Xie Ningyu: I regard you as a brother, but you really want to be my brother-in-law!

He had never noticed General Pei's affection before. If he had known that he liked his sister, how could he have dealt with those two heartless men Ning Heng and Lin Jingrong?

Xie Ningyu has worked with General Pei for many years and knows General Pei's character very well. If her sister is paired with him, she will not be let down.

But after all, this is a matter between the two of them. He can just joke around and don't interfere too much.

General Pei's face turned red suspiciously. He stiffly stepped forward and handed Xie Ningyu a stack of documents, and interrupted, "Your Highness, Wei Chen has a case that requires your decision."

"Okay, got it, put it there."

When General Pei heard this, he put the documents in his hand on the table. Xie Ningyu said with a headache, "Recently, officials have reported that bandits are in and out of Qinggu, and they rob passers-by all year round."

General Pei: "If local officials can send troops to annihilate ordinary bandits, why would they report them to the central government?"

"Is there anything special about this bandit?"

"According to the information submitted, their group of bandits is extremely cunning, and the weapons on their hands are also very advanced. They seem to have traces of other countries."

"They suspect that this bandit is backed by other countries."

When they were talking, Xie Chunchao had been sitting quietly on the small case aside with her head propped up. During these days, she often came here to listen to Xie Ningyu's handling of political affairs, and she would give a few opinions from time to time.

At the beginning, many old-fashioned officials shouted that it was inappropriate and said that women were not allowed to participate in their political affairs.

But he was all suppressed by his brother.

My brother said, Xie Chunchao is the princess of the country who was personally named by the emperor. She also made great contributions in the palace coup. She is no worse than any other man. Why can't she sit here and listen?

Seeing their brother's strong attitude and seeing Bai Qiusheng not saying a word, the ministers had no choice but to agree and never dared to mention this matter again.

After a while, the ministers were surprised to find that although Xie Chunchao was a woman, her intelligence and agility were not weaker than those of men, and she was far more far-sighted than they were in facing certain situations.

They had always thought that Xie Chunchao was a woman who only knew love and was jealous, but she was completely different from that.

From her attitude towards Ning Heng, it can be seen that Xie Chunchao's magnanimity is far beyond comparison.

Her entanglement with Ning Heng has been known to everyone in Shanngling, but now she can also treat Ning Heng matter-of-factly. She unabashedly uses Ning Heng's ability to push Chu State in a better direction, not for her own selfish reasons. Suppress talent.

In this aspect, Ning Heng fell behind. From the way he looked at Xie Chunchao, it could be seen that Ning Heng still couldn't let go of Xie Chunchao.

Also, if someone has owned an outstanding woman like Xie Chunchao, who can truly let go of her?

General Pei: "When other countries see the change of throne in our country, they will take the opportunity to cause us some trouble."

There are intrigues and intrigues among the three countries. As long as one country has some troubles, the other two countries will either take the opportunity to bribe the courtiers or secretly support the gangsters and cause chaos to that country.

"That must be the case." Xie Ningyu made a definite decision, "So we need to send one person to suppress the bandits. Who do you think we should send?"

When Xie Chunchao heard about the bandit suppression, his heart moved again...

The last time she suppressed bandits in Jiguan Mountain, she had the help of two generals, so she won with almost no moves.

This time she wanted to try it herself.

"Brother, send me there."

Xie Ningyu was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyes to look at Xie Chunchao, "You?"

"Yes, I'll go." Xie Chunchao said, "Don't worry, brother, I promise to complete the mission!"

Xie Ningyu was a little worried. Of course, what he was most afraid of was that his father would beat him...

The last time Xie Chunchao went to the border to look for him, he encountered bandits on the way, which scared everyone so much...

"But..." Xie Ningyu looked hesitant, "After all, it is too dangerous for you to suppress bandits." "What are the bandits afraid of? It's not like I haven't seen it before. I have done a very good job in such a dangerous thing as the Palace Change." "

"Brother, just let me go. I promise to wipe out all those bandits."

Seeing that Xie Ningyu was still hesitating, General Pei said, "Your Highness, how about I go with the princess."

Xie Ningyu was about to agree, but was interrupted by Xie Chunchao, "No."

"I'm going alone this time. What's the point if General Pei goes with me?"

General Pei's eyes dimmed and he lowered his eyes without speaking.

Seeing this, Xie Ningyu had no choice but to obey her, "Okay, you go. How many troops do you want?"

Xie Chunchao: "How many bandits are there?"

Xie Ningyu: "It was reported that hundreds of people were touched."

After Xie Ningyu finished speaking, he added, "Remember to catch them alive. I want to examine their details carefully."

"There are only a few hundred people. My brother doesn't need to send me troops. I can just take my women's army there."

Xie Chunchao's army of women has expanded a lot during this time, and most of them are women who can't survive nearby and have nowhere to go.

If Xie Chunchao hadn't taken them in, they might have ended up in a brothel, or they might have died one night.

Since this group of people has no escape route, each of them is extremely capable of enduring hardship.

They learned quickly in the military and now they can go into battle.

Xie Chunchao's move was also opposed by the courtiers.

They said that what Xie Chunchao did was an act of subjugation to the country and the destruction of the species.

The greatest value of a woman is to breed heirs, to give birth to more children for the Chu State. If all the women go to serve as soldiers, in the long run, wouldn’t the Chu State have no one?

Xie Chunchao admitted that they might be partly right, but for the continuation of a country, must women be kept in captivity like pigs and sheep?

She couldn't bear it, so she still did it under tremendous pressure.

However, she also changed the requirements for recruiting soldiers, and only accepted women who had nowhere to go and who really wanted to be soldiers and could endure hardship.

If one of them is unqualified, she will not take him in...

She didn't know if she was doing the right thing, and she didn't know if what she did was really an act of subjugation to the country as the man said, but deep down in her heart she always believed that the day when women gain freedom and equality, this The country is truly prosperous.

"Do you have enough people?" Xie Ningyu didn't doubt the strength of the women's army, he was simply worried that there were too few people.

"That's enough." Xie Chunchao raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I will not let my brother down."

"Okay." Xie Ningyu smiled, "You said so, of course I believe my sister."

"I'll send you there." Xie Ningyu said, "It's just..."

"You'd better go into the palace and explain to your father, the emperor, and your queen."

Xie Chunchao lowered his eyebrows and said, "They will believe me."

Her army of women urgently needed a victory to prove their ability, to prove that they were not so-called showmen, to prove that they could also do what men could do. (End of chapter)

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