Chapter 140 Sweet Spring

Mu Lianyu couldn't help but frown and said, "These Chunyang Sect disciples are really a bunch of perverts. Fortunately, I didn't join the Chunyang Sect."

Qian Shu frowned and thought, it seems that this secret realm can lure out what people want most.

Zhang Chenggang has never gotten along with women, so the secret mirror gave him a stunning beauty. Under the temptation of the beauty, I wonder if Zhang Chenggang will abandon his reason?

It's hard to say.

Yu Fengya and Chen Ling'er entered the secret realm together, so they appeared together in the endless desert.

The big sun is like a hot oven, making the sand so hot that you can even feel the heat through the uppers of your shoes.

At first, the two of them could find their direction based on the sun.

Yu Fengya smiled softly and confidently: "Ling'er, this must be the Desert of Death, but this also means that we are very close to the temple. It is said that the temple is in this desert. It seems that we are lucky."

"That's not bad. There's not even a hair on this place where a bird doesn't poop. How can it be a temple?" Chen Ling'er expressed deep doubts.

Yu Fengya secretly scolded her as an idiot. The more mysterious the place, the harder it is to find it. If the treasure can be obtained so easily, is the treasure still a treasure?

"It's okay. Let's search in one direction and we can always find the temple."

The two of them were walking in the desert under the bright sun, but after walking for a long time, they didn't even see the shadow of the temple, but they were already very tired.

Chen Ling'er sat down on the ground and sank into the hot sand.

"No, Fengya, let's rest for a while, or drink some water first."

Both of them have water spiritual roots, so logically there should be no shortage of water.

But as soon as Chen Ling'er tried her best to gather a mouthful of water, the water evaporated before it even came in.

This desert is dry and waterless, and even spiritual energy is pitifully scarce.

Chen Ling'er didn't even drink a sip of water. The water was gone, the spiritual energy was gone, and there was a dull pain in the Dantian.

"Fengya, I can't absorb any spiritual energy, what about you?"

The same goes for Yu Fengya, her lips were chapped, she stuck out her tongue and licked it, and even her throat felt dry and sore.

"Me too, let's rest for a while and wait until night before leaving."

The two found a big stone and hid on the dark side of the stone. They were tired, thirsty and drowsy.

But they didn't expect darkness to come so quickly. When the two woke up, it was already dark.

From the outside world, only their area suddenly turned dark, while the rest of the place was still daytime.

"It seems that the weather in this secret realm can change at will. If they plan to travel at night, it will get dark very quickly." Chu Zicheng said with some interest.

Qian Shu nodded slightly, "It seems that the secret realm is forcing them to move on."

Chen Ling'er and Yu Fengya didn't notice anything. They thought they had slept for too long, so they helped each other up and went on their way.

The desert was a lot cooler at night, but with no visible edge, the desert looked like a sea with no visible edge. It revealed a mysterious color in the dark night, and seemed like a black mouth, waiting to swallow them in one bite.

The two walked forward. There was a cold moon hanging in the sky. There was only one star next to the moon, and there was nothing else. The black sky and the black ground were connected together.

Temple, temple, temple shadow is not visible.

The two of them walked all night, and when it was almost dawn, they still didn't see a single tile in the temple.

"It's daybreak." Chen Ling'er wiped her face and removed the sand from her eyebrows and hair. She had a tired face with thick dark blue eyes.

Yu Fengya could no longer maintain her elegant and kind mask. She bit her lip and said, "Is it possible that everyone in the past was a liar? The temple is not in the desert at all?" Chen Ling'er lay down on the ground and showed signs of shrinking. He said, "I want to go back. There seems to be a treasure somewhere in this deserted place. Otherwise, the person will die before I can find the treasure."

But Yu Fengya was unwilling to give in. "It's impossible. The temple must be nearby. We must go to the temple. I must find my treasure."

Chen Ling'er had no choice but to stand up and continue walking with her.

From day to night, and from night to day, the two of them felt that five or six days had passed, but they were still in the desert.

Although he had taken the Satiety Pill to replenish his energy, his throat, which had not been exposed to water for a long time, was so dry that he could hardly make a sound. His lips were cracked and bleeding, and he was in a miserable state.

Although it seems to be only one day to the outside world, to them it is almost a week.

The time flow between them and the outside world is different, but in Yu Fengya's mind, it is almost seven days.

Yu Fengya was extremely agitated. It was almost seven days and they hadn't even left the desert yet.

Chen Ling'er was already decadent, lying motionless in the desert, praying in her heart that it would end soon.

Even if she couldn't find the treasure, she didn't want to stay here anymore. She would become a human if she stayed here any longer.

I don’t know what happened to that piece of shit Ye Xuanxin, it’s best to die of thirst in the desert!

"Ling'er, get up quickly, we, we are going out."

Yu Fengya said in a hoarse voice, but Chen Ling'er shook her head, "I won't leave, I'll just wait to go out. You go, I, I won't compete."

Yu Fengya took a deep breath. Chen Linger's frustration made her too lazy to move.

The two of them sat there for a while. The sweat was dried immediately as soon as it came out. There was an unpleasant smell of sweat on their bodies. Yu Fengya was almost sick to death and wished she could hold her breath.

Chen Ling'er lay there for a while, and sand got into her clothes through the collar.

She had no choice but to stand up and shake. Suddenly, a green color fell into her eyes.

Chen Ling'er rubbed her eyes, and the emerald green became more obvious, like a piece of emerald embedded in the boundless desert.

Chen Ling'er jumped up in surprise, "Fengya, Fengya, look, is that a green space? And there seems to be a spring!"

Yu Fengya also stood up and looked where she pointed. There was really a green space. In the green space was crystal clear water the size of a washbasin.

The cool water gushes out and sparkles in the sun, making people thirsty.

"It's really's really water..."

Although they have satiety pills and are not hungry, water is different. Water is the source of life. If you don't drink water for a long time, people will go crazy.

The two people strode towards the green land, but when they arrived in front of them, the gushing spring suddenly disappeared.

Chen Ling'er rushed over in disbelief and fumbled around. She was really gone. How could this happen?

Although the water is gone, the basin-sized mouth still exists. If you reach out and touch it, you can even feel a wet feeling. The spring is also covered with thick green moss.

This is enough to prove that what I just saw was not a mirage.

 I almost forgot to update, hehe, I wish everyone happy every day in 2024 and get rich as soon as possible^o^

  (End of this chapter)

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