Ten packs of instant noodles for one bed sheet would have been a bargain in a peaceful and prosperous time, but in this apocalyptic world it is almost astronomical.

In fact, it is okay to go without a quilt on a hot day. It was Lu Qixing, a fastidious person, who wanted to buy a quilt. Looking at it, they were the only two people in the entire aisle who stopped in front of the bed sheet stall.

Seeing that Xu Zhao was dissatisfied with the price, the stall owner immediately said: "Seeing that you really need quilts, I will make them cheaper for you. Just eight packs of instant noodles will be enough."

Lu Qixing looked at Xu Zhao and asked with his eyes, is this okay?

Xu Zhao said directly: "Three guarantees."

The stall owner looked like he was about to cry, "Seven packs are really not enough anymore."

Xu Zhao: "Do you think people like us can afford seven packs of instant noodles?"

Although they had changed their clothes, their faces looked like they had suffered.

The corner of the stall owner's mouth twitched, "If your clothes are not torn, you are already a wealthy person."

Are the standards of wealth so low?

Lu Qixing finally got five packs of instant noodles and sealed the deal.

Xu Zhao said: "It's not bad, it's half the price."

Lu Qixing: "Zhaozhao, I always feel a sense of shame when I offer you half the price..."

She had never negotiated prices before when she went shopping, and this was the first time she heard such bargaining.

Xu Zhao: "It's okay. There will be too many hard times in the future."

In addition to quilts, clothes and shoes, there are also people selling pots and condiments. Xu Zhao has a pot and bags of rice, but no condiments.

She exchanged a packet of biscuits for some condiments.

As I was walking, I suddenly found that it was very lively in front of me, and there were so many people surrounding me.

Xu Zhao asked the stall owner next to him, "What's going on?"

The stall owner said: "Those who hire cooks and nannies will get no salary but full support."

In addition to buying and selling, this market also has recruitment.

"Come and take a look. We are recruiting people from outside the country. Strong ones will be given priority."

This man's voice was loud and could cover most of the people here, but very few people went to his stall.

Xu Zhao and Lu Qixing walked over. The stall owner glanced at them and immediately said: "We don't want women."

Lu Qixing was particularly upset at being discriminated against, "What's wrong with women?"

The stall owner explained: "The main reason is that we will encounter zombies when we go out and the physical strength required for lifting, etc., so we give priority to men. If women are stronger, they can also do it. If it is just two people, we will not consider it for the time being."

Lu Qixing sneered: "Then what about our superpowers?"

The stall owner's eyes suddenly lit up, "Really?"

Xu Zhao answered: "Are you recruiting people to go out? What is your main purpose?"

The stall owner was very enthusiastic now, "I mainly transport supplies. I have a batch of supplies outside my home, and I need to find two people to help transport them back. When the work is completed, I can give you twenty kilograms of food."

After speaking, he couldn't help but rub his hands, "I wonder what kind of abilities you two have? If it's an attack ability, the reward here can be increased."

Just as Xu Zhao was about to speak, Lu Qixing suddenly pulled her forward.

"what happened?"

Lu Qixing said: "I saw an acquaintance."

The stall owner who was inviting people to go out chased after him without giving up, "You two beauties are well paid. Don't leave. What are you different about..."

Lu Qixing turned his head and said, "Bragging about your powers." It took the stall owner a while to react, and he immediately spit out the fragrance.

"Who did you see?" Xu Zhao asked Lu Qixing curiously. Now they were standing at the edge of the square and saw a small playhouse in front of them. There were several people sitting or standing inside. These people were cleanly and decently dressed. There is a sign in front of the table that says Recruiting Superpowers.

Lu Qixing motioned her to look at the fat man behind the table, "This is the youngest son of a shareholder of the Lu family, named Guo Xin. He wants to recruit people with special abilities."

Xu Zhao glanced at Guo Xin. He looked like he was in his early twenties, and he was probably a little fat. His temperament was that of a rich second generation, or worse, that of a second generation ancestor.

People with superpowers generally have high martial arts, and it is understandable if rich people want to recruit them as bodyguards.

Xu Zhao turned to Lu Qixing and asked, "Are you interested?"

Lu Qixing said: "How about asking? What they call superpowers, I'm curious if they are players."

Xu Zhao nodded, "Okay, but aren't you afraid of being recognized by him?"

Lu Qixing touched his face and said, "Probably not. He and I have only met each other a few times, and there is a big difference between me before and after makeup. What he saw before was me after makeup."

Xu Zhao: "Okay, let's go."

"Are you a superpower? What superpowers do you have?"

As he approached, he heard Guo Xin's person asking the interviewer.

The person applying for the job in front of me was a man in his twenties, but he looked dishonest at first glance. Also, he was wearing dirty and ragged clothes, and he looked like he was living in poverty, so he had some kind of superpower. temperament.

The applicant said: "My special ability is swimming. As long as I am in the water, I am almost like a fish and can swim very fast."

Guo Xin's people asked him to come closer and asked something. A trace of confusion flashed across the applicant's face, but he quickly replied: "I can also play games. I have been playing games since elementary school, and I can play them well." Come on, if you recruit me, you will definitely get a good game partner."

Guo Xin's people waved their hands and said, "You lost the election."

The man asked persistently: "Aren't you trying to recruit gamers? Don't you believe what I say?"

Guo Xin finally spoke, "Just leave if I ask you to. There's so much nonsense."

The man cursed and walked away.

Then another applicant came. Xu Zhao's keen hearing heard this person say that his superpower was eating, and he could eat eight bowls of rice in one breath. Hearing this, this superpower was even more exaggerated than Lu Qixing's "bragging about superpowers." Yes, she almost laughed out loud.

This person with the ability to eat was thrown out without being asked a second question.

The man was not convinced and wanted to come forward to argue, but he was beaten by Guo Xin's bodyguard.

After Xu Zhao and others left, they were about to come forward. Another person came to apply. This person was a woman in her thirties. She described herself as a bit embarrassed. Her hair was tied with a piece of cloth and it was messy. Her clothes were also a little dirty. There was even blood stains, and he looked tired and confused.

As soon as Guo Xin saw the person, he became disgusted and said: "Where is the beggar coming from? Go away!"

The woman said: "I'm here to apply for a job, I'm a player..."

Guo Xin's expression changed when he heard this, and he quickly put away the look of disgust on his face.

Assistant Guo Xin asked: "What are you doing?"

Woman: "I just came out of the game, are you looking for trouble..."

The woman started coughing before she finished speaking. Guo Xin nodded to the assistant, who said, "Yes, you are a superpower. Let's go to Mr. Guo's residence to discuss the specific matters. There are so many people here and it's hard to talk about it."

The woman hesitated, then nodded.

Guo Xin got the woman's consent and asked the people around him to close the stall.

Soon they packed up their things and took the woman to Area B.

Lu Qixing and Xu Zhao said, "Shall we follow and have a look?"

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