The hunting in Chang'an finally arrived amidst everyone's expectations.

As a baby, Lingling traveled far away for the first time, and Ali had to accompany her. However, Chang'an was too far away for Ali, and it was difficult for her to safely be separated from her four children.

Qi Yuning asked Ali to take his four children to Chang'an. Chang'an was Qi Yuning's fiefdom. Although the fiefdom was just a title now and had no real power, Qi Yuning did have one of the fiefdoms. It's a large mansion, no worse than a palace, and it's more than enough for Ali's four children.

During the carriage ride from Shengjing to Chang'an, Lingling cried as soon as she entered the carriage. Except when taking a break during the meal, Lingling loved to sit in front of the carriage next to the driver.

She loved it even more when Lu Ze held her in his arms and rode a horse, enjoying a panoramic view of the scenery on the road.

During the five days on the road, Qi Yuning saw that Lingling was dyed with color every day. Lingling, who had just come out of Shengjing, was white. On the first day, she was rosy from the sun, and on the third day, she was yellow. Yes, by the fifth day, Lingling was already black and red.

Arriving at the Lu Mansion in Chang'an, Qi Yuning saw the black and white skin of himself and Lingling, and said to Lu Ze, "Lingling won't always become so dark, right?"

Lingling's skin color is almost as good as Kunlun slave's.

Lu Ze smiled slightly and said: "Lingling dyed with a layer of soy sauce is actually cute."

Qi Yuning said: "How can the little black Lingling be as cute as the little white Lingling?"

Lu Ze said: "Lingling was not black when she was three years old. Just don't worry, she should be able to come back in peace."

Qi Yuning hugged the confused Lingling and said, "I can't go out to bask in the sun these days."

Lingling was babbling, as if she didn't agree at all.

Qi Yuning smiled softly, touched Lingling's little face and said, "If you expose yourself to the sun any longer, you will turn into a little black baby, but you can only go out to play when the sun is out."

Lingling shook her little head, babbling and not knowing what to say. Qi Yuning picked up Lingling and smiled softly.

Lu Ze smiled and said: "When you take Lingling out, just look for the shade of a tree. The most important thing is that Lingling is happy. There is a hunting ceremony tonight. Why don't you take Lingling to rest for a while?"

Qi Yuning nodded, hugged Lingling and coaxed her to sleep. After coaxing Lingling for a long time, Lingling's eyes were still wide open.

It was Qi Yuning who fell asleep due to fatigue from traveling.

In the palace at night, there was a lively banquet and various performances.

Not only the kabuki and dancers in the palace workshops danced gracefully, but the husbands and daughters of noble families in the court also had their own talents.

Zhou Jiayun sat on the side of Prince Jin. This was the first time she was so close to Prince Jin after marrying into Prince Jin's palace. She knew that this was all because Queen Mother Zhou asked her to accompany him.

Zhou Jiayun looked at Qi Yuning and Lu Zechu, who were sitting at the top. They were talking in low voices and didn't know what they were talking about. After the banquet, they didn't stop talking.

The reason why Qi Yuning was able to have such a lively conversation with Lu Ze, who had been getting along day and night, at the banquet was because the two of them recalled the fun stories of hunting when they were young.

Qi Yuning especially remembers participating in hunting when she was nine years old. It was the first year that Qi Yuan did not accompany her to hunt with her. Qi Yuning was a little girl, and the mothers at home felt that she should not go without her father and brother. hunting.

It was Lu Ze who saw that Qi Yuning had been unhappy for three days, so he secretly bypassed the nanny in Prince Qi's Mansion and took Qi Yuning to hunt.

For this reason, the nuns of the Qi family who could not find Princess Qi were extremely anxious.

When Lu Ze returned from hunting several rabbits with Qi Yuning, everyone in the Qi family was almost going crazy looking for her.

After Princess Pingrou learned about this, Lu Ze was punished by kneeling for a long time.

