But Dog Tou ran in, pulled Granny Luo away, and whispered: "Grandma Luo, are these people safe? No one plays like them. It's their first time here, so we have to be careful."

Mrs. Luo was silent, and then quickly said: "You have seen some things in the world, and you know that scholars like to travel and see the rare things. Moreover, there is a war between the capital and the south. Many aristocratic families send their children to our northeastern state in order to keep their roots. This little I'm afraid Young Master is one of them, so it wouldn't be surprising if he would appear here."

Then he said: "If they really come to cause trouble, don't be afraid. Do you think we can still suffer in this village?"

Mrs. Luo laughed sinisterly and pointed to the ground... There were many unlucky ghosts who came looking for people buried in the crop fields of this farm. A few more would not be too many!

After hearing this, Dogou left with peace of mind.

Mrs. Luo turned her eyes and said to the leading thug: "Kuanzi, the distinguished guests have already arrived, why don't you leave? If you dare to come and sleep with the girl while you are on duty, I won't let you go!"

The leading thug smiled apologetically and said, "Hey, I'll leave right now."

Then he said to Xiao Bai and Jiang Dalang: "Young Master, Manager Ying, I'm going to go out and guard the door first. You guys have fun. When you leave, remember to look for me and let me see you off."

Xiaobai put on the posture of a young man, took out a banknote, put it on the table, and called to Kuanzi: "You have done a good job, I will reward you."

"Hey, thank you very much, Master!" Kuanzi was so excited that he walked away with a hundred taels of silver notes.

Qian Guigong and Mrs. Luo looked envious and excited, and hurriedly introduced to Xiaobai: "Little Master, we have first, second and third-rate games here... This is the first to enter the courtyard, and it is the second-rate game, specially for entertaining those who are willing to spend money. Ordinary townspeople who enjoy money."

"Second entry into the house is a top-notch way of playing. The minimum price is ten taels of silver. The girl is the cleanest. She specializes in receiving lords from several nearby towns and counties, as well as passing merchants."

"Then there's the Youke Courtyard. It's a third-rate game there... That place is all for country guys. The fun is quite dirty. You better not go and see it."

Xiaobai said nothing and looked at Jiang Dalang.

Jiang Dalang said: "Our young master is here to gain experience. Naturally, we have to visit every place where guests are received... Let's start here. You get a private room, call all the girls who haven't gone to bed to do business, and follow Let’s talk, young master.”

"Are you just talking?" Qian Guigong asked... There is something really wrong with this game.

Jiang Dalang said coldly: "Otherwise? If you are serious about it, do you want our young master to get sick?!"

Mrs. Luo glared at Mr. Qian Gui: "You talkative thing, just do whatever the young master says, why don't you go and make arrangements!"

"Hey." Qian Guigong hurriedly went to do it.

Although it is difficult to take the girl away from the guests, money can make all the difference, and there are backers and thugs in this building. The guests cursed a few words, so they could only let Mr. Qian Gui take the girl away.

A total of twenty girls were brought to the private room, all of them disheveled and with heavy makeup on their faces. There is a big age gap, some are in their teens and some are in their late thirties.

Mrs. Luo pointed at the girls and said: "Dignified guests from the capital come to our building to gain experience. If they want to ask you about receiving guests, just tell the truth. Don't talk nonsense and deceive the distinguished guests, otherwise I will throw you into a third-rate courtyard. Let you be treated as cattle!”

The girls trembled when they heard it, and some of the younger ones were even scared to tears.

The madam threatened them in public, and they were afraid they wouldn't be able to ask anything.

Jiang Dalang said: "Mr. Luo, Mr. Qian Gui, you go out first. Our young master wants to talk to them alone."


Mrs. Luo was still cautious and said with a smile: "Young Master, Manager Ying, these are peasant girls from the countryside. They are rude and don't know the rules. It's better for us to stay and watch them, lest they collide with the Young Master." Bang, Jiang Dalang slammed the table angrily. : "Why, when the other guests were having fun with the girl, you stood by the bed and watched? If you don't want to do the business of one thousand taels of silver, we can go to the next town and give the money to your colleagues!"


Granny Luo still wants to make money, and there are thugs and traps in this house. If these people cause trouble, they will be killed!

"Okay, let's go out first. Young master, you can play slowly." Mrs. Luo took Mr. Qian Gui and the two boys out.

Jiang Dalang took out a booklet and handed it to Xiaobai.

According to what was written above, Xiaobai looked at the girls and asked them one by one: "How did you get into prostitution? Did you run away from poverty and voluntarily come here in exchange for food? Or was your family's life difficult and you were raped by your family members?" Sold? Or kidnapped by a prostitute?"

Outside the door, Mrs. Luo's face darkened when she heard this... Is there really something wrong with this young master?

But soon, she heard Xiaobai say: "There is a new emperor in the capital, and there may be Enke next year. Although you are in prostitution, why you were sold is related to people's livelihood." It’s a big deal. The Imperial Examination Policy Review is about people’s livelihood, so you must answer honestly and don’t hide anything, so as not to ruin my career!”

It turned out to be preparation for the scientific examination strategy.

Mrs. Luo felt relieved, but still listened outside the door.

The girls knew that Mrs. Luo and Mr. Qian Gui had not left yet, and that the third-rate courtyard was too terrible. They did not want to become third-rate prostitutes!

So he didn't say much, he just said: "My family was having a hard time and I was sold voluntarily."

Xiaobai continued to ask: "Is it sold by my mother's family or my husband's family?"

As soon as these words came out, several girls wearing green cloth flowers on their heads turned pale, but their answers were: "We were sold by our parents' families... We are not married yet."

"You're really not married?" Xiaobai asked, and hurriedly explained: "If your mother's family sells you because she can't afford the fine for not getting married, that's okay, but if your husband's family sells you, it proves that we The life of the people in the Wei Dynasty is getting worse and worse. During the scientific examination, if I am lucky enough to be able to meet the emperor, I can use folk affairs to win your majesty's favor."

Jiang Dalang said: "So you must tell the truth, don't miss my young master's future!"

But the girls' answer is still: "They were sold by their parents' families. We don't have husband's family."

Xiaobai asked again: "Are there any people who were despised and sold by their families not because their families were poor, but because their innocence was damaged?"

As soon as these words came out, the girls wearing green cloth flowers on their heads trembled, but they still did not dare to tell the truth: "My family is poor and we want to marry our brothers. The prostitutes will give us a lot of money to sell themselves, so they will sell us." coming."

"What a jackal parent!" Huang Laowu got angry and cursed for a while.

Seeing that Jiang Dalang couldn't get anything out of the question, he asked them to wait on Xiaobai to eat vegetables and drink wine. They played around for about two-quarters of an hour before opening the door and coming out.

Mrs. Luo came up immediately and asked with a smile: "Little Master, how are the girls serving you? Are you satisfied?"

Xiaobai sighed: "The girls are good, but the livelihood of our common people in the Wei Dynasty has become more and more difficult, and we have even fallen into selling girls into prostitution, and the girls still think that they are lucky to be sold into it!"

He also released his bold words about becoming an official: "When I am admitted to the imperial examination and become an official, I will make sure that there are fewer girls sold into prostitution among the people."

Mrs. Luo wanted to roll her eyes when she heard this, but she felt relieved... It seemed that he was really a noble man who came to understand the sentiments of the people and prepare for scientific research and policy making.

Then according to Xiaobai's instructions, he took them to the first-class guest house on the second entrance to the house.

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