Something big happened in Quancheng, and news began to spread across the country.

TV, radio, newspapers, and various media began to call for solidarity and mutual assistance.

After Shen Wentao heard the news, he was thankful again and again. They were originally planning to go to Quancheng, but because they were probably angry with Shen Yunchu, he fell ill when they were about to set off.

This illness delayed time, and he was delayed in Jincheng for more than half a month, but he happened to miss the incident in Quancheng.

I feel happy secretly.

In fact, she did this secretly, because she returned to the hotel from Shen Yunchu holding her breath, and had a dream that night about the natural disaster in Quancheng.

But she couldn't talk to Shen Wentao directly about this matter, so she used some tricks to make Shen Wentao feel hot at night.

When she heard the news, Fan Qiaolan felt proud of predicting the future. Everyone was drunk and I woke up alone. This once again confirmed that her rebirth was not a dream, but really happened.

After Shen Wentao felt better, he decided not to look for Shen Yunmeng for the time being, but to return to Xuancheng first.

As for Xuancheng.

Shen Yunxi has been in the laboratory these days. After coming out of the laboratory, he was exhausted and wanted to go back to the presidential suite to catch up on his sleep.

When I came out of the shower, I saw the news on TV.

The bath towel suddenly fell to the floor, but Shen Yunxi had no time to care. He stared at the picture on the TV without moving...

Since the old lady appeared, the brothers and sisters have also been in contact.

He also knew that at this time, the old lady went to look for Shen Yunmeng, and they were in Quancheng.

For a moment, his heartbeat seemed to stop for an instant, and he subconsciously dialed Shen Yunmeng's contact number in Quancheng, but where could he get through now?

He could only contact Shen Yunchu again. Unfortunately, Shen Yunchu's side was also in chaos. He happened to send Shen Yunmeng to the hospital but did not receive a call.

In this way, Shen Yunxi didn't have time to wait anymore. He was already exhausted from several days of continuous experiments and couldn't care about rest, so he decided to go to Quancheng immediately.

Spring City.

Nan Lingyi didn't expect that after sending several children away, these children would still not trust her...

At this time, Nan Lingyi was in Quancheng. Because he had prepared in advance, he arranged his work in an orderly manner.

The old lady was mentally prepared. She had experienced so many small worlds, and she had never seen them before. The world at the end of the world, the world of escape from hunger...

For her, she only knows how to do everything in her destiny and save a few more people.

These days in Quancheng, many outsiders have come to rescue and help. The old lady felt warm in her heart, and she became more generous with her money.

For the people of Quancheng, the sky collapsed overnight and such a natural disaster occurred. Many of them did not know how to survive.

However, when they were helpless, official personnel appeared, brought various rescues, and helped them rebuild after the disaster.

Rescues are coming from all over the place.

An even more mysterious person donated a large amount of money, so that the people of Quancheng could regain their confidence and start to live again.

Quancheng is not considered safe at this time, and we don’t know if there will be other successive disasters after the tsunami.

The living people were moved to safe places, while official and professional people rescued those who might survive in dangerous places.

Nan Lingyi did not follow them to a safe area, but followed them. Many of her suggestions prevented many casualties and saved many people. Liu Yeping's face was covered with dirty dust at this time. He had been following the rescue day and night for several days.

Today I came specifically to visit the old lady settled in the tent. The old lady not only contributed money and effort during this period, but also provided brainpower.

"old lady……"

When Liu Yeping entered the tent, Nan Lingyi was looking at the map in his hand. He didn't know what he was thinking about. Liu Yeping didn't dare to disturb him and just waited aside.

After a while Nan Lingyi came back to his senses: "You are here..."

If Liu Yeping's respect for the old lady was due to money and worshiping the benefactor's father before, now it is real respect!
  He nodded hastily.

After Nan Lingyi said a few more precautions and carefully recorded them, he couldn't help but keep looking at the old lady, with a look on his face that said he had something to say.

The old lady was most impatient with this kind of thing. She frowned and said, "If you have something to do, just tell me quickly. Don't hesitate!"

Liu Yeping then asked tentatively: "Here is the old lady. I have been with you before, and I know that you are very particular about food, clothing, housing and transportation. But now you live in such a simple tent with us rough guys. On weekdays, You may not even be able to eat something hot, and you are so rich that you don’t even let us help you declare the city, and you don’t seek fame or fortune. When people do things, they always want something, so why are you bothering?”

The old lady was a little speechless. It was this question and she yawned casually, which really made the old lady feel a little bored.

The old lady didn't know how much money she had lived, she had never experienced anything, and there was no gain in doing these things, she was just following her heart.

"If it's such a boring question, I don't need to answer it, just think I'm boring!"

The old lady rubbed her temples and showed a tired look. Liu Yeping said wisely and left, but his heart was filled with ups and downs. He didn't believe the old lady's excuse of being bored at all.

Who would contribute money and effort out of boredom, and rush to the front line to solve problems without fear of danger!

The old lady has great love in her heart!

The old lady doesn't care, he must report it to the leader properly, so that the leader must remember what the old lady did.

After Liu Yeping left, Nan Lingyi lay on the bed covered with weeds, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the past, if the bed was too hard or too soft, she would not sleep comfortably, but she is also happy-go-lucky at heart, and now she can sleep soundly on the thatched bed.

The old lady didn't know where she got a lot of international advanced rescue equipment.

Firstly, it will protect the safety of rescuers, and secondly, it will make the rescue more difficult, allowing more people to be rescued. These equipments are valuable, but she doesn't mention them at all.

Qiao Wengang and Shen Yunxi are now rushing towards Quancheng.

After the two arrived at the place, Quancheng was very large and they did not meet each other, but they both asked for news about Nan Lingyi and others.

But now the place is in a state of panic. Who knows who is alive and who is dead...

Both of them only saw the corpses being carried one after another in the past few days, and they felt increasingly uneasy.

It is now difficult to communicate with the outside world. Qiao Wengang and Shen Yunxi both decided to go to the disaster area to search. They did not believe that something had happened to their relatives.

The two simply joined the rescue team and accepted some rescue missions.

I happened to be assigned to a group.

But they didn't recognize each other.

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