Xie Chunchao and the others walked along the soft land. On both sides of the road grew tall trees that were rare in Chu country.

There are thick green leaves on the top of the tree, among which are hung round, green fruits, which look like large watermelons without patterns.

Sheng Jiajun introduced with a smile, "This is our unique coconut tree in Shengguo. When we get on the boat, I will treat you to drink coconut juice."

"Get on board?"

"Yes." Sheng Jiajun nodded, "I will take my sister to the island by boat later."

"Don't worry, the island is not far from the mainland. You can get there in about half an hour."

Xie Chunchao had seen the island in books, saying it was land surrounded by sea water.

She was also very curious about such a place, so she did not refuse Sheng Jiajun's invitation.

While talking, Xie Chunchao saw a shimmering dark blue appearing on the horizon. Her eyes suddenly enlarged a lot. She pointed there and said excitedly,

"Is that the sea?"


After getting the affirmative answer, Xie Chunchao couldn't help but quicken his pace. The sea was just like what was described in the book, the sea and sky were the same color and boundless.

There were sparkling waves on the surface, and white waves lapped at the golden beach again and again.

Yu Ning and others were also visibly excited. They were all natives of Chu and it was their first time to see the sea.

Xie Chunchao also saw everyone's excitement and impatience, turned around and said with a smile, "You don't have to be restrained about going out today, you can go if you want."

Everyone looked hesitant, no one dared to be the first to go.

"Aren't you going?" Xie Chunchao joked with a smile, "Then you all should go back now."

"Go, I'll go." Yu Ning was Xie Chunchao's personal attendant. She understood that Xie Chunchao really wanted everyone to relax, so she was the first to agree, "I don't want to go back."

Xie Chunchao smiled softly and said, "Let's all go play."

When everyone saw this, they completely let go of their worries and ran away into the sea with a smile.

The beach at the beach was soft, and Xie Chunchao's carriage and luggage were left at the inn, so most of the people stayed at the inn to watch and wait, only bringing a few close people with them.

Most of the Chu people had gone. Sheng Jiajun's eyes fell on the little guard who was still standing behind Xie Chunchao. It was the guard who had previously stopped him from asking Xie Chunchao to ride with him. He smiled and asked,

"They have all gone, why don't you go?"

Rong Shen lowered his eyes and replied, "My mission is to protect Her Royal Highness the Princess. I am expected to be at your side and not to leave without permission."

Sheng Jiajun praised, "You are really loyal to Her Highness the Princess."

What he thought in his mind was that this guard was too much of a hindrance. Every time he was around, he couldn't get close to his sister.

Everyone had fun at the beach for a while, and Yu Ning also picked up a beautiful shell from the beach and gave it to Xie Chunchao.

Xie Chunchao stood on the beach and looked at the endless sea. She couldn't help but want to step forward and touch the sea water and run in the waves. However, due to the princess's manner, she was not allowed to do such a thing.

Sheng Jiajun said, "Every summer, there will be many tourists coming to swim at the beach, and many of them are women."

Xie Chunchao was a little surprised, "Can women also swim?"

This is not a private area. Do you want to get wet in the clear sky and in full view of everyone?

Sheng Jiajun said, "Unlike Chu State, we don't have so many rigid rules."

After he finished speaking, he looked back at her, with strong affection in his eyes, "If sister can marry me, I will not hold her captive. She can go wherever she wants."

His clear facial features are bright, the sea breeze blows the red string on the back of his head, and his clear smile seems like a spring breeze that can warm and heal, or like the warm sunshine in March.

Xie Chunchao lowered his eyes and said, "I haven't gone to Xia Kingdom yet." Sheng Jiajun looked away and said in a brisk tone, "Then I have to capture my sister's heart before she goes to Xia Kingdom."

As Sheng Jiajun said, the boat also came closer. Xie Chunchao lifted up his skirt and stepped onto the ladder carefully.

Unexpectedly, her foot slipped and she almost fell.

Although Sheng Jiajun was walking in front of Xie Chunchao, he was always paying attention to Xie Chunchao behind him. Seeing that she was about to slip, he quickly reached out to help him, but he took his hand back halfway.

He took a step slower, and the guards behind Xie Chunchao were already holding her firmly.

Sheng Jiajun's eyes fell on him, he paused for a moment, and then asked worriedly, "Is sister okay?"

Xie Chunchao shook his head, "I'm fine."

As she spoke, she removed her arm from Rong Shen's hand and continued to hold up the hem of her skirt before carefully getting onto the boat.

Rong Shen walked behind Xie Chunchao, his lowered eyes falling on the right arm that he had just had close contact with. Her fragrance seemed to still be lingering in the air. The corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his eyes turned back to Xie Chunchao. .

Everyone got on the boat, and the giant boat slowly left the coast. Xie Chunchao could bear it in the front, but as the boat went deeper, the boat became more and more bumpy.

Xie Chunchao felt dizzy and almost nauseous, but she still suppressed the discomfort.

The weather at sea was changing rapidly. It was clear and clear when they set out, but suddenly there were lightning, thunder, strong winds and huge waves.

Xie Chunchao, who was already feeling a little uncomfortable, became even more miserable, but she didn’t want to sit in the stuffy cabin, so she sat on a chair outside and held on to the railings on the hull tightly to prevent her from being thrown out by the bumpy hull.

Sheng Jiajun's eyes suddenly changed, and he quickly ordered, "Go back! Go back quickly!"

He is from Shengguo and knows better than anyone how critical the current situation is. The angry sea can swallow everything.

"Your Highness, no! The island is closer than the way back!"

A huge wave tens of meters high swept over, the hull of the ship was lifted high, and many people were thrown to the other end of the ship.

Rong Shen looked back at Gao Lang, and without caring much, held Xie Chunchao in his arms and whispered, "Don't move."

Xie Chunchao also understood that the situation was critical and could not tolerate her pretentiousness, so he allowed Rong Shen to hold her.

No one from Chu had ever seen this scene before. They were so frightened that they clung to everything on the boat that could stabilize their bodies.

The waves came down hard, everyone was covered in sea water, and the boat almost capsized.

Sheng Jiajun's expression was serious, his usual innocence and easy-going were no longer there, and there was a terrifying sense of oppression all over his body.

He said, "Go to the island at full speed."

After he finished speaking, he stumbled towards Xie Chunchao and asked worriedly, "Sister, are you okay?"

Xie Chunchao raised a pale face from Rongshen's arms. She just shook her head feebly and said nothing.

The huge jolting sensation left her with no strength at all.

She didn't even dare to say a word, she was afraid that she would vomit when she opened her mouth.

Seeing this, Sheng Jiajun said to Rong Shen, "I will take care of the princess, please step back."

But how could Rong Shen hand over Xie Chunchao to Sheng Jiajun? He hugged Xie Chunchao tightly and said, "The princess is unwell and the situation is urgent now. I'm sorry that I can't entrust Her Royal Highness to you."

Sheng Jiajun's round eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous signal, "I am the princess's future husband. You are just a bodyguard. Is it inappropriate to act like this?"

Rong Shen answered steadily, "It is the duty of the general to protect Her Highness the Princess. If His Highness the Crown Prince is not happy with it, he can treat me as he pleases when he marries Her Highness the Princess in the future. But for now, I cannot leave Her Highness the Princess to His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Unless..." He raised his head and met Sheng Jiajun's dangerous eyes, "You kill me."

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