After passing through the palace gates, Huang Cuihua, who was originally in a hurry, gradually slowed down.

Sang Mo subconsciously blocked the palace man from entering the last palace gate.

"What's wrong with you? The young monk is right in front. Why don't you go see him?"

Sang Mo stood firmly in front of the door, "No, you are hiding something from me!"

"How could it be?" Huang Cuihua said, stepping forward and holding Sang Mo's arm. "Don't you want to see the young monk? Finish asking the questions and go back early! Come here quickly."


As soon as these words came out, Sang Mo finally reacted, his pupils suddenly dilated, "How did you know I was going to ask him a question?"

Huang Cuihua's face was shocked, "...haven't you told me?"

"Asshole, even you lied to me!"

Sang Mo cursed angrily and was about to run out, but Huang Cuihua suddenly rushed forward, hugged her waist from behind, and dragged her inside.

"Listen to me first!" Huang Cuihua shouted.

Sang Mo didn't want to listen to her nonsense, so he immediately raised his elbow and hit Huang Cuihua's hand hard.

Huang Cuihua gasped in pain, "Asshole, you are so fucking deadly!"

"You lied to me first!" Sang Mo said and hit him hard again.

Huang Cuihua's voice was trembling with pain, "Are you all blind? Why don't you come over quickly and help!"

As soon as she finished speaking, two women rushed over at the same time. The three of them worked together to push Sang Mo back into the door.

At the same time as the palace door sank, a huge green barrier was activated, completely locking several people inside the palace.

Sang Mo looked at the clear light in the sky, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart: "It's over, everything is over."

She was stunned, and she didn't know how long it took before Huang Cuihua's voice sounded from underneath her, a bit frightened, "Well, you can't blame me, it was your master who arranged this."

Sang Mo gave him a backhand punch, "Asshole, does this allow you to betray me?"

Huang Cuihua quickly caught Sang Mo's fist, "I can't help it, why do you call me a demon king now?"

Sang Mo raised another fist and smashed it at her, "Fuck you, you demon king."

Huang Cuihua couldn't hold on, and her nosebleed from the beating. She pushed Sang Mo away angrily, "Asshole! Damn you, you did it for me for a man."

Sang Mo was pushed to the ground by her and fell hard to the ground. Her butt hurt, but she still stared at Huang Cuihua fiercely, "It's okay for you to betray me, but it's not okay for me to beat you?"

Huang Cuihua knew she was in the wrong, so she pinched her nose and stood up and said, "Calm down first, and listen to me tell you slowly."

"I really didn't lie to you." As she spoke, nosebleeds flowed from her mouth. Huang Cuihua had no choice but to lower her head and let the blood continue to flow.

"I really didn't lie to you. The young monk is really in the Demon Palace."

"Your master said that he has something very important to do and is afraid that you will cause trouble. He will take you back after the matter is done."

While the two were talking, Guan Nan had already heard the news and came over.

He was held by Nian Lan, and his eyes widened when he saw the scene in front of him.

There were two people in front of them. One was bent down and his nose was bleeding. The other was slumped on the ground. His hair and clothes were all messed up. He had obviously just had a fight.

He pursed his lips and silently took a step back, trying to pretend he couldn't see and escape.

Sang Mo shouted to him, "Stop!"

Guan Nan subconsciously stopped and slowly turned his head, "Donor Su, long time no see."

For a moment, the two people over there turned their attention to Guan Nan. Huang Cuihua had two nosebleeds, raised her head, winked and told Guan Nan to leave quickly.

Guan Nan was stunned. Just as he was about to lift his feet, Sang Mo suddenly jumped up and quickly punched Huang Cuihua in the back of the head. Then he ran over and grabbed Guan Nan's arm tightly, "Where to go!"

"You bastard, you didn't give me a message even though you were imprisoned. I'm going to lose all my hair after looking for you! Do you know?"

Guan Nan: "...It's not a prison, it's me who wants to stay here."


Sang Mo was stunned for a few seconds when he heard this, and then became furious, "Are you avoiding me on purpose?!"

Guan Nan was a little panicked. He Wei Kecha took a step back again, not knowing what to say.

Sang Mo looked at him, suppressed the anger in his heart, and pulled him to the side of the flower bed. "I will settle accounts with you later. Please explain to me what you have not explained to me first."

Guan Nan stood still, "No, I can't talk about this."

"You..." Sang Mo was about to scold when a person suddenly appeared on the other end, and she rushed over to scratch Sang Mo's face.

Sang Mo quickly ducked sideways, and the man took the opportunity to block Guan Nan behind him, acting like a dog protecting his food.

She has dark blue hair and wears a long flowing dress, exactly the same dark blue as the Mermaid.

"It's not enough that you took away the king. You can't take away my little monk anymore!"

Sang Mo: "..."

She looked at Guan Nan in surprise, "When did you become hers? Could it be that you..."

Sang Mo opened his mouth half-opened and covered it in surprise, but his eyes were darting back and forth between the two of them.

Guan Nan's face turned pale when he heard this, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He couldn't even speak clearly, "No... no, she and I have nothing to do with each other!"

Sang Mo smiled and showed an expression of "I understand, I understand everything."

"No!" Guan Nan's voice suddenly became louder, "Don't think too much."

He walked over anxiously and grabbed Sang Mo's wrist through his clothes, "Listen to me."

Sang Mo looked at Shen Lan's expression of wanting to eat someone, and quickly moved to push Guan Nan's hand, but Guan Nan stubbornly increased the strength on his hand.

He turned his head and looked at Shenlan steadily, "This donor, I am just an acquaintance with you, so please don't do anything to misunderstand me again."

As soon as these words came out, Deep Blue's face suddenly turned red, and she bit her lip in embarrassment, "'s true..."

Before she could finish speaking, Guan Nan immediately interrupted loudly, "You have nothing to do with the poor monk."

There was silence all around. Shenlan glared at Sang Mo unwillingly, turned around and left as if to run away.

Sang Mo was stunned on the side, he whispered: "When did you become so tough!"

Guan Nan looked a little ugly and emphasized again, "I'm really not familiar with her."

Seeing him being so rude, Sang Mo smiled awkwardly, "I know that you are the most ascetic person."

Guan Nan hesitated to speak, looked at Sang Mo with a somewhat annoyed look, and said no more.

"I believe you. Can you also be considerate of me? Since we left the goddess's tomb, I have really been looking for you every day. Can you tell me the second half of the silk book?" Sang Mo pulled his clothes. Sleeve channel.

Guan Nan pursed his lips, "I..., please allow me to think about it again."

Sang Mo didn't know what he was thinking about. He only vaguely realized that the content of the second half should be very important.

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