The Imperial Age with the Resurgence of Han Style

Chapter 170 The Doctor's Kindness

Chapter 170 The Doctor's Kindness

"Your eye disease is already terminally ill and there is no cure."

Cao Xi sighed, and asked someone to cover the eyes of the man who called himself Liu Xiucai again with a cloth, and said softly, with a trace of guilt and intolerance on his beautiful face.

"Can this girl think of another way?" Liu Xiucai showed a painful expression on his face and said eagerly: "In the past few months, the entire city of Nanjing has heard that your doctor Qi Guo is highly skilled in Chinese medicine and has saved countless lives. No matter how difficult it is, Both miscellaneous diseases and old illnesses can be cured. My eye disease..."

"Living Bodhisattva, you must save my husband." Liu Xiucai's wife fell to her knees on the ground with a plop, kowtowed several times, raised her head, with tears and runny nose running down her face, and begged: "We have sixty people above us. My parents have three young children, the youngest of whom is no more than two months old. If something happens to my husband-in-law, how can we... how can we continue to survive?"

"Madam, please get up quickly!" Cao Xi quickly stepped forward and tried to pull the woman up, but the other party was very determined and continued to kneel on the ground, pleading.

Liu Xiucai slumped down on the chair, holding a cloth between his hands, and kept rubbing his eyes. Two lines of pus and blood continued to flow out of the corners of his eyes, making people look at him and look at him sideways.

It is pitiful to say that Liu Xiucai was only thirty years old. He studied poetry and books very hard and worked hard. He hoped that he would be able to pass the national examination in the coming year and step into the threshold of the gentry class, thereby shining on the lintel of his family.

But who knew that a few months ago, he suddenly suffered from eye disease. At the beginning, the eyes were only slightly swollen. After half a month, the pain became worse and worse, and gradually I could no longer see.

At this time, medicine for this kind of eye disease in Da Qin was not yet developed, and many doctors said it could not be cured after seeing it.

Liu Xiucai had parents to take care of and three children at home. If the eye disease could not be cured, it would be like cutting off the backbone of the family.

In order to cure his eye disease, Liu Xiucai and his relatives and friends searched for doctors everywhere, and all their money was spent.

Later, someone told him a folk remedy, which was to use children's feces and plant ash to wash it every day. After ten days, the eye disease would disappear.

As a result, Liu Xiucai only used this folk remedy for three days, and his eyes became more painful and pus and blood continued to flow out.

Just when he was helpless and in pain, someone told him that many doctors with superb medical skills came from Qi State and opened a free clinic at Xingli Hall, the largest in the west of the city. They treated countless people and the consultation fee was very low. He could go Give it a try.

Therefore, Liu Xiucai, accompanied by his wife, came to Xingli Hall with his last hope.

Unexpectedly, due to excessive eye infection, he was unable to save his life.

Originally, the Qi State Military Staff Corps and Legation in Nanjing had accompanying military doctors and corresponding full-time doctors. In addition to ensuring the medical health of these Qi State military and political personnel, they also provided services to Qi State businessmen, expatriates and their families in Da Qin, as well as some of the Da Qin State. High-ranking officials and nobles diagnosed and treated diseases, but they did not always treat ordinary people in Qin.

When King Dan and his grandson led a delegation to visit the royal family of the Qin Dynasty, Deng Lao, a senior professor of the Royal Medical College who came with the delegation, made a suggestion to open a free clinic in Nanjing.

This move will not only gain enough popular reputation for Da Qi, but also allow Doctor Xinglin from Qi to learn and accumulate more medical experience. At the same time, it can also be used to collect various folk prescriptions and medical methods in Da Qin, and promote Medical exchanges between the two countries.

After King Dan heard this suggestion, he immediately agreed, and through the Qin royal family, he opened a free clinic in the Xingli Hall, the largest medical clinic in Nanjing.

Originally, according to the wishes of Qi State, it would be best to send several skilled doctors to the palace to treat the Empress Dowager of Qin. If they could cure her, not only would they gain the favor of Da Qin and deepen their friendship, but they would also Through this old queen mother who was born in Qi State, she can continue to influence the Qin court.

However, with the empress dowager's status being so noble, how could the Qin court easily allow a group of outsiders to treat her?

If something goes wrong, how should we, Great Qin, deal with it?

We can't kill all the doctors you sent here!

Not surprisingly, the Qin royal family rejected the good intentions of the Qi people and insisted on conservative treatment and care by the palace doctors.

There are many medical clinics and drug stores in the city of Nanjing, many of which have been specialized in medicine for generations, with a reputation far and wide and trusted by the world. Some of these pharmacies will allow patients to come to the pharmacies with prescriptions to buy medicinal materials directly after seeking treatment from a doctor. Some pharmacies will hire several famous doctors to diagnose and treat patients and then issue prescriptions, and patients will purchase medicines based on the prescriptions. Some of these prescriptions are unprocessed medicinal materials, while a small amount are some pills, plasters, or decoctions made in advance and other proprietary medicines.

