Infinite escape, starting with a garbage bag

Chapter 111 High Temperature Test

Chapter 111 High Temperature Test (23)

Before Xu Zhao reached the window, he saw Lu Qixing climbing up the iron pillar next to him. Zhao Ling did the same, but Zhao Ling was on another pillar.

The iron pillar was hot to the touch at this moment, but there was nothing we could do.

Xu Zhao went over and pulled Lu Qixing to the edge of the window on the second floor. She took out a dagger that was sharp enough to cut through the thin screws under the security window, and then pulled the corner of the security window outwards, pulling it until a person could If the size comes in, call Lu Qixing again.

Lu Qixing went in first, and Xu Zhao extended a branch to Zhao Ling on the other side.

Zhao Ling was stunned for a moment. She raised her head, her eyes filled with emotion. She stretched out her hand to grab the branch and jumped over the edge.

The three of them climbed into the room on the second floor one after another.

"I just heard gunshots. Who shot?"

After Xu Zhao landed, Lu Qixing asked immediately.

Xu Zhao: "It was the tall man who fired the shot. I'm fine. He used his points to recover. He's also on the second floor."

The tall man's bullet lost its attack power after passing through the defensive umbrella and fell on her clothes. Her scream of pain was faked to confuse the tall man.

Now the tall man was electrocuted by her electric beam, but she wasn't sure if he was dead.

So Lu Qixing and Zhao Ling were reminded, and the three of them walked out of the room with weapons in hand.

There was no one at the living room window.

What about tall people?

Xu Zhao was shocked, "He ran away."

Zhao Ling's expression changed, "Will he be hiding somewhere to ambush us?"

Xu Zhao: "It's possible."

The tall man was on the second floor just now, so it is very likely that he was on the second floor when he entered the game. In this case, in order to pass the level, he would most likely hide somewhere on the second floor to ambush them.

Zhao Ling and Lu Qixing were immediately on alert.

Just when I was about to search room by room, I heard the sound of banging on the door, voices, screams, and gunshots coming from outside.

The three of them came to the window and looked downstairs.

Xu Zhao's sharp eyes saw Brother Liu, who was fighting zombies with a group of people.

As far as he could see, there were about twenty or thirty people on Brother Liu's side, six or seven of them with guns, and there were fifty or sixty zombies.

The door downstairs was banged loudly. I don't know if it was a person or a zombie.

"It turns out these people are prisoners." Zhao Ling said.

Brother Liu and his group were wearing prison uniforms from a certain prison, which were different from what they were wearing the previous two days.

It turned out that this house was an ownerless property. On that day, it was discovered by a group of prisoners who had escaped from the apocalypse. They occupied the house and then used it to take in many people who were passing by and had nowhere to escape the summer heat.

They exchanged food and clothes from these people.

As for the guns in their hands, they probably stole them from the prison guards during their escape.

It turns out that the difficulty on the last day was this group of fugitives.

However, what the game didn't expect was that the tall man released a group of zombies at the last moment, and now the zombies are holding the group of fugitives back and unable to enter the building.

If there are no zombies and the fugitives rush into the building, they will definitely not show mercy to the people in the building, because only by killing the people in the building will they become the owners of the building.

The fugitive has more than one gun. Unless there are many players in the building and these players have powerful enough props, otherwise, it will definitely be a big problem on the last day.

But now, this big difficulty no longer exists. As long as you find the tall man, you can pass the level.

Where would the tall man be?

The electric pillars in the garbage were brought from the copy of Dog Training Town. The electric current was strengthened. Logically speaking, tall people would die if they were electrocuted.

But it may also be that the time he was shocked was too short, and the electric column was not directly shocked, but was conducted through the window frame. The window frame is not iron, so the conductive ability is poor.

Careless. She left at the window of the living room and went to cut the anti-theft net on the window of the room. It took about six or seven minutes. These six or seven minutes were enough for a tall person to run to the third or first floor, or hide in a corner on the second floor.

But Xu Zhao didn't plan to look for it anymore.

Just stay in the living room.

There is only a set of tables and chairs in the living room and nothing else.

There is no hiding place in the living room.

The living room is very spacious, and she is not close to the room or the stairs. It is not easy to rush out and attack, but he has a gun.

Xu Zhao didn't know how many bullets he still had in his gun.

But she guessed it must not be many. His gun was used to rob Brother Liu. Brother Liu had already fired several shots at that time, and there would not be more than three bullets left.

Unless the tall man is a sharpshooter and can kill the three of them with one bullet each.

There was no one in the room facing the living room, and the bathroom and kitchen were clearly empty.

Now there are only two rooms near the stairs, and the other side of the stairs, where tall people can rush out.

Lu Qixing asked Xu Zhao: "Are we going to find him?"

Zhao Ling reminded, "He has a gun."

Xu Zhaodao: "I'm not looking for him, but I can talk to him."

After returning to Lu Qixing, Xu Zhao raised his voice and said: "Tall man, I know you are next to me. Let's make peace. Now it's the last minute. Wouldn't it be better to pass the level together?"

Zhao Ling and Lu Qixing agreed with Xu Zhao's words and stared at the direction of the stairs closely.

Sure enough, a tall man's voice came from the direction of the stairs: "Okay, I was distracted just now. I apologize. The location where I entered the game is the living room on the second floor. I wonder if I can go in?"

Xu Zhao: "No problem, we also have people on the third floor here. Give up the stairs. I don't know if the fugitives and zombies downstairs will rush in. The four of us should unite, guard the building, and pass the level together." , this shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

The tall man: "You are right. I agree. I have a gun and you also have a gun. If we both take action, we will most likely die together. There is no need."

Lu Qixing rolled his eyes at the side and whispered: "Isn't it bad to have been like this for a long time? There is something really wrong."

Zhao Ling thought for a while and reminded Lu Qixing in a low voice, "The tall man made a mistake and did something right. He released the zombies and now helps us stop the fugitives downstairs..."

Lu Qixing glared at her, "Which team are you in?"

Zhao Ling stuck out her tongue and didn't dare to say any more.

Xu Zhao said to Lu Qixing: "There should be more than an hour or two before noon. Do you want to go to the third floor first?"

When entering the game, Lu Qixing was on the third floor.

Zhao Ling is on the second floor.

Xu Zhao and Gao Zhi are both on the second floor.

Now only Lu Qixing is on the third floor.

Lu Qixing said, "Do I have to clear the level on the third floor? I'll stay on the second floor first. If I can't clear the level on the second floor, I'll go to the third floor."

Xu Zhao nodded: "Okay, this is a very safe approach."

The tall man hasn't entered the living room yet.

He probably also waited until his time was up before coming in.

Xu Zhao and the others still did not let down their guard against the tall man.

So it's best if he doesn't come in.

Time passed little by little, and there were still screams coming from downstairs.

Suddenly there was a loud "bang" sound, and the door on the first floor seemed to have been knocked open.

(End of this chapter)

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