
At this time, Zhang Gui made some sounds with difficulty, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Zhang Gui, what do you want to say?" Shi Li leaned over and put the paper under his pen.

Zhang Gui wrote: hair.

"Hair?" Shi Li didn't react for a moment.

Xu Zhao asked: "Are you trying to say that Mr. Guo's hair cannot be a woman's?"

Zhang Gui nodded.

Guo Xin turned his attention to Xu Zhao's head, "You've already lent me your cosmetics, don't you mind lending me some hair?"

Xu Zhao: "I won't borrow it."

Her hair is not long, but if she cuts it, how will she present a good image during the live broadcast?

Guo Xin promised: "I will let you live in Area B after you leave."

Xu Zhao: "I can't guarantee that I can get out."

Shi Li said: "Miss Li, in this situation, this is the only solution."

If her hair hadn't been short, she would have cut it.

It’s the end of the world and it’s very troublesome to still have long hair.

Xu Zhaodao: "If this is the case, in addition to hair, you also need clothes. Do we have plus-size women's clothes here that Mr. Guo can wear?"

Shi Li asked Guo Xin, "Mr. Guo, what do you think?"

Guo Xin is unwilling to give in.

If in reality, he gave away some points or some supplies, a lot of people would rush up to exchange them for him, but now, he has nothing.

Xu Zhao put his eyes on the table in front of Zhang Gui, "Have you checked this room before you came in?"

She saw that the table had drawers. If there were drawers, there should be items there, right?

What should be included in a room for live broadcasts? There should be stands, lights, cosmetics, microphones and headphones, right?

Shi Li said: "After checking, there is nothing else except the mobile phone holder."

Xu Zhao walked over, opened the drawer and took a look. Indeed, she didn't see anything. She pointed to the sofa in the room and asked, "Is it there? Have you checked it?"

Shi Li was not sure, so she went over and looked through it again, turned the sofa over, and took it apart again to look at it. She suddenly exclaimed, "There really is something there."

Guo Xin was the first to run up, "What is it?"

Shi Li showed him an eyebrow pencil and a scarf.

Just these two things.

Xu Zhao said: "Then go and have a look in other rooms."

There are four of them here, corresponding to four rooms.

Except for Zhang Gui, the other three people searched three rooms respectively and obtained lipstick, wigs, liquid foundation, biscuits, and hemostatic patches.

All are only one piece.

Guo Xin put the biscuits into his pocket, "How can there be something to eat?"

Shi Li thought for a while and said, "If this anchor is hungry, can he eat?"

Xu Zhaodao: "I don't know if we can tell something from this. This live broadcast will not be short-term. There are scarves, food, and a place to rest in the room. Does that mean that this live broadcast will not be short-term?" As long as it is open, it will be broadcast for a long time."

So Zhang Gui was punished when he suddenly went off the air just now.

Shi Li agreed: "Also, this live broadcast also predicts injuries, so there will be hemostatic patches."

I don’t know what clues there are in other rooms, but it would be great if everyone could share them.

Of course, Shi Li also knew it was impossible.

With the wig, Guo Xin's problem is solved.

Although there is still a set of women's clothing, Guo Xin said that the less you wear, the more attractive you are, even if you have clothes, it will be in vain. Guo Xin lost herself in Xu Zhao's sentence of "big boss" and "tycoon", and agreed to let her watch the live broadcast.

Originally, Guo Xin asked Shi Li to broadcast first, but Shi Li said that she had no experience and did not usually watch live broadcasts.

Guo Xin also felt that she had no beauty at all. If she broadcast live, no one would take notice of her, and she might be punished even more than Zhang Gui.

Xu Zhao put on makeup for Guo Xin. She had makeup experience, so she didn't feel any pain when applying foundation to Guo Xin, which suppressed the greasiness on his face.

Then there's the fact that Guo Xin is relatively fat and his front is well developed, so he doesn't need props.

When this was mentioned, Guo Xin almost jumped up and bit someone.

When Guo Xin was preparing for the live broadcast, he flinched.

"I can't bear the anger of the audience if someone finds out I'm a man."

Xu Zhao advised him: "If you find out, just admit it and say that you have gender cognitive disorder since you were a child, you were abused by your family, and you have psychological problems when you grow up, so you turned into this ghost..."

Guo Xin: "You are such a fool."

Xu Zhao didn't argue with him, "It's going to be a disaster anyway, you should know that, right? Or just follow your own experience and think about it first before starting the show."

Guo Xin thought about it over and over, and suddenly there was a scream from outside.

Because there was no official live broadcast yet, the door of this room was not completely closed, just to listen to the noise outside.

Now that there was movement outside, the three of them hurried to the door to see what was going on.

Diagonally across the room, there was a man twitching on the ground. He looked like he had just crawled out of the room to ask for help. When he saw Xu Zhao and the others, he stretched out his hand, "Help, help me..."

Shi Li walked over and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The man suddenly twitched violently a few more times, and then his head tilted down. His eyes were still wide open, but he was still and had no energy.

Shi Li's expression changed.

Guo Xin shouted to Shi Li: "Is he dead?"

Shi Li reached out to detect the man's breath. Her face turned pale and she said, "I'm out of breath."

Guo Xin's face darkened, "You actually punish people to death. Why is this game so excessive?"

Xu Zhao walked over and entered the deceased's live broadcast room.

Shi Li also stood up and followed.

The deceased's room looked like the other rooms, basically unchanged.

Xu Zhao saw a used lipstick on the deceased's table.

I looked at the deceased again and found two traces of lipstick on his face and on his neck. I also found that his clothes were torn and old and his hair was messy.

Shi Li came over and asked, "What did you find? How do you think he died?"

Xu Zhao pointed to the lipstick on the deceased's face, "Why do you think he put lipstick on his face?"

Shi Li thought for a moment, "Are you trying to cause injury?"

However, these two red marks are not very realistic. You can tell at a glance that they are lipstick. If you want to pretend to be injured, you might as well slash your face twice.

If you can't bear the pain, don't even think about passing the level.

Xu Zhao nodded: "It's possible."

Guo Xin also came over, "Isn't this man trying to pretend to be injured to make the audience sympathize? He's so stupid. Who wants to see a man suffer miserably?"

Shi Li still couldn't hold it back and reminded him: "Some female viewers will be soft-hearted."

Guo Xin rolled his eyes, "There is no conflict between the female audience wanting to reward and the male audience wanting to punish. Even if he gets the reward, doesn't he have to accept the punishment?"

Shi Li was reminded by him, "By the way, can this reward offset the punishment?"

There are so many people watching in a live broadcast room, and everyone makes a request. Isn’t that a ten-year-old death without a life?

This is a fatal situation.

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