So as soon as she heard about this matter, she came to Jiang Wan. Jiang Wan knew her worries and told her what happened last night, "My queen, don't worry too much. Your Majesty made it clear to me yesterday. He is indeed pleased." As for me, I already have a fiancé who is the prince of Dayuan, and we are about to get married in the near future. I will not marry Your Majesty, even if Your Majesty promises me the position of Queen, I will not be tempted, so please rest assured."

She came here just for medical treatment, and she didn't want to have too many misunderstandings or involvement with the people here, so she decided to talk it out.

But women, especially women in the harem, have only revolved around one man in their lives. Even if they were understanding in the past, once they enter the harem and stay for ten days and a half, they will be assimilated over time.

They will care about every move of this man and all the women who appear around him. They will have fantasies and fears, and they will live in fear all day long.

Even though Jiang Wan said this, she still didn't feel safe. She didn't even believe Jiang Wan's words, "You refused the pursuit of a country's leader for a prince, and he promised you the position of queen. Such an attractive condition, Are you really not moved at all?"

Jiang Wan couldn't laugh or cry. Is this a matter of status?Even if He Huaiqi is not a prince, but just an idle prince, or an ordinary citizen, as long as he can feed her, clothe her, and treat her wholeheartedly, why does it have to be related to status and power?

She felt that it was too laborious to talk about her thoughts with the ancients. Jiang Wan smiled bitterly and said, "Then, are you really happy to sit in the position of queen? What he promised me was to sit in your position. Then I will sit in your position in the future." I will become the same person as you, my empress. Are you happy sitting in this position? If you are not happy, will I be happy sitting in this position? I think you must be scared all day long and you are jealous but dare not say anything. , you are the queen of a country, do you occasionally envy the couples of ordinary people, who are so loving, have no suspicion, and do not respect each other as guests? I think you should also envy me, so I would rather be an ordinary couple than do this. A couple pretending to be in love.”

Jiang Wan gave her an example in an easy-to-understand manner, and Queen Gumo was speechless.

She watched Jiang Wan finish her meal, then wiped her hands and left with the two maids.

This kind of wanton and unrestrained life reminded her that she was like this at home decades ago. She also had the same character, a free and carefree girl.

She was married to Emperor Gumo because of a gift of marriage, and she was originally quite affectionate, but she always had to carefully figure out his thoughts, and was often worried that something she said was wrong and would make him unhappy.

Later, after he became the king, he became even more cautious in his words and deeds. He would not let go of even a small mistake. There were more and more women in his harem. At first, she refused and was unhappy. Sometimes she would get angry with him, and Emperor Gumo would occasionally come to comfort her, but then he didn't seem to care about her that much.

Sometimes she was unhappy, and he couldn't tell it at all, even when she was being petty, so she knew that she no longer held as important a position in his heart as before.

Later, she simply accepted this kind of life and was only a superficially loving couple with him. Jiang Wan was right. She used to be similar to Jiang Wan, but she chose to accept the arrangement of fate. However, Jiang Wan was different from her. A girl who dares to fight against fate.

(End of this chapter)

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