After rebirth, the Queen and I are on the run.

Chapter 133 Giving away secret ingredients

Grandma Qin listened carefully and heard the closing sound of the main room on the right, and then sighed: "I'm afraid that if she doesn't marry, the old man will become discouraged and marry another good girl."

Now that he is rich and the man is talented in literature, martial arts and good looks, Grandma Qin is really afraid that her precious grandson-in-law will be snatched away.

But Grandpa Qin said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this... Da Lang is very powerful. He can subdue her and make her agree to the marriage."

Grandma Qin didn't believe it: "But Dalang has been suppressed by Xiaomi."

Just now, Dalang was grabbed by Xiaomi's clothes and warned.

Grandpa Qin lit mugwort to repel mosquitoes, lay down on the bed made of wooden boards, fanned himself with a leaf fan, and said with a proud smile: "I recently taught Dalang the military moves. He learned them quickly and well, and he can also He is very wise when he draws inferences from one instance. No matter how fierce our Xiaomi is, we are still no match for him, just wait and see."

Grandma Qin became worried again: "Is Dalang really that powerful? Then if we, Xiaomi, marry him, won't we be bullied?"

Grandpa Qin was convinced: "You old woman, what do you want me to say about you? Go to bed quickly and don't think about this."


The next day, the first day of August, the female workers came to work early, and many of them even picked up dry firewood. After seeing Qin Liupo, they smiled and said: "Qin Liupo, our children picked this up in the back mountain. It weighs more than a hundred kilograms, has been dried in the sun, and can be burned immediately."

Qin Liupo looked at the dry firewood and hummed: "Let's take it to the cooking room, it's waiting for firewood."

"Hey." Although they didn't get a good look, the female workers were not angry at all. After picking the dry firewood into the cooking room, they went back to their work. They were smiling all day long, and their bodies were full of energy. Feeling festive.

There is no other reason, just because July’s wages are paid today.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Halfway through the application time, there was a sound of iron knocking to stop work in the workshop.

Aunt Xu shouted: "It's time to finish the work. Everyone, please line up in front of the main room and get ready to receive your wages!"

I'm getting paid. I can finally get paid.

Everyone was so happy that they formed three teams according to the types of work: pounding, boiling, and loading. But they were all far away from the entrance of the hall, and no one dared to get there first.

Qin Liupo moved a chair, sat at the door, crossed her legs, stared at them, and sneered: "When I heard that wages were paid, the queue was really fast. Has the workshop been cleaned up?"

Because of Qin Mudan's matter, Qin Xiaomi felt a little sympathy for Qin Liupo, but after hearing her strange tone, Qin Xiaomi wanted to flatter her again!

"Sixth Po, if you think the workshop is dirty, go and clean it yourself." Qin Xiaomi was carrying a money bag and looked down at her: "Sit on the edge, you are blocking the entrance of the big guys."

Qin Liupo snorted and moved her chair away to make way for her.

Qin Xiaomi, Grandma Qin, and Qin Eryong's daughter-in-law entered the main room together and said to Aunt Qin and Mrs. Su: "Sister-in-law, Aunt Cunquan, let's start."

"Hey." Mrs. Su shouted to the outside: "Sister Niu Wang, come in!"

"Come on, come on!" Zhang Niuwang's wife was so excited that she was the first to receive her wages. She straightened her clothes, smoothed her hair, and rubbed the soil on her soles before she dared to enter the main room.

Mrs. Su handed her the work registration book: "In July, you worked for ten days in total. You didn't arrive late or leave early, and you didn't break anything in the workshop... The wages for ten days were 670 wen."

"Your family also sent ten loads of firewood to the workshop. According to the price in the town, it costs ten cents per load, a total of one hundred cents, which adds up to seven hundred and seventy cents... If the wages are calculated correctly. , sign and fingerprint this."

