[This is actually like this, my God, I really don’t understand how deep your rich people’s thoughts are. 】

[This future mother-in-law is too scary, she is so scheming, and she is obviously a smiling tiger. On the surface, she is giving you things in a friendly manner, but secretly she is always thinking about stabbing you. 】

"At that time, his family will naturally check. The hospital records have been deleted by him. Do you have any records here? This kind of thing is so ridiculous, and his husband and son certainly can't On your side, the end you will face is not only being kicked out and losing your boyfriend, but more importantly, taking something so valuable from him. It is very likely that he will send you directly to avoid future troubles. prison."

The girl couldn't help but shuddered when she heard the seriousness of what Gu Xiangwan said. She felt a cool breeze coming out of her back. At this moment, she patted her chest and felt extremely lucky. Fortunately, she was not tempted by money and did not agree to her future mother-in-law's request.

"I understand when you say that. Master Gu, thank you. I will definitely not accept this thing. Don't worry!"

"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do. What you have to do now is to stay away from this family as much as possible, and break up with your boyfriend as soon as possible. Secondly, don't accept anything from your mother-in-law and reduce your contact with him, but it's best if you can When getting along with him, keep some evidence that is beneficial to you to prevent future worries."

Gu Xiangwan's ideas were all very practical. The girl wrote them down one by one, thanked them repeatedly and left the live broadcast room.

Gu Xiangwan listened to these three stories in succession today. Several hours had passed since the live broadcast. He felt exhausted. He said goodbye to the netizens and closed the live broadcast.

"Your live broadcast is getting more and more exciting day by day. The number of online viewers is higher than before. Why do you start a charity live broadcast instead? Don't you want to make money?"

Song Yang was still satisfied with the story and was even more puzzled by Gu Xiangwan's behavior. He followed him into the kitchen.

"What do you know? This is how you can protect your customers. You can't keep plundering from their pockets, right?"

Song Yang shook his head: "I still don't understand."

"You are stupid. The three consecutive wheat quotas in my live broadcast room have always been auctioned, which means that only rich people can get these three opportunities. Most of the other netizens are here to watch the fun, so do you think they will be What kind of mentality?"

Song Yang thought for a while, tilted his head and replied: "Watching the excitement?"

Gu Xiangwan took a sip of water and shook his head.

"It's not that simple. In addition to watching the fun, they will also be jealous and even hate me in the end. Because they don't have money, they think I am snobbish. I only care about money and not people, so they don't get such opportunities. .”

Furukomaru has always believed that human nature is inherently evil, and the reason why people can be civilized is precisely because they have received education.

But modern people’s lives are becoming more and more stressful. The Internet seems to be peaceful, but in fact there is a turbulent situation behind it. You are exposed to people every day and receive praise and applause from others. But in fact, if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

"That's why I occasionally organize free lottery events like this to make everyone feel that they can get such a spot even if they don't have money. Even if they don't get it, it's because they are unlucky and have something to do with us, so that their anger will not be vented. Come on me, do you understand?"

After listening to Gu Xiangwan's explanation, Song Yang suddenly understood, and then couldn't help but admire him. "You are so smart, you can even think of this. No wonder the people in the barrage were very aggressive and mean in their comments during the previous live broadcast, but today the atmosphere is very good."

Gu Xiangwan also only started to learn to be an Internet person in this life. He does not understand these marketing techniques, he is just familiar with people's hearts.

After drinking water, Gu Xiangwan was about to lie down in bed to watch a drama, and then ordered a takeaway to sleep. Unexpectedly, he accidentally clicked on the live broadcast platform, and found an extremely conspicuous message in the private message in the background.

The other party's screen name is a string of garbled characters, probably chosen randomly. He alone has thirty unread messages.

Hometown.com has never turned on stranger blocking, so the other party can keep sending him messages without replying. Late, at first I didn’t care about sliding my finger down, I just thought the other person must be some kind of black fan, but I didn’t expect that the other person was very persistent and insisted on sending him a private message every minute.

The content is also very simple, with only one eye-catching sentence: "Master Gu, please help me."

To be honest, there are thousands or even tens of thousands of people asking for help in backend private messages every day. Gu Xiangwan can't move here alone, so he almost never pays attention to such messages, but this person is too persistent. No matter what he was looking at, a request for help would appear at the top of the screen suggesting a dark spot every minute, which made him finally open a private message with this person.

When the other party saw that the message had been read, he immediately sent a row of exclamation marks, and then thanked him crazily.

"Master Wu, have you seen my message? I beg you to help me. I really have no time. Only you can help me now. You can do whatever you want. As long as I have it, I will give it to you." I can give it all to you!”

Gu Xiangwan typed patiently: "Don't be anxious. If you have anything to say, tell me slowly."

"It's like this, my name is Liu Guimei, I am sixty-three years old this year, but I recently found out that I have liver cancer, and it is in the late stage. Time is running out now. The biggest regret in my life is my son. He I was abducted by human traffickers when I was three years old. I have been looking for him and I still can’t find where my son is. I want to see my son before I die. Can you help me?”

After Gu Xiangwan read this private message, he fell silent and didn't move for a long time.

"This man is dying, are you going to help him? But there are so many people in your private messages saying that they are dying every day, so it may not be true." Song Yang didn't take it seriously after seeing it.

"No, this person is really about to die." Gu Xiangwan shook his head.

"Then are you going to help him?"

"But it would be best not to see his son before he dies."

Song Yang, who was listening to Gu Xiangwan's words, was confused.

"Why? This was his biggest regret before he died. He just wanted to see his son and didn't want to do anything else. Is his son gone now?"

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