At the end of summer, the maple trees under Qingya Peak have turned slightly yellow, and annoying cicadas are everywhere.

They don't seem to get tired at all, and they chirp all day long. Sang Mo walked up the mountain irritably, "Little mirror, you should be more proactive about finding the evil god."

"The emperor is a bastard. He came to earth to be a supervisor. Could I be lazy?"

The more she talked, the angrier she became. She vented all her anger on the mute tree nearby and kept cursing, "Hate, hate, hate!!"

The poor big tree was kicked and made a loud sound. Sang Mo vented his anger into the grass next to him.

"Who is the emperor?" A sudden voice sounded. Sang Mo turned his head with a dark face and saw Huang Cuihua standing next to a big tree with arms folded.

"You don't have to worry about it," she said angrily.

Huang Cuihua laughed when she saw this, "Hey, who made you angry?"

Sang Mo glanced at her and angrily sat down on the big rock aside. Huang Cuihua came over with a playful smile, "Okay, don't be angry anymore. You look so beautiful in your clothes. Where have you been?"

Sang Mo glumly took off her bracelet from his hand and handed it to her, "I was too anxious to wear it wrong when I left."

Huang Cuihua glanced at it and said, "I told you where to throw it, but it turned out to be here with you."

Sang Mo thrust the bracelet into her hand angrily, "A lot of people are worried about your bracelet."

"The headmaster wants to see you."

Huang Cuihua calmly put the bracelet on her wrist, "It's gone."

"You can see for yourself." Sang Mo said and walked up the mountain again.

Huang Cuihua smiled and followed behind her, "What? Is it possible that he still recognizes my bracelet?"

"Can't you?" Sang Mo glanced at her accusingly, "It attracts bees and butterflies."

"That kid is fun, but he's too serious. I'll probably be held responsible afterwards."

"You don't want to take responsibility?" Sang Mo looked at her in surprise.

Huang Cuihua tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "It's a romantic affair, a romantic relationship, why should I be held responsible? I still want to make amends!"

She pouted in distress as she spoke, "Is it possible that I have to be called 'monster and monster' by others all the time?"

"You don't know how much I envy Yun Qing. She doesn't have blood on her hands and isn't afraid of retribution. I would be miserable. Maybe one day a thunderstorm will kill me."

Sang Mo also sighed, "When the thunder comes, take me with you."

Huang Cuihua looked at Sang Mo curiously after hearing this, "What's wrong with you?"

The sun had completely set, and the woods instantly entered darkness.

After the two of them walked out of the maple forest, a tall figure suddenly walked out of the shadows. His eyes were burning, looking at the back of a certain figure in the distance.

"Look, I told you I don't want to be responsible for you anymore." A bored female voice suddenly came from behind the quiet shadow of the tree.

The man turned his head and saw Bai Mucheng leaning against a maple tree with his arms folded.

"What are you doing here?!" The man suddenly became alert.

Bai Mucheng gave the man a sarcastic look, "Don't worry, senior brother, I won't take action against your sweetheart."

The man stepped out of the shadows, revealing a handsome face with sharp edges, "I don't want you to continue the wrong things that Master has done."

"Don't come here." Bai Mucheng snorted, "I really don't know what kind of magic power that monster has. It has confused you all so much that you have lost your heart and soul."

She said and glanced at the peak, "You said she lives here, does the leader know?"

He Wenjie said nothing.

Bai Mucheng's eyes suddenly turned dark, "Do you think that recent rumor is true?"

A wisp of breeze blew by, causing the leaves above the head to rustle. Bai Mucheng only saw He Wenjie's mouth opening and closing again.

She turned her head and looked at him, "What did you say?"

However, He Wenjie refused to say anything more and turned around and walked down the mountain, leaving Bai Mucheng alone. She looked back in the direction of Changwu Residence, where there was still a patch of sunshine, and she could see smoke rising from the kitchen, and there was a crisp laughter.

Bai Mucheng looked at it, curled her lips in disdain, turned around and walked down the mountain.

Here, Sang Mo and the two returned to Changwu Residence laughing. While Shen Yanqing was away, the rice cooked by Huang Cuihua was just ready to be served.

The two ate some hastily and then went to sleep.

It was already moonlight when Shen Yanqing came back. Sang Mo got up at night and saw candles burning in his study, so he put on his clothes and went to see it.

She stood by the circular arch, grabbing the wall and peering furtively inside.

Shen Yanqing was seen wearing a moon-white robe, sitting by the window. His hair was disheveled, as if he had just come back from a bath, with some water drops at the end of his hair.

Sang Mo saw that he seemed very tired, he lowered his head and held his forehead, and put his index and middle fingers together to massage the center of his eyebrows.

She was secretly surprised and couldn't help but whisper: "What's wrong with him?"

The small mirror hanging on the waist said, "Why don't you go in and stand here like a thief?"

Sang Mo hurriedly covered it, "Why didn't you keep your voice down when you saw me being a thief!" She regretted and was about to run away when she looked up and saw Shen Yanqing standing in front of her.

"Why don't you go in?"

Sang Mo took a step back awkwardly, "I saw Master was busy."

Shen Yanqing gathered up his scattered clothes and said, "I'm not busy."

Sang Mo saw the disheveled Shen Yanqing for the first time, and he didn't know where to put his awkward eyes.

Shen Yanqing smiled in a low voice, "What do you want to see me for?"

Sang Mo felt even more embarrassed when he heard his hoarse laughter, "I brought Chishui Hefeng, the sick young man from the Chishui family, to Changli Mountain."

"Oh?" Shen Yanqing seemed a little surprised, "He's awake?"

Sang Mo hesitated, but decided to tell Shen Yanqing the truth, "'s not Chishui Hefeng who woke up."

Shen Yanqing's pupils narrowed suddenly when he heard this, "What do you say?"

Sang Mo lowered his head and organized his words, "The souls of Chishui and Feng may have dispersed, and the one who wakes up now is the clone of the priest who came down from the heaven."

When Shen Yanqing heard this, he showed a true expression, but he did not show it to Sang Mo. Instead, he asked her in a surprised tone, "Priest? Which priest?"

Sang Mo said: "Emperor."

"... "

Shen Yanqing frowned fiercely, but said in a calm tone: "So powerful?"

"What is he here for?"

Sang Mo thought for a while, but still decided not to tell him about her affairs, "Come down to do some errands. Master, try to avoid him. I'm afraid he will be detrimental to Master."

Shen Yanqing looked at Sang Mo, with a trace of disappointment flashing in his eyes.

"He wants to do something in Changli Mountain?"

Sang Mo quickly raised his head to deny it, but suddenly saw Shen Yan's innocent and dangling neck, as flexible as a willow, which made people's hearts flutter.

"No..., he...he came to see me." Sang Mo usually never makes a draft of a lie, but at this moment, in front of the disheveled Shen Yanqing, he couldn't speak in a panic.

Shen Yanqing smiled and said, "Okay, I won't ask you."

Sang Mo lowered his head in embarrassment.

At this time, the moon was high in the sky, and the purple mirror reflected the moonlight, illuminating a dazzling spot on the wall.

Shen Yanqing looked at the mirror and suddenly moved to block the beam of light.

Like a pebble thrown into a puddle, the spot of light shone on Shen Yanqing's chest, suddenly causing a black wave!

(End of this chapter)

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