Yan Zhi never thought that this incident was not just an accident, but also had an inside story, which made her feel very heavy.

She didn't know whether the reason why it was not detected during the inspection was an oversight in normal procedures, or whether someone did it deliberately.

The result was that Fan Yangyang's family succeeded. They ruined other people's lives, and they continued to do so in a glamorous manner without being punished. It was not until more than 10 years later that she revealed the matter.

Even if she didn't have a cheat system, the truth of this matter would have been buried and might never come to the surface.

At this time, Yan Zhi felt sick as he looked at Fan's mother showing her teeth and arrogance in front of the camera, as well as Fan Yangyang and his father pretending to be innocent.

How could there be such a vicious child?
Fan Yangyang was only five or six years old when he did this.

But then she thought about the scenes she had seen when she was a child: children cruelly tearing off the wings of butterflies or grasshoppers, watching them struggle, or stringing them together with a stick, which was made from butterfly wings or grasshoppers. The child's innocence is truly innocent, and their evil is also truly evil.

They are a piece of white paper, whatever color you draw on it will be what color appears.

[They must pay the price]

While Yan Zhi was thinking, he searched the system to find any missing evidence.


Not all criminals will leave behind traces of evidence.

Even her melon-eating system did not retain text, video and other information.

If she hadn't verified that every melon was real, she might have become suspicious.

[They cannot be punished through normal legal channels. Even if I find evidence, Fan Yangyang was only five or six years old at the time. He would not be punished as a child, and he would not even have to go to a juvenile detention center.]

[Since normal channels cannot sanction him, then use adult methods! 】

[I want to see what happens if the Fan family goes bankrupt, their company closes down, and they still owe a lot of debt, and Fan Yangyang starts to enter the entertainment industry to pay off his debts. How will he become glamorous? 】

[They used to use their money and connections to suppress people who were inferior to them. They must have accumulated many enemies over the years. When they are completely defeated, I believe their enemies will definitely make them happy! 】

Yan Zhi smiled and could almost imagine Fan Yangyang's family being impoverished in the future.

I think it would be worse than death for them.

And what she has to do is to stop the Fan family before it completely collapses. They have a premonition that something bad is going to happen and they want to run away abroad with a lot of debt. But she knows that some people like to do this kind of operation and make money!
The three people who clearly heard Yan Zhi's voice and a series of plans: "..."

Yan Zhi refused to watch Father Fan's performance and was about to turn off his phone when he suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look at Zheng Yanwan: "It's almost time. I plan to go see my students. If you want to continue watching the live broadcast, Use your phone."

Zheng Yanwan stood up: "It's boring."

Yan Zhi shrugged and put the phone away.

The two of them went upstairs to their respective practice rooms.

Yan Zhi arrived, and after entering, he found that the students were sitting together and watching the live broadcast.


Yan Zhi was a little funny: "You haven't finished reading yet?"

The students stood up quickly, and Zhang Shu said nonchalantly: "This is not just because I don't want to get stuck halfway through the meal. I want to see the results."

The other students nodded.

Yan Zhi said: "There will be no results today. This scene is not in line with universal values. You will only see the bad guys being arrogant and the good guys being wronged." These words made other people look gloomy, and some students still tolerated it. He couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling very angry.

Yan Zhi clapped his hands to attract their attention and then said: "Okay, let's start training. If you really have such a spirit, you will take care of it when you get to high places and encounter such injustices. I only hope that you will be righteous at that time." The defender, not the dragon that caused it all.”

The corner of Zhang Shu's mouth raised: "I won't. I will always be a young man with the right youth and the right age. I will never go through the reincarnation of a young man who slays a dragon and eventually becomes an evil dragon!"

Yan Zhi couldn't help but laugh.

Although she is actually about the same age as them, she may have seen too many melons, but her mentality is much more vicissitudes than theirs.

[I believe that your hearts are very sincere at this moment, but I also believe that you will not regret making that choice many years later]

【This time, that time】

Zhang Shu suddenly looked at Yan Zhi with a rather strange look in her eyes.

Yan Zhi looked over subconsciously: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Shu lowered her head and her voice quickly returned to stability: "I'm a little nervous thinking about the stage competition in two days. Instructor, please help us check the moves."

Yan Zhi didn't notice the clues and waved to everyone: "Come over, then."

On the one hand, she stopped eating melon because she really couldn't stand the hypocrisy of Fan's true colors, but on the other hand, it was really for the stage competition of these students.

Zhang Shu is the most likely to be promoted, but she hopes that one or two of the remaining students will be promoted.

She's not greedy, really.

The other students couldn't wait to greet him.

"Boss, your dancing is already up to par, so there's no need to pester the instructor and give us the opportunity!"

"The boss always has high requirements for himself. She is the one among us who is most likely to compete for the C position to debut, so she is also the one who needs guidance the most. Get out of the way and let the boss come."

The students started joking.

Although they all know that each other is their competition, so many times of team formation, and this month-long training in groups of five, allowed them to quickly become familiar with each other and establish friendship.

Even though their own strength is inferior to others, they all look forward to their boss fulfilling their dream, reaching the end, and standing on the highest stage.

This is not only out of emotion, but also out of interest. If the boss can stand out in the finals, they will be the final championship group.

Because although five people advance to one in the final, the five people will no longer form a group, it will be a single competition.

Not only is it an honor to speak out, but you can also get on the boss's side, ride on her popularity, and gain more fans.

There are really very few fools who can get to this point.

Recently, their boss has become very popular on the Internet.

The number of fans has actually exceeded 100 million.

Moreover, most of them are live fans, instead of the zombie fans who were bought by the company before, just to make them, the trainees, look good.

These students asked Yan Zhi for advice. At first, they were joking and involving the boss, but gradually they became serious. Even if they knew that they were not as powerful as the boss, they would not give in until the last moment.

Neither they nor Yan Zhi, the instructor who also trained the students, noticed Zhang Shu's strange expression as she lowered her head, and her subsequent absent-mindedness.

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