Zhou Shiqing looked at Xuan Xia with a look that could not be defined as contempt, "Are you tone-deaf?"

Xuan Xia black line, "That's not it."

"No, that's fine." Zhou Shiqing's tone was light.

But even if Xuan Xia was really tone-deaf, Zhou Shiqing would not let her go.

This song was written for Xuan Xia, but he stayed up for three whole nights to write it.

When a work comes out, as a creator, of course, what you want to see most is for the work to be known to more people.

What's more, this song was tailor-made for her.

Zhou Shiqing certainly hopes that Xuan Xia can interpret it.

Xuan Xia looked at a piece of music notes and hurriedly discussed it and said: "I will frame it when I get back and put it in the most conspicuous place at home. As for the recording you mentioned, Teacher Zhou, forget it."

Zhou Shiqing thought for a moment and said helpfully: "Do you have a pen? I'll sign it to make it easier to display."

Such a beautiful person.

"But I have made an appointment with the recording studio and can go there next week." Zhou Shiqing did not give Xuan Xia a chance to refuse.

Taking advantage of his words, Xuan Xia subconsciously remembered Hong PD's beaming smiling face before recording, and suddenly understood.

The two people have probably reached a consensus that the recording studio will be the recording location next week!

Now looking at the music score in his hand, Xuan Xia suddenly felt very emotional. Isn't it possible that he can't make a good career in the entertainment industry without all kinds of martial arts skills?
Seeing that Xuan Xia didn't try to refuse anymore, Zhou Shiqing was in a better mood. He spent the next time reading the music score and taught Xuan Xia to sing a verse in Qingsheng.

When Zhou Shiqing sings, he is completely different from when he talks. Especially when he sings a cappella, his voice can make people's ears pregnant.

Looking at the monitor screen, Hong PD couldn't help but smile like an aunt.

These two are getting better and better. How easy it would be to have such an atmosphere every time.


The theme of today's recording was also set. When the two of them were almost done talking about songs, the staff gave them this task.

The mission this time is to enrich their small family together.

Although the show team provided a house and the house was well-decorated, it was not built by the two of them after all, and there was always a lack of real traces of the two of them.

That's why the program team formulated this task, asking the two to add what they like to the house.

Because the theme was decided in advance, the two of them made a list of what needed to be added to the house early in the morning and gave it to the program team for purchase.

At present, all the purchased items are packed in express packages and piled at the entrance of the house.

The two of them only need to unpack the packages and place them as they like.

Not many people can resist the joy of unpacking express delivery.

Xuan Xia has had enough of this addiction today.

Even after the recording was over, Xuan Xia still had more to say.

After the recording, the team began to pack up their equipment and prepare to leave.

After picking wheat, Zhou Shiqing came to Xuan Xia and translated what Xuan Xia had said before.

"You must remember to frame the gift I gave you when you get back, and then put it in the most conspicuous place in your home. After you put it away, take a photo and show it to me, and I will check it for acceptance."

Xuan Xia was speechless.

After a moment of silence, she asked angrily: "Whenever someone comes to my house as a guest in the future, do I have to take it out and introduce it to everyone, is this a song that Teacher Zhou wrote for me?"

"Yes. Just do it." Regardless of whether Xuan Xia was joking or not, Zhou Shiqing thought her idea was good.

Xuan Xia: "..."

She really couldn't talk fast with this man, because he could take everything seriously.

Fortunately, PD Hong came over and intervened, saving Xuan Xia in time.

Hong PD came to ask about the recording studio. He was easy to make arrangements. At the same time, he also warned the two of them in advance: "Teacher Zhou, Teacher Xuan, we have the last few episodes of our program left. In the last two episodes, all guests will be arranged to go on an island trip. Details will be discussed later.”

"The island we chose this time is absolutely amazing. The two teachers can look forward to it."

A quick calculation shows that next week will be the recording of the third to last episode.

In other words, almost half a month later, it will be time to record the last two episodes.

I didn't realize it before, but now that Hong PD mentioned it, I realized that time passed quite quickly. I always felt that the first live broadcast was just yesterday.

Because of this, Xuan Xia and Zhou Shiqing lost interest in continuing to chat for a while. After briefly understanding the islands they were going to in the last two periods, everyone said goodbye to each other and left the newly decorated houses one after another.

In the last few recordings, I don’t know if there will be a chance for it to appear.

Ji Ziyao was curious about Zhou Shiqing writing a song for Xuan Xia one day. On the way back to the hotel, he didn't hold it back anymore and asked Xuan Xia to take a look.

"I didn't expect that he would be so caring and write songs for you."

Ji Ziyao didn't usually come into contact with music theory, but he knew that creation was not easy. Now he looked at a piece of music notes and lyrics and just clicked his tongue a few times, changing his usual yin and yang attitude.

After a few seconds, he said: "It's quite thoughtful. It's not bad to go to the studio to record next week. You can give it a try."

Listening to what Ji Ziyao meant, he actually supported her in trying to perform the works created by Zhou Shiqing.

Xuan Xia couldn't help but reiterated again in distress: "But I really can't sing."

Ji Ziyao's expression was exactly the same as Zhou Shiqing's after hearing what she said, "Don't worry about that. Just learn, otherwise what use can Zhou Shiqing have?"

Why does this sound like waiting for a good show?
Looking at Ji Ziyao's face again, Xuan Xia was convinced that he was just waiting for a good show. When returning to the hotel, Xuan Xia accidentally bumped into Xie Yun again, but this time Xuan Xia didn't give in and got on the elevator first.

