good. Now the base officials and powerful private individuals are recruiting players. I heard that there is a potion that can stimulate people's superpowers and increase levels of success in the game. As a bargaining chip, the Guo family has such connections."

Xu Zhao couldn't help but paused, "Did it come from a living creature?" Shi Li looked at her in surprise: "You know?"

Xu Zhao smiled and said, "Hasn't it been in the news before?"

Shi Li nodded, "Ever since the Guo family learned about this game, they have been prepared for everyone in the Guo family to join the game, so they started recruiting players very early."

Xu Zhao asked her: "Are you recruiting players to bring them into the game?" Shi Li: "Yes, they have been prepared for it long ago and they know the game fairly well. Also, I heard that rich people share their skills with each other. Use the dungeon information to know some of the key points for passing the dungeon in advance. Therefore, it is better to join a strong team than to fight alone."

Xu Zhaodao: "I'll think about it."

Shi Li: "Okay, I'll come over and let you know when the house comes down. By the way, where do you live?"

Xu Zhao told his address, and they could find it out even if he didn't tell him.

And they have already accepted Guo Xin's house, so that's not bad.

When I returned to my residence, I met Lu Qixing who had returned on the stairs. She looked like she was in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Xu Zhao asked.

Lu Qixing said: "We are going on a mission today, and I plan to tell you that if you can't come back in time tonight, you don't have to wait for me."

Xu Zhao was surprised: "Why did you suddenly go on a mission? Didn't you just join the team?"

Lu Qixing said: "Now is the end of the world. Where can I have so much time for you to grow up?"

Xu Zhao nodded: "Then be careful."

Lu Qixing didn't say anything and left in a hurry.

When Xu Zhao returned home, he smelled the aroma of food again.

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