One day, after forming a contract with the old god,

Chapter 150 150 Absolute Disadvantage 10

In order to verify his guess, Raven looked downstairs with the corner of his flashlight.

The result was exactly as he expected.

Although they kept climbing up, the actual height still stayed at the second floor.

Have they been treading water?

However, the feeling of climbing is so real...

Could the problem be the spiral staircase?

At this time, Tang Wei also belatedly noticed the abnormality of the wild dog.

Generally speaking, wild dogs will not stop for no reason.

And the way he didn't say a word after he stopped was enough to prove that a new vision had occurred.

Finally, the tight string was stretched to its limit by the constant exertion of imagination.

The string is about to break in the next second.

"Brother Dog... haven't you found the exit yet?" Tang Wei's voice had an obvious cry.

Raven knew he was on the verge of collapse.

The wild dog took a deep breath and turned around silently.

The flashlight shined towards the bottom of the building.

As expected, they were trapped on the second floor.

No matter how hard we try, we can't break this cycle...

The wild dog did not answer his question, but clenched the ice blade and looked at the headless male corpse that had been standing at the top of the stairs.

If its head was still there, it would definitely be looking at them with a mocking look on its face.

But it doesn't have a head, so whatever reaction it comes up with is reasonable.

It should be angry, resentful.

It can be anything you imagine.

After Tang Wei realized that he was trapped in an endless loop, he collapsed and fell to the ground.

Li Shuang on his shoulders also slid to the steps.

Thanks to the raven stopping him with his feet, he didn't fall all the way into the plasma pool and drown.

He looked at Li Shuang who had passed out with deep regret, knowing that they were the only ones he could rely on at the moment, and at least he had to do his best on the surface.

"How could this happen..." Tang Wei put his hands in his hair and repeated in a broken voice, "We can't escape, we can't escape..."

"Don't say anything depressing." The wild dog came down from the height step by step.

next second.

The stationary stairs suddenly seemed to be filled with life and began to recede.

They seemed to be on a downward escalator.

The steps rolled down one step after another.

This time, everyone could clearly feel the gradually descending height, and the distance between them and the headless man's corpse was getting closer and closer.

The first one to collapse was Tang Wei.

Not sure what he was seeing, Raven could see that he was pulling harder and harder on his hair, as if he could only stop the fantasies that kept running through his head by tearing off his own scalp.

His face began to twist and deform due to the pulling, and Raven could even see part of his scalp slowly lifting away from the top of his head.

He looked no better than the headless male corpse.

Even weirder.

As if he couldn't feel the pain at all, he pulled open his scalp desperately to expose the separated flesh and blood.

"It's coming..."

"It's coming..."

"It's coming..."

"It's coming..."

"It's coming..."

"It's coming..."

He kept repeating these words mechanically, as if it was not just the stairs but him that were trapped in an endless loop at this moment.

I wonder if his words triggered a chain reaction.

The breathtaking broadcast came again:

[An inviter has triggered punishment: concrete value-added]

The Wild Dogs were frightened, especially when they heard the electronic sound, they all broke down and cursed.

Awakened Avengers are known to refer to headless male corpses who have risen from the dead.

The negative effects of the endless cycle are not only imposed on the spiral staircase, but also trap their escape actions in an inherent pattern. Stairs with no end or exit.

And people who are trapped in the cycle will endlessly return to the starting point no matter how hard they try.

Qin Yu did not escape with them, but she could still feel the suffocation coming towards her face.

So what is concrete proliferation?

The word punishment is really becoming more and more abstract.

Soon, her doubts were answered.

Not to mention, it is indeed quite concrete...

The headless male corpse began to reproduce in situ after the announcement sound fell.




In the blink of an eye, hundreds of headless male corpses actually fissured.

Like spreading viruses, they quickly occupy the entire plasma pool.

Large and small, densely packed.

Qin Yu's vision was filled and squeezed by them.

At a glance, countless necks filled with blood filled their eyes.

The sounds of blood flow become more intensive, they sound from all directions and pour into your ears at the same time, like a stormy sea sweeping over you, making you feel timid.

They always maintained a still posture, looking at the prey brought to them by the rolling stairs.

Several people on the stairs were so frightened by the sight before them that they couldn't make a sound.

The wild dog grasped the ice blade tightly, but forgot how to fight.

Tang Wei kept tearing it apart until the human form was almost gone.

He muttered words and repeated those words over and over:

Here it comes.


Among the people, Raven, the most sane person, let out a scream. He pointed to the sky above the hall and said in shock: "Head!"


Qin Yu followed the direction of his finger and saw fog-like heads densely packed in the air.

Each smoke has a different expression and demeanor.

Some of them have malicious eyes, some roar unwillingly, and some are painful and ferocious.

Although they were abstract in appearance, with some even showing just a scrawled skull, she could still tell the owner of the head at a glance.

Finally, in a silent confrontation, the people on the stairs got closer and closer to them.

Every time the distance between them shortens by one point, the atmosphere of danger and terror will increase by one point.

They forgot how to escape and how to protect themselves.

Until, the silent and still group of corpses took the first step.

The relatively safe situation was broken.

The opportunity is here.

Qin Yu saw the right time and threw out a few sand ropes, tied them tightly to the ankles of the wild dogs and others, and then pulled them hard towards the plasma pool.

The sound of splashing water was extremely harsh.

The unconscious Li Shuang fell into the plasma pool first, followed closely by Tang Wei who peeled himself into a bloody man.

Wild dogs react the fastest.

The moment the sand rope took shape, he cut it off with an ice blade without thinking, and then looked cautiously and fearfully at the group of corpses approaching step by step.

Raven was the only one who stayed out of it.

It is currently difficult for the wild dog to protect himself, and the raven does not believe that he will risk his life for himself.

He simply ran upwards with all his strength.

As long as he runs faster than he rolls, he can buy himself time.

Seeing this, Qin Yu condensed a few sand ropes and hung them on the raven, sending him to a relatively safe height.

Then he tied one end of the sand rope to the stairs where the raven was, and tied the other end to his waist. Using the distance between the square corner and the stairs, he made a perfect arc in the air.

She showed up quickly and urgently.

When she successfully swung behind the wild dog, she kicked him unceremoniously and pushed him into the group of corpses.

Lao Deng, let’s go!

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