After rebirth, the Queen and I are on the run.

Chapter 152 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion【2】

"Hey, I'll go pack it now." Xiaobai liked the Qin family very much and was willing to go to the Qin family to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, so he happily went to pack his things.

Qin Xiaomi said hurriedly: "Brother Bai, stop cleaning up. There are grown-up girls in our house. It's not appropriate for you two grown men to go to dinner."

Xiaobai was very disappointed and looked at Qin Xiaomi with tears in his eyes: "Can't you go?"

Qin Xiaomi nodded: "It's really inconvenient to go, I'm sorry."

Bang, Huang Yanglong slammed the table angrily: "Daughter of the Qin family, you are a white-eyed wolf. We just helped your family buy the back hill and ruined the Wu family's plan, but you didn't even give us a meal!"

Qin Xiaomi said: "Master Huang, you will go to the county to help buy the mountain because I promised you that when I signed the contract with the Huang family, I would help you slap the Zheng Dong family in the face. And I just paid for all the expenses for your trip. It’s over, we don’t owe each other anything now, so don’t make trouble unreasonably!”

Thinking of this guy using her banknotes to act arrogant and causing her to lose hundreds of taels of silver, she wanted to kill him!

Huang Yanglong was blocked and speechless, staring angrily at Qin Xiaomi.

The two families were going to cooperate in the future. Grandpa Qin didn't want to stalemate the relationship, so he hurriedly said: "Master Huang, there are so many eldest girls in my family, it is really not suitable to receive you. Even Dong Xue's family has not had dinner at my house."

Then he said: "Before dinner, the old man will send someone to bring you a table of home-cooked food for you to try."

Huang Yanglong was unhappy: "Humph, I don't care about your food. Go away quickly. I'll get annoyed when I see you!"

"Okay, farewell." Qin Xiaomi got what he asked for and hurried away, then looked at Xiao Bai and reminded: "Brother Bai, after what happened today, you have to be careful and don't take advantage of others. "

Huang Yanglong is like a child. The more you remind him, the more he will do the opposite, so it is better to remind Xiaobai.

Xiaobai said: "Don't worry about Qin Xiaodong's family. We are smart. If they want to set up a trap to harm us, they don't have enough brains."

Qin Xiaomi thought about Xiaobai's ability, felt a little relieved, nodded, and left.

Manager Xue sent them out of Taifu Restaurant, this time through the back door, but they still met the restaurant's shopkeeper Yin.

He smiled and said: "Village Chief Qin, Qin Xiaodong, congratulations, you have bought such a large forest, and future generations will not have to worry about food and drink."

Qin Xiaomi gets annoyed when she sees him.

Grandpa Qin chatted with him for a few words and then left quickly.

After the distance was far away, Qin Xiaomi whispered to Manager Xue: "If possible, Manager Xue should let Young Master Huang change his residence as soon as possible. This shopkeeper Yin is not like a good one. Young Master Huang lives under his nose and is easy to be harmed." .”

Manager Xue was horrified when he heard this and said hurriedly: "Thank you Qin Xiaodong for reminding me. I will go and persuade Master Huang to move out of the restaurant."

After saying that, he hurried to find Huang Yanglong.

Grandpa Qin drove Qin Xiaomi and Jiang Dalang back to the village in a mule cart.

After arriving home, people from Qin Jiang, Xu Qiao's family were so happy that they put down their work and gathered around.

Grandma Qin rushed out of the house and asked Grandpa Qin: "Old man, have you received Da Lang? Is Da Lang okay? Have you bought the back mountain?"

Jiang Dalang hurriedly lifted the car curtain and said to Grandma Qin: "Grandma Qin, I'm fine. The whole back mountain has been bought, and the land deed has been given to Xiaomi. There are more than 3,000 acres."

More than three thousand acres!

Everyone was shocked. Xiao Jiang Erlang said: "This is too much. If all of it was used to grow wheat, it would be enough to feed the entire town." Qin Liupo gave him a look: "Stupid, that's a mountain forest. If you can’t grow food, buying so much mountain land is throwing money into the water.”