Qi Yuning thought of the past, looked at Lu Ze and said, "You took me secretly hunting with you when I was nine years old. Did you like me then?"

Lu Ze looked at Qi Yuning and said, "At that time, I didn't know what I liked or disliked. I just didn't want to see you sad."

Qi Yuning smiled lightly and said, "This time let's go to the old place and see if it has changed." Lu Ze responded, "Okay."

There were bursts of cheers on the field. Qi Yuning looked over and saw that it was Zhou Jiamin wearing a red dress and dancing a sword in the waterside pavilion. Under the lantern light as bright as day, the figure in red was reflected in the lake, which was beautiful.

Many young men's eyes stared straight at it.

Qi Yuning said: "This sword dance is really beautiful. I didn't expect that she is good at archery and even better at sword dancing."

Lu Ze said: "I heard that this little Zhou girl had weak bones when she was young, so her parents asked her to practice martial arts in a martial arts gym to strengthen her body."

Qi Yuning said: "That's it. This little girl Zhou is a wonderful person."

After Zhou Jiamin finished dancing, everyone in the audience was still interested. Zhou Jiamin walked to Lu Baozhu and sat down and said, "Baozhu, aren't you going to perform?"

Lu Yun laughed loudly at the side and said: "You think too highly of my sister. She doesn't know anything. Even if I hold a sword, I'm afraid she will swing it at him!"

Lu Baozhu glared at Lu Yun.

Zhou Jiamin looked at Lu Yun, who was wearing a dark green round-neck robe next to Lu Baozhu. His eyes lit up and he asked Lu Baozhu, "Is this your brother?"

Lu Baozhu said: "Although I really don't want to admit it, he is really my biological brother."

Lu Yun chuckled, "I don't want to admit that you are my sister yet."

Zhou Jiamin looked at Lu Yun with a chuckle and said, "Your clothes are very pretty!"

"My wife made it!" Lu Yun said, "You are really discerning. Is the workmanship of my clothes good? Is it slim-fitting? My wife sewed it all by herself, stitch by stitch."

"Lu Yun, do you need it? Shen Nian just made you such a piece of clothing, just look at you and show it off to someone."

Lu Yun was very proud, "At least I have a wife to make clothes for me, and you want to make clothes for your husband, but you don't know where your husband is!"

"Little bald donkey, you are looking for death!"

Zhou Jiamin looked at Lu Yun, trying her best to hide the slight disappointment in her eyes and said, "I didn't expect you to be married. I think your wife must be beautiful and fragrant. Is she here today?"

Lu Yun smiled and said: "My son was tired during the journey and had a cough. My wife was afraid that he would catch the cold wind and did not come. You can see my wife tomorrow."

Zhou Jiamin said in surprise: "You have a son?"

"They are over two years old and can speak."

Zhou Jiamin was full of surprise, but she didn't expect that she was already over two years old.

After the hunting dinner, everyone returned to Chang'an Lu Mansion together.

On the way, Lu Ze saw that Lu Yun had been wearing the same clothes for almost five days. He frowned and said, "You have been wearing these clothes for five days. It may be inconvenient to change clothes on the way. You are here in Chang'an and it is a palace banquet. You Why don't you change your clothes? It's already June, and you're not afraid of the stench."

Lu Yun also showed off in front of Lu Ze: "These stitches and threads were all embroidered by Shen Nian's own hands. How could it stink? It smells so good! You are jealous that I have a wife to sew clothes for me. After all, you married someone who doesn't The woman who will sew clothes for you, you will never be able to wear the clothes your wife makes for you in this life!”

Qi Yuning looked at Lu Yun who was showing off and said lightly, "Who said Lu Ze can't wear it?"

Lu Ze looked at Qi Yuning, "Can you sew clothes?"

"Don't you know how to learn?" Qi Yuning smiled, "You will definitely be able to wear it in this life."

Lu Ze also smiled and said, "Then I'll wait."

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