Xu Zhao climbed down from the wall, grabbed a corner of the curtain, and cooperated with other players to surround and suppress the two madmen.

Madmen have no reason to speak. They are like animals, acting entirely on instinct.

Everyone cooperated. Some people used chairs to attract the madman's attention, while others grabbed the curtains and surrounded him.

On Xu Zhao's side, after tripping the man with the flowery arm using the curtain, he used the curtain to trap him.

Another lunatic followed almost the same method.

It took about half an hour to control the two madmen.

However, these two lunatics were very strong. We were afraid that they would struggle to get away. After some discussion, we pushed the person into the elevator, and then pressed the button on the first floor to send the person down.

The stair door was still clanging.

At this time, everyone also realized that the people outside were not normal.

People outside are not players.

"Everyone, look." Someone stood by the window and exclaimed.

Xu Zhao saw it just now when he was fixing the curtains by the window. Under the weak street light downstairs, he saw many people fighting, and people could faintly hear screams.

There was not a fight going on in one place, there were no vehicles moving on the road, there were fights going on in several places on the road and on the side of the road.

But now, she went over to take a look again.

It feels like there are more people fighting downstairs.

She was also an experienced player, and she immediately understood the urinary nature of this copy.

These Yangxing people seem to go crazy at night.

Then, there is no doubt that the person who knocked on the stair door was a Yangxing person.

And the crazy kind.

No wonder there is no need for live broadcasts at night. It seems that these Yangxing people have no sense to watch live broadcasts at night.

Fortunately, she rushed back to the company as soon as it got dark.

There should be players outside who have not returned.

If you don't find a place to hide, you're probably in danger.

Now the only places that can go up to the ninth floor are the stairs and the elevator. As long as you guard these two entrances, you will be safe tonight.

"Miss Li."

After someone shouted again, Xu Zhao realized that she was being called. She turned around and saw Shi Li.

Shi Li was in such a state of embarrassment that she clenched her teeth while walking, which was very difficult.

Xu Zhao nodded towards her.

Shi Li said: "Can you help me?"

Xu Zhao asked: "What are you busy with?"

Xu Zhao has no hostility toward any player, only vigilance.

"Young Master Guo is seriously injured. Do you have any medicine?" After speaking, Shi Li's face turned red, as if she realized how unreasonable her request was.

Xu Zhao asked: "What's wrong with him? I didn't see you in the lobby just now. Are you in the room?"

Shi Li nodded, "Yes, Miss Li, we are willing to exchange information, if you can help."

Xu Zhao glanced at Shi Li and was a little curious. He was in the dungeon now. Although Shi Li was employed by Guo Xin, everyone was in trouble now, let alone the boss. Even if the King of Heaven came, he wouldn't care. superior.

Now this Shi Li seems to be very affectionate and righteous.

Of course, it is also possible that Guo Xinxu's benefits are too great and Shi Li plans to help.

Xu Zhao is also interested in Guo Xin's benefits.

So she followed Shi Li to Guo Xin's room. As soon as he stepped in the door, Xu Zhao felt a twinge of pain in his eyes.

It's really going downhill.

Guo Xin was almost naked. The only areas that were not naked were covered with a layer of bright-colored gauze. His face still had the makeup she helped put on today, and his body was covered with deep and shallow wounds and bruises.

This Guo Xin looks quite white, so the marks on his body are very obvious.

It can be said to be shocking.

He was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, his breathing was rapid, his face was red, and he didn't look good at first glance.

"What's wrong with him?" Xu Zhao asked Shi Li.

Shi Li replied: "He was marginalizing the audience's performance. The audience wanted to play to a very large scale and asked him to abuse himself, so he did it."

Xu Zhao clicked his tongue when he heard this, "Were all the injuries on his body caused by himself?"

What a werewolf.

Shi Li nodded, "Most of them are, and some are punishments from the audience."

Xu Zhao asked: "Does he have a fever now or is he injured in some way? How can I help?"

Shi Li looked at her: "Do you have any medicine? He has a fever. Do you have any antipyretics or anti-inflammatory drugs? If not, I think water and food will be fine."

Xu Zhao had these medicines, but she couldn't get them out.

She asked: "Is he conscious or comatose now?"

Shi Li: "He's semi-conscious. You should wake him up."

Xu Zhao asked curiously: "What benefits can he give me by helping him? Can you make the decision for him?"

Xu Zhao must be able to gain benefits if she can. Although she can help others for free if she has the ability, she will not let Guo Xin go if she has the ability.

Shi Li went over and shook Guo Xin awake, "Mr. Guo, wake up. This Miss Li can help you, but because of some benefits from you."

Guo Xin tried his best to open his eyes, looking like he was about to die, but he was still awake and could recognize Xu Zhao. He opened his mouth and said, "Area B..."

Xu Zhao added for him: "A house in Area B, plus three trucks of supplies? If you promise, you can wink and write me an agreement later. Oh, you can't write it like this, but I can write it, and you can put your fingerprints on it." "

Shi Li looked at her in surprise, and Xu Zhao looked over, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Shi Li shook her head, "No problem."

Xu Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

After Guo Xin agreed, Xu Zhao took out a bottle of water and quietly added an anti-inflammatory drug to it, then gave it to Shi Li and asked her to feed it to Guo Xin.

Shi Li gave Guo Xin some water, then wetted a piece of cloth with some water and put it on Guo Xin's forehead.

Except for the food that appeared in the room at the beginning, this company didn't have any food. They had found several rooms before and found no water. There was no water in other places, not even a bathroom.

That's why Shi Li asked Guo Xin to exchange water and food for Xu Zhao.

Xu Zhao brought out some food and gave it to Guo Xin as well.

Then she said to Shi Li, "If you have any clues, I still have food here."

Shi Li understood that it was possible to exchange clues for food. She nodded, indicating that it was okay.

They have not left the company all day today, and they have been hungry and thirsty all day. At this time, they need food and water.

Shi Li thought for a moment and said: "Young Master Guo survived by telling ghost stories, and I survived by telling ghost stories. I am a rural person in the real world. When I was a child, there were many such ghost stories in the village. The audience here is very I like to listen, but there are also people who don’t like to hear it. I was punished twice..."

"One clue I know is that as long as you continue to arouse the audience's attention, they will have no time to trouble you. Also, our live broadcast time is limited, only five days. If we don't reach five million in five days , we failed to clear the level.”

Xu Zhao raised his eyebrows: "How did you know?"

Before the live broadcast, she searched in the lobby outside, but couldn't find any clues about the number of days of the live broadcast.

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