Grandma Qin asked distressedly: "How much money did you spend? Did you get a lot of money?"

This was a question about Qin Xiaomi's pain point. She said with a sad face, "I spent all my savings in one go...Grandma, I am a poor man again."

Grandma Qin smiled, feeling sorry for her: "Don't be sad, grandma will give you all the money at home."

After all, Xiaomi also made the money.

Qin Xiaomi said: "No, our family has divided the property. We can't mix up the money anymore, lest the calculation will be unclear in the future and the relationship will be ruined."

Then he asked: "Grandma, do you still have the glutinous rice flour for making moon cakes? I want to use it to make carrot cakes."

Grandma Qin: "Also, it's in the box in the main room."

Qin Liupo said: "Glutinous rice is more expensive than white flour. Why do you use it to make carrot cake? Fifth sister-in-law, don't give it to her, it will be a waste."

"Sixth Po, this carrot cake is made for Master Huang. We want to cooperate with the Huang family to make new dyes, so we can't offend him to death." Qin Xiaomi got off the mule cart and went to hide her land deed first before going to get it. Glutinous rice flour, radish, and sticky rice flour.

When Jiang Dalang saw this, he felt sour, but he soon became happy again. He ran to Qin Xiaomi and said, "Xiaomi, what's so new about that carrot cake? Let me help you make it together."

In her last life, Su Su made carrot cake. If she makes it the same as in her last life, then this is another proof that she is Su Su!

Qin Xiaomi glanced at him and agreed: "Okay, you are responsible for cutting the radishes."

"Okay." Jiang Dalang immediately went to get the radish. After washing it, he started to chop it. After chopping it into pieces, he put it in a basin and showed it to Qin Xiaomi as if he wanted to take credit: "Millet, cut it, is it enough? Not enough for me. Chop again.”

Qin Xiaomi felt relieved and cursed again: "Why didn't you ask me before cutting it? You chopped it too finely and didn't peel the radish. It's useless. Just feed it to the chickens."

Jiang Dalang felt aggrieved.

Grandma Qin was very angry and scolded Qin Xiaomi: "You girl, you don't know how to feel sorry for others. Da Lang just came back from the county and he helped you work without taking a break. How dare you dislike it?!"

Then he gave Jiang Dalang a bowl of mutton soup in his hand: "Da Lang, you must be starving. Let's eat a bowl of mutton soup to cushion your stomach first, and then we will have a reunion dinner in the evening."

"Hey, thank you, Grandma Qin." Jiang Dalang finished the mutton soup in a few mouthfuls, and then went to Qin Xiaomi: "Xiaomi, how should I cut the radish for the radish cake? You teach me, and I will cut it for you this time."

Tsk tsk tsk, Qin Liupo was eating the sweet mooncake filled with sesame and peanuts. She shook her head and said to Xiao Jiang Erlang who was picking vegetables next to her: "You have to find an obedient wife in the future. She can't be as cowardly as your elder brother, otherwise You Jiang men will become the laughingstock of the whole village."

Jiang Xiaozhu groaned angrily, put her hands on her hips and said, "Qin Liupo is chewing her tongue again, sister-in-law Wo will deduct your dividends!"

Qin Liupo was so angry: "Little girl, you dare to stir up trouble even before the table is high. If my parents' dividends are really deducted, I will definitely give you a good beating."

Qin Xiaomi sneered: "Sixth Granny, please don't be unhappy during this big holiday... Xiaozhu, don't talk to Sixth Granny and go make lanterns with Grandpa."

"Yeah, stay tuned, sister-in-law." Jiang Xiaozhu was happy to be defended. She snorted loudly at Qin Liupo again before running away, which made Qin Liupo angry almost to death.

Qin Xiaomi was happy when she saw that Qin Liu Po ​​was exhausted, and continued to make carrot cake... Unfortunately, there were not enough materials, so after a long time, she finally made a simple version of carrot cake.

Qin Liupo had never eaten it before, so she was so curious that she hurriedly grabbed a piece to try it out, but she spit it out: "Oh my God, you want to give such a disgusting thing to Master Huang, you are crazy." Bar?"

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