Huang Yanglong was anxious and shouted: "You really want to go? Then who will protect me? And if there is a fight, and the swords and arrows have no eyes and they cut you to pieces, you will not be able to take the scientific examination. That was the fault of this young master." All the money was wasted!”

At first, he bought Xiaobai just to go against Zheng Nandan. But after discovering Xiaobai's ability, he decided to invest in Xiaobai. After Xiaobai takes the exam and becomes an official, the Huang family will also have help.

But if you are disabled and disfigured, it will be difficult to take the imperial examination.

After hearing this, Xiaobai said without hesitation: "I will stay to protect Brother Long."

Brother Long is his benefactor, and he must first ensure Brother Long's safety. After all, Brother Long is a real food.

After he agreed, Huang Yanglong was not happy. He pointed at Jiang Dalang and said: "You go with Xiaobai. At the critical moment, you protect him and escape together. Don't die... If you make a contribution, it will be Xiaobai's." You can’t steal the credit. If you don’t agree, I won’t help you martial artists!”

Hey, he is such a gangster.

Jiang Dalang wanted to hold Huang Yanglong down and give him a beating: "Master Huang, I want to stay and protect Xiaomi."

Huang Yanglong: "Oh, are you kidding? The daughter of the Qin family is so fierce, does she need your protection? You and Xiaobai will take four martial arts masters to Fenfang Yuan, and I will go to the county government with the Qin family. That's the decision!"

Then he pointed at his face and said: "I have a big face. I dare to go crazy even when I enter the Yamen. I can protect the Qin family, but your face is not good. When you go to the Yamen, you have to kneel with the Qin family."

This, indeed.

With Jiang Dalang's current identity, he went to the Yamen, which meant he was just a thug. But Sheng Ting was worried about Qin Xiaomi and wanted to stay by her side to protect her... The life and death of others had nothing to do with him, he just wanted to keep her safe and sound.

Qin Xiaomi said: "Don't worry about me, just go with Xiaobai."

"Are you eunuchs? Or are you stone mills grinding flour? You keep grinding. Take action as soon as you decide. Otherwise, when the evil people hear the news, they will definitely run away. Then what evil people will you catch?!" Huang Yanglong hated them to death! He took out another gold and jade sign and gave it to Jiang Dalang: "Take it, go to Huangtao Town, the remaining martial arts masters are at the house in Huangtao Town... Take the sign, don't lose it, or you will have to pay. .”

"I've written it down, thank you Master Huang." Jiang Dalang took the sign and said to Qin Xiaomi, "Xiaomi, I will come back as soon as possible. Protect yourself well and don't push yourself. If anything happens, let Master Huang come in."

Huang Yanglong jumped in anger: "You look like an honest person, I didn't expect you to be so sinister!"

Jiang Dalang looked at Huang Yanglong and remembered a disease that Su Su had talked about in his previous life... Is this guy suffering from mania?

Huang Yanglong became even more angry: "What's in your eyes? Do you think this young master is sick?"

"Master Huang, calm down first. I'll go and explain a few words to the other families before setting off." Jiang Dalang looked calm and went to find the Xu brothers, Qiao Songguo, Qin Xiaogu and Qin Cunquan.

Seeing that Huang Yanglong was about to explode, Xiaobai quickly comforted him: "Brother Long, don't be angry. If you make yourself angry to death, you will lose to Zheng Dong's family completely."

Huang Yanglong recovered immediately: "You are right, I cannot die before Zheng Nandan, otherwise I will dig his grave and whip his body."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Dalang finished his explanation and returned to the workshop. After going to the sleeping room and changing into clothes suitable for riding, he and Xiaobai rode a horse and took a detour from the back mountain road to Huangtao Town. .

Huang Yanglong shouted: "It's getting dark soon. Please ride carefully and don't hurt my horse. Lychees and pearls are hard to find. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them!"

After shouting at the top of his lungs day by day, Qin Xiaomi said: "Master Huang, drink more Luo Han Guo soup when you have time to moisten your throat."

Then he said, "Master Huang, please help me call Manager Xue into the village. My family has something that I need his help with."

"It's really troublesome. Why didn't you tell me when you were checking with Manager Xue earlier?" Huang Yanglong glared at her, snorted coldly, and turned around to go to the entrance of the village. As soon as he arrived at the village entrance, he saw Er Shuan and felt unlucky.

Wu Xingzu was very happy to see him and came over and said: "Master Huang, the servants at home have brought dinner. There is mutton stew. Let's have a meal together?"

"Dinner? Are you tired of talking about words? The mutton is hot. I won't eat it, so you can eat it yourself." Huang Yanglong said, then pointed at Er Shuan and said: "It's getting dark, why don't you leave after delivering the food? Do you want to take the opportunity to let the two suspects go? Or do you want to help the suspects tip off information?!"

What a fucking mad dog, he will bite whoever he catches!

Er Shuan was extremely angry and wanted to kill Huang Yanglong. He smiled sadly and said: "The younger one is here to accompany my second young master to guard the suspect. After all, the second young master is a scholar. How can he stay in the wild with two suspects all night?" "

Then he asked: "Master Huang, where did Jiang Dalang and your Bai Xiaoguan go? Why are they nowhere to be seen?"

"What the hell does it have to do with you? How qualified are you, a servant, to interfere in the affairs of good people?!" Huang Yanglong was angry. He took out ten taels of silver and handed it to Lu Fatsan, asking: "What crime can be charged to him?" ?”

But Lu Pangsan was not very familiar with Wei Lu, so he couldn't find a crime for a while.

Huang Yanglong said: "Then drive him away."

"Okay." Lu Pangsan accepted the money and said to Er Shuan: "Er Shuan, you should go back and serve Wu Li Chang first, otherwise if something happens at night, your identity is the easiest to be pushed out to take the blame. "

Bah, who do you think you are, qualified to say such things to me?

However, now was not the time to offend the police officers and the Lu family, so Er Shuan turned around and left.

Huang Yanglong went to see Manager Xue again: "The Qin family is looking for you. You should go to the west of the village quickly."

Manager Xue nodded and said, "Master Huang, we are short of manpower now. You have to be careful and don't let yourself suffer."

"I got it, go quickly." Huang Yanglong waved his hand and sat in a large tent covered with a leather cloak. He stared at Fang Er and the others, and from time to time asked Lu Fatsan: "Go and check their breathing. If you die quietly, you will be finished... I am fine, I can spend money to expiate my guilt."

Xue Feng wanted to block his mouth... Master Huang, please stop talking. There are few manpower nowadays. If you continue to show off your wealth so brazenly, be careful that the local snakes will tie you up tonight!

"Hey, I'm going to see it right now." Lu Pangsan accepted the money, and since the life and death of Fang Er and the coachman would indeed affect him, he hurried to check on Fang Er and the others. After a while, he replied: "Master Huang, don't worry, there are also gas."

Huang Yanglong was relieved.


Er Shuan was shrewd. After walking for a while, he hid in a ditch on the roadside. After dark, he went to the village entrance in the dark. After still not seeing Xiao Bai and Jiang Dalang, he hurried back to the village and told Wu Li Chang.

"Jiang Dalang and the waiter have disappeared. They must have left the back of the village. I don't know what they did."

Wu Li Chang frowned when he heard this, and quickly thought of something, and said hurriedly: "The Qin family may have guessed something deeper... You should quickly go to the Wu family in the town, find Wu Laosan, and ask him to recruit people..."

"Are you here to kill the Qin family?" Er Shuan interrupted him and asked excitedly.

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