Zhang Niuwang's daughter-in-law was so shocked that after only ten days of work, she got more than half a tael of silver and firewood: "The firewood was picked up by the children at home. It doesn't cost any money. Just give me the wages... almost seven hundred coppers." The salary is enough."

Qin Xiaomi said: "Aunt Zhang, it's the money your family deserves. Just take it happily and don't make it difficult for everyone." Everyone knew that Qin Xiaomi said exactly what he said. Zhang Niuwang's wife hurriedly said: "It was my fault. I'll take it now, little boss, don't be angry."

Zhang Niuwang's wife signed and fingerprinted, and went to Aunt Qin's table to collect the money.

Aunt Qin counted the money for her: "Take the seven hundred and seventy coins. If the number is correct, sign and fingerprint here again to prove that you have received your wages."

The Su family is guaranteed wages, and Aunt Qin is guaranteed to receive wages here.

"Hey." Zhang Niuwang's wife counted the money and said with a smile: "That's right, that's right... Many thanks to the little boss, many thanks to Qin Wu Po, many thanks to the Qin family!"

Zhang Niuwang's daughter-in-law was so excited that she put the money into a cloth bag she had sewn by herself, went out happily, and gave Qin Liupo five cents in a discerning way.

Qin Liupo wanted to take it, but when she looked back and saw Qin Xiaomi's 'dead face', she retracted her hand and said, "The Qin family's workshop does not like this unhealthy trend. Don't bring this old woman into trouble!"

Zhang Niuwang's wife hurriedly said, "Qin Liupo, please calm down. It's my fault."

Only then was Qin Xiaomi satisfied, and he raised his voice and said: "There is no such thing as stuffing money in the workshop. Anyone who dares to stuff money will be guilty of the same crime as the recipient!"

As soon as these words came out, the female workers hurriedly said: "Yes, we remember, we will never give money to the supervisor!"

Mrs. Su shouted again: "Daughter-in-law Hu, come in and collect your wages!"

Mrs. Hu was very excited and hurried in. Her family also sent dry firewood to the workshop, so including wages, she received 600 pence.

Chai Panniang received more than Zhang Niuwang's wife, a full tael of silver. The female workers in Zhoujia Village were shocked and said: "One, a tael of silver, how come there is so much?!"

Qin Xiaomi said: "Her man Zhang Niugao and her father sent a lot of dry firewood to the workshop, and there was half a liang of firewood money in it."

The workshop uses a lot of firewood, so her family accepts anything sent by the female workers.

Zhou Shisan's daughter-in-law and my mother looked at each other and their eyes lit up... After going back today, they have to let Shisan and the others go up the mountain to chop wood, and they will also pick it for the workshop tomorrow.

Mrs. Su shouted again: "Mrs. Zhou Liu, come in and collect your wages!"

"Here we come!" Zhou Shiliu's mother immediately ran into the main room and received four hundred wages.

The female workers from Zhoujiacun and Huqiansunhuang's family signed the contract a few days later, so their wages were relatively small. However, they received their wages in real terms, so they were still very happy.

And even more joy came.

Qin Xiaomi said: "We are rushing to work now, so there will be no holiday on the day when wages are paid. When we wait for the Mid-Autumn Festival, we will give everyone a three-day holiday, and we will also give everyone a holiday gift."

"Is there etiquette? I can still have a holiday!" Zhou Liu's mother was shocked and said: "My little boss, you don't need to take three days off, just one day. You will get paid for working."

Qin Xiaomi: "You will also be paid for the three days of holiday. Your wages will not be deducted just because of the holiday."

"What? Seriously?!" Everyone was shocked. They didn't work during the holiday, but their wages weren't deducted?

"Of course it's true." Qin Xiaomi looked at them and said, "In short, when you are at work, you work hard, and when you are on vacation, you can have fun without worrying about anything else."

"Oh my God, this generous spirit is better than that of the county government. No wonder the Qin family can get rich!" Zhou Liu's mother wanted to split Zhou Liu into two. One would continue to work in the government office, and the other would come to the workshop to work. Make money.

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