After rebirth, the Queen and I are on the run.

Chapter 129 This business is indeed profitable

Chapter 129 This business is indeed profitable

The next day, Qin Xiaomi only slept for two hours. After waking up his brain, he continued to prepare the secret powder and color fixing liquid.

By mid-afternoon, all the secret recipe powder and solid color liquid required for the color soup accumulated in the past three days were finally prepared.

After Wen Jin Jiequ, Shanxiang Weng Kangjia and others learned that the Qin family's workshop could ship goods again, they brought their fleet to pull goods.

There was no big tent at the entrance of the village, and it became lively again.

Master Jia praised them as soon as they met: "Dong Xue's family is worthy of having been in business for decades. They solved the problem of the secret ingredient in just three days. It's amazing."

Xue Dongjia smiled and said: "The real culprit has not been found yet, so it is not solved. I just have some connections and bought a batch of secret ingredients."

Then he said: "Don't talk about the trouble, come on, let's go into the village to inspect the goods."

In one of the carriages, Huang Yanglong frowned: "You want to enter this shabby village?"

The fair-skinned boy asked: "Brother Long, can we get in?"

"Huh, of course we have to enter. Otherwise, how would we know if Xue Zhui lied about the profits of this new dye and tricked the Huang family into getting involved?" Huang Yanglong and the waiter pretended to be servants of the Xue family, and were led by Xue Lei into the workshop in the west of the village. .

In front of the workshop gate, a jar of color soup has been piled up. Several doctors are testing the poison, and servants from each family are checking whether the color soup is missing the secret recipe package and color fixing liquid.

Huang Yanglong's eyes fell on the secret recipe bag and fixing solution... As long as this palm-sized oil paper bag and a small bottle of water are transported to Lingnan Prefecture, the Huang family can open a workshop and make a lot of money?

Haha, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a lie!

The Xue Dong family reported the accounts to them: "Three days of goods, a total of 1,800 jars of colored soup, mostly red soup... The Xiang family received 20% of the goods, 360 jars of colored soup, and the price of the goods was 750 Twelve."

More than 300 jars of color soup were sold for more than 700 taels of silver?

Huang Yanglong was stunned. Couldn't those 1,800 jars of color soup be sold for three to four thousand taels? And this is only three days’ worth of goods!

Xue Dongjia added: "There are three thousand small cans of pigment powder..."

Oh, and there’s pigment powder!

Huang Yanglong listened attentively. When he heard that the pigment powder was sold for more than two thousand taels of silver, and when he heard that Jin Jiekangxiang and others actually gave him a banknote, he really believed it and was really shocked.

He quickly took out his abacus and calculated how much money he could get from opening a workshop in Lingnan Prefecture to make new dyes.

In the end, even though he grew up in Jinshan, he was shocked by the profit... The man named Xue didn't lie to him, and the chief manager didn't lie to him either. The new dye business was indeed profitable!

Zheng Nandan must not let Zheng Nandan do such a lucrative business by himself. He has to personally come forward and take care of this business from beginning to end, making his name famous in the Huang family business and letting the major merchants in Lingnan Prefecture know that he, the Huang family, has a capable son. , can take over the family business!

"Wow, it's shameful uncle, you're here again? Do you want me to make a quilt for you?" After Jiang Xiaozhu found Huang Yanglong, he brought Qin Maimai and Xu Fubao over, squatted at his feet, and looked up at him.

Huang Yanglong was angry: "You little mosquitoes, shut up. If I invite you here, I want you to look good... Also, what kind of uncle? I'm only twenty, and I haven't gotten engaged yet. I call you brother."

Zheng Nandan wanted him to marry a wife as soon as possible, but he didn't want to. If he married a wife and gave birth to a son, how could he castrate himself and let the Huang family threaten the entire Huang family business?

Jiang Xiaozhu learned Qin Xiaomi's true story and reached out to him: "Give me the money and we will keep it secret for you."