Before the elevator door closed, Xuan Xia took a closer look at Xie Yun's face and already had an idea.

Staying for one more night, Xuan Xia and the others checked out and left Jiang City on the second day.

Because Xuan Xia still returned to Ningzhou, he was scolded by Ji Ziyao.

Ji Ziyao even said of her: "She has no home."

Xuan Xia: "..."

Li Xinze: "..."

If Ningzhou is not counted as Miss Xuan's home, Li Xinze doesn't think where else can be counted.
"Boss, you're back."

Upon returning to Changsheng Temple, Xuan Xia was the first to receive a warm welcome from Yan Wentao.

Yan Wentao also said: "It's hard work for the boss to go out and make money."

"To show your courtesy for nothing is to be considered a traitor or a thief." Xuan Xia waved his hand.

Yan Wentao said blackly, "Why am I fine? I am fine, boss."

"what's up?"

“The charms we sell have repeat customers.”

Xuan Xia had asked a salesman to sell talismans before, and the business had only been in business for a few days, but Ren Yaozhe showed up in Ningzhou. The purpose of Ren Yaozhe's visit was unknown. Xuan Xia was afraid that they would not have much inventory when they needed to use the talismans themselves, so he asked Yan Wentao to suspend the business of selling talismans.

As a result, Xuan Xia was not a repeat customer in the past two days, saying that he wanted to buy a few more amulets. After learning that the amulets would not be sold for the time being, he still tried hard to persuade Yan Wentao, and even more haggled over the price, saying that he could buy a few less amulets, and then said Can be purchased at a high price.

Of course, Yan Wentao did not relent in the face of the high price. He simply said that he would wait for notification.

Now, he came to discuss with Xuan Xia whether to do business with repeat customers.

Xuan Xia thought for a moment and immediately decided: "Let's do it. Repeat customers still have to be maintained. But the number can't be too large."

Yan Wentao nodded, knowing what he was thinking.

After talking about the repeat customer business, Yan Wentao added: "Aunt Feng came to Guanli yesterday."

After adjusting her mood, Aunt Feng made a special trip to the Changsheng Temple yesterday to express her gratitude and give Yan Wentao and the others the money they had spent doing the ritual.

In addition, Aunt Feng also specifically asked Yan Wentao about the Zhongyuan ritual that he had mentioned before.

Mainly asking about salvation matters.

Aunt Feng hopes that Yan Wentao can pay tribute to her daughter-in-law Li Qiaozhen, and also hopes that Li Qiaozhen can be reincarnated as soon as possible.

Yan Wentao reassured Aunt Feng that even if she didn't confess, he would take good care of Li Qiaozhen and save her so that she could be reincarnated as soon as possible.

Aunt Feng even wanted to attend the Zhongyuan ritual in person. However, unlike other Taoist temples, Changsheng Temple is not suitable for opening to the public in terms of location and transportation, so this Zhongyuan ritual is still closed to the public.

When the time comes, it will be enough for Taoist Qin and Yan Wentao to simply perform rituals.

After listening to Yan Wentao's report, Xuan Xia asked him: "What is the scale of Qinghui Temple in Zhongyuan rituals?"

Yan Wentao said matter-of-factly: "The scale is of course very large. On the Zhongyuan Day, believers and laymen will arrive at Qinghui Temple in the evening, and the ritual will last all night, and the temple will be full of people."

It can be said to be extremely lively.

"Oh." Xuan Xia could imagine that the last prayer meeting was packed with people.

Xuan Xia looked at the Changsheng Temple again. In fact, apart from local issues, the Changsheng Temple was much smaller than the Qinghui Temple. If he really tried to do it, he wouldn't be able to entertain many people.

I don’t know when the expansion of the Immortality View will be put on the agenda.

However, if you really want to expand, you have to talk to Qin Daochang. After all, except for the Changsheng Temple, the other places belong to him.

Thinking of this, Xuan Xia turned his attention to Taoist Qin who was on the other side of the lottery.

Taoist priest Qin was talking to the pilgrims and seemed to notice Xuan Xia's gaze. He looked back from a distance and smiled at Xuan Xia.

Xuan Xia smiled back, looked away, and continued to ask Yan Wentao about the situation in the temple these two days.

After two days, we arrived at Zhongyuan, and Changsheng Guan began to prepare for the Zhongyuan ritual.

The half of the seventh month of the lunar calendar is the Zhongyuan period.

Zhongyuan is the name of Taoism and the Bon Festival of Buddhism.

In addition to Zhongyuan, there are also Shangyuan and Xiayuan. Shangyuan is on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and Xiayuan is on the tenth day of October.

These three sections are collectively called Sanyuan.

The so-called three yuan is actually another name for the three officials of heaven, earth and water.

The official of heaven bestows blessings, the official of earth pardons sins, and the official of water relieves misfortune. These three officials are also the earliest gods worshiped by Taoism.

On the day of Zhongyuan, local officials will come to the human world to punish sins and forgive sins. It will also release spirits full of karma from the netherworld, so some people say that this day is the day when the gate of ghosts opens.

However, the main purpose is to worship ancestors, pray for blessings, and worship the souls of the dead.

After the Changsheng Temple ended its business for the day, Yan Wentao took charge and built the ritual ceremony site.

Beforehand, some believers and pilgrims in the temple had handed over their ancestors' rituals and prayers to the temple.

Because Yan Wentao has been working hard to establish relationships with tourists recently, more people will leave these matters to the temple this year than last year.

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