Chapter 113 Fake Family Relationship
[Come on, isn’t this just to titillate people?I'm so anxious! 】

[To be honest, I also want to know. Halfway through this story feels like a suspense movie that never ends! 】

[Could it be that this boy spent a lot of money to come to Lianmai just for gossip? Sure enough, children these days spend money without blinking an eye. 】

After whetting everyone's appetite, Gu Xiangwan said: "Buddha said, don't say it."

The boy immediately rolled his eyes, obviously not very satisfied with her answer.

Gu Xiangwan found it a bit funny. After all, he was still young and almost on the verge of burning up his eyebrows, but he still had the leisure to care about other people's gossip.

"Okay, back to the topic, what do you want to ask me? Do you want to ask about your aspirations?"

The boy nodded and finally remembered what he had to do today.

"That's right, Master Gu, you just said that my college entrance examination results should be good. Does that mean I can apply for the major and school I like?"

"That's right." Gu Xiangwan answered with certainty.

The boy's expression was still a little tangled. After several hesitations, he finally told the whole story: "Actually, I originally wanted to apply for the physics department of my favorite university. This has always been my interest and ideal, but My college entrance examination ambitions were revised by my parents, who wanted me to study in a normal school."

[What kind of parents are these?Can normal schools compare with top physics universities? 】

[Oh my God, there are still such ignorant parents these days. If I can get into a good school, my parents will have to set off firecrackers to send me there. 】

[What happened to studying in normal school?I think the normal school is very good. I also studied in a normal school. I don’t know how many people envy me. 】

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, and the boy seemed very torn between his parents' ideals on the one hand, and his own interests on the other.

"So you want to ask me today whether I should listen to them and go to normal school instead, right?"

The boy nodded heavily.

"Actually, my family situation is very bad. My parents only went to elementary school. They are farmers and they are under a lot of pressure. It costs a lot of money to study physics, but if I go to a normal university, I can get a full scholarship and graduate. Then they will be assigned jobs directly, which in their eyes is a stable golden job.”

[It turns out that it is not easy to be a parent, but your own dreams are also very important. 】

[It sounds so sad. How many people are capable but don’t have the money to go to a good university? 】

[How about we donate to him and raise tuition fees online so that you can go to the university of your choice! 】

The trend of public opinion has gradually changed, and some netizens have even begun to spontaneously prepare to donate tuition fees to the boy. After seeing this, the boy waved his hands repeatedly and said stubbornly: "No, I can't accept your circle. I have hands and feet and I am still a human being." Man, I can make my own money.”

[That’s not possible. You are still young. Studying hard is the only serious thing. 】

[Just listen to some stories. If he was really so poor, why would he spend so much money on gifts for live streaming? 】

"The money I paid for gifts today is all the savings I have saved since I was a child. I feel that choosing to take the college entrance examination is a decision that can change my life. For this matter, it is necessary for me to spend all this money to find the right answer. "

The boy's thoughts were clear and organized, and he was not distracted by the negative comments on the barrage.

"But most things in the world are not black or white, right or wrong. No one can predict which outcome is right for you, unless you can go through both outcomes."

Gu Xiangwan spoke frankly, and the boy became more and more confused after hearing what she said.At this moment, everyone seemed to have transformed into this boy, and the barrage was divided into two distinct factions.One group of people believes that boys should consider their family situation, go to normal school, and be filial to their parents. The other group of people insist that boys should break out of their own world and follow their inner dreams.

Seeing such a result made the already troubled boy feel even more upset, unable to make a decision.

"If you don't consider any other factors, what is the answer you most want to choose?"

When Gu Xiangwan asked this question, the boy replied without hesitation: "Of course he is going to study physics!"

"Then follow your heart."

Gu Xiangwan had already given the answer, but the boy's expression was still hesitant.

"But my parents really can't afford so much tuition... If they had to scrape everything together for me, they would be under a lot of pressure for the whole four years."

The boy frowned, his face full of sorrow, as if he was very distressed, but Gu Xiangwan frowned slightly and asked directly: "Are you sure your parents can't afford so much money?"

The boy was stunned and subconsciously asked: "What?"

[Gu Xiangwan asked what this meant?If parents were rich, wouldn't they still pay tuition for their sons? 】

[Don’t think that a few thousand yuan or 1 yuan is easy for ordinary families, but for those in rural areas, it may be their entire year’s income. 】

[Don’t mention it, there are a lot of heartless parents nowadays. Maybe they are just stingy parents who are unwilling to pay for their children! 】

Gu Xiangwan took a deep breath and pointed it out directly: "Why don't you tell me that you have a younger brother?"

As soon as he heard the word "brother", the boy's face changed slightly. He was still a sunny and cheerful boy just now, but now his expression was tainted with a bit of sadness.

"What does this matter have to do with my brother? He has just graduated from elementary school."

Gu Xiangwan smiled slightly: "That's right. Your brother has just graduated from elementary school and is about to enter junior high school. Have you ever asked your parents where they plan to let your brother go to school?"

The boy frowned slightly, his expression seemed very puzzled: "We only have one junior high school there."

"No. Their real plan is to spend a lot of money to send your brother to a private school in the city. And the cost of a three-year private school is much more expensive than your four-year college tuition."

As soon as Gu Xiangwan said these words, the boy was stunned, and the barrage exploded instantly.

[Oh my God, how could there be such partial parents? My younger brother has just entered junior high school. Where does he go to school? 】

[Sometimes I really don’t understand the brain circuits of these parents. Is it because they are uneducated?Do they really not understand the importance of attending a good university in life? 】

[I can only say haha ​​to such parents. I also grew up in such a family. After I gained my own ability, I quickly escaped and now I am living a normal life. 】

After a long silence, the boy finally spoke, his tone much lower than before.

"Actually, they have their own reasons for doing this. My younger brother is still young and his academic performance has always been poor. It is also important for him to change to a better environment."

(End of this chapter)

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