Huang Yanglong was furious, but he didn't want to be discovered, so he could only take apart three abacus beads and give them to them: "They are made of silver, and the three of them weigh half a tael in total."

After Jiang Xiaozhu and the others got the silver beads, they were very happy and stood up very responsibly, saying: "My friends, help you block people."

"You still help me? You three short winter melons don't cause me to be exposed. It's my blessing." Huang Yanglong had already seen the huge profits of the new dye business with his own eyes. He didn't wait any longer and asked the waiter and Xue Lei to leave first.

The volume of goods was large today, so loading started at Shenshi. It was not until dark that the carts and horses pulling the goods left.

Xue Dong's family went to see them off. After catching a glimpse of Huang Yanglong's carriage, they went over to knock on the carriage and said to him: "These buyers are all officials in Beijing. Be careful and don't be taken advantage of by them." Huang Yanglong sneered: "Haha , do you need to remind this young master? This young master is a genius who was able to save himself after being lost at the age of five, and was able to sneak into the river to catch fish and sell it for travel expenses, and successfully returned to the Huang family. You are still worried about your death. You silly son who studies!"

Xue Dongjia really wanted to beat him: "You, a Nanman who can't even write poetry, can only make a living by doing business. My son is different, he can pass the exam and become an official!"

After saying that, he ignored Huang Yanglong, who was half-dead with anger, and said to Xue Lei: "Send him back to town, if..."

If Wen Jin Jie and others are looking for him, then block it for him and don't let him be fooled and suffer a loss.

But Dong Xue didn't say this in the end... This bastard from the Huang family was different from normal people. The more you told him what he couldn't do, the more he would do it.

Xue Lei said: "Don't worry, my boss, my subordinates will protect Young Master Huang."

Xue Dongjia nodded and watched the Huang family's carriage leave. When he turned around, he met Qin Liupo.

Qin Liupo stared at him with green eyes: "Dong Xue's house, all the guests have left, let's hurry up and divide the money!"

Dong Xue was very tired, so he said: "Tomorrow is the end of the month, let's do the accounting tomorrow. Everyone is too tired these days."

"What? No money!" Qin Liupo was very angry, but she didn't dare to make a fuss, for fear that Qin Xiaomi would deduct her family's dividends, so she could only go home angrily and dreamed of counting money all night. When I woke up, my hands were cramped.

Qin Xiaomi slept until noon.

After lunch, I followed Grandpa Qin, Grandma Qin, and Qin Cunquan to the workshop to check accounts with Dong Xue’s family.

It took me an hour to sort out the accounts for July.

And when Manager Xue reported the 30% bonus that the Qin family deserved, Qin Xiaomi was so shocked that she woke up... Not counting the first batch of goods, her family alone received 4,600 in these eight days. Two dividends!

With two thuds, Qin Liupo and Qin Laoliu fainted again.

Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin were also stunned. After hearing the sound of the two falling to the ground, they came to their senses and said, "Sixth brother and sister, please wake up."

Dong Xue’s family called to Xue Feng: “Take the medicine and give them a sniff.”

"Yes." Xue Feng took out a small bottle and put it on their noses. After sniffing it for a while, they took a deep breath and woke up.

Qin Laoliu asked Grandpa Qin in horror: "Fifth brother, am I right? Are there really so many?!"

More than four thousand taels of silver, they had never seen so much money in their entire lives!

Qin Liupo hit him: "Lao Liu, please keep your voice down, you haven't finished your work yet."

If the female workers heard it and told their men back home, those poor ghosts would probably surround the west of the village overnight and rob them all!

In order to prevent them from dying of joy, Qin Xiaomi said: "Sixth Grandpa and Sixth Grandma, this is just the total number. They have to be divided among nine families. The amount allocated to your family is only more than two hundred taels of silver."

The cold water splashed on them, and the excitement of the two people disappeared. They said angrily: "More than four thousand taels turned into more than two hundred taels. It really ruined the joy just now."

(End of this chapter)

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