The sale of patent medicines in medical clinics and pharmacies was not new at this time. Most of these patent medicines were prepared in advance by pharmacy shopkeepers based on certain ancestral prescriptions. On the one hand, this was to ensure that the prescriptions would not be plagiarized by peers. On the other hand, in this way, Over-the-counter medicines also meet the special needs of some people.

After more than a dozen doctors from Qi State entered Xingli Hall, they also sought to obtain the ancestral prescriptions of this pharmacy, bring them back to Hanzhou, study them in detail, and use them for their own use, even at the expense of large sums of money.

But how could the shopkeeper of Xingli Tang sell the prescriptions he kept at the bottom of the box to the people of Qi? With these ancestral prescriptions, whether in the troubled times of murderous people or in the prosperous times of Haiqing and Heyan, he could maintain the family inheritance and make the business sustainable. guarantee.

Fearing the order of the imperial court, we, Xingli Hall, have set aside a space to allow your doctors from Qi State to see and treat diseases. This has already affected the business of our pharmacy.

What, you still want to try to make my family’s ancestral medicine?

Don't even think about it!

Although both parties were treating patients in the same hospital, the shopkeeper and the doctor at Xingli Hall treated Qi Guolai's doctor with indifference as if they were on guard against thieves.

By the way, those patients who were originally going to my pharmacy for treatment were intercepted by you and sent to your side one by one in the name of free clinic.

You have already affected our meals, so cool!

However, as doctors in Qi treated more and more patients, there were also a few who were fully cured, which made the shopkeepers and doctors of Xingli Hall not only frightened, but also admired.

These doctors from the state of Qi were not only proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, but also particularly good at surgery and gynecology. Severe surgical trauma and women with difficult labor, which were regarded as serious diseases by the doctors of the state of Qi, were easily cured by the doctors of the state of Qi. Over the past few months, more than 20 women who were unable to give birth were sent here. Except for one medical accident in which both mother and child died, all the other women with difficult labor gave birth to their babies safely.

I thought that the doctors of Qi also had some unique folk remedies, so several doctors sitting in the hall tentatively went over to inquire about it.

Unexpectedly, after watching Qi Guo's diagnosis and treatment process, they all turned back with pale faces.

The doctor of Qi State actually cut open the belly of the woman who was having difficulty giving birth and forcefully took out the fetus!

You should know that for women with dystocia, according to traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods, experienced doctors usually use the fetal push method, or invite experienced midwives to slowly correct the fetal position to assist the mother in giving birth.

Of course, it is not the case without surgery, but that is just a method where the mother is forced to use a knife to cut the mother's cervix after the above two methods are ineffective, thereby expanding the diameter of the cervix and making it easier for the fetus to deliver smoothly. However, this method is very dangerous and can easily cause one death and two lives. Doctors will not choose to use it unless necessary.

It was unheard of to open the mother's belly with a knife and directly take out the fetus like Doctor Qi did. Even the most experienced doctor had never seen such a bloody delivery scene.

But the miraculous thing is that the doctor of Qi State used this most "rude and barbaric" method to successfully help more than 20 women with difficult labor give birth to babies. The mother and baby were safe, and they were able to walk after five or six days of rest!

It is very sad to say that the reason why doctors in Qi State have this magical method of "caesarean section" to give birth to babies is purely because Qi State has used countless methods of Hanzhou and Hanzhou over the decades to ensure the safety of mothers and infants and improve the fertility level. Only through the bloody surgical experiments of the indigenous and Nanyang natives did they gradually master this method (the earliest caesarean section was recorded in 1762, proposed by the British obstetrician Joseph Lyndsister and put into practice, but due to the technology and The equipment has not yet reached the level he expected and is not widely used).

Whether they were performing surgeries or prescribing medicines, the people of Qi did not seem to hide anything from outsiders. They also patiently answered the inquiries and doubts of the doctors sitting in the Xingli Hall.

These doctors all seem to have "graduated" from their local school in Hanzhou that specializes in treating diseases and saving lives, and have rich experience in diagnosis and treatment. In addition to magical surgical techniques, they also master a large part of medical conditions. Follow traditional Chinese medicine theory and refine and expand upon it.

Doctors from Qi State also showed many of their advanced medical tools to their counterparts in Da Qin, including microscopes, stethoscopes, thermometers, artificial blood suckers (used to suck blood from patients during operations), cervical dilators, scalpels, circumcisions, etc. Knife, strangulation (used to remove hemorrhoids and cut off their uterine tumors and ovarian tumors)... there are all kinds of them, which opened the eyes of Da Qin's doctors.

What is even more unexpected is that there are several female doctors in Qi State, many of whom are beautiful women in their early twenties. They are calm and calm at the bloody treatment scene, without any fear, comparable to the former Ming Dynasty heroine Xinglin Miao Tan Yun Xian.

When Li Yanliang came to Xingli Hall with a food box to meet his wife, he found that Cao Xi had just amputated two toes of a patient with chilblains. At this time, he had disinfected and washed his hands and was lying on the table. The cases treated today are recorded in the case.

"Why were you born?" Cao Xi looked at Li Yanliang, who was wearing a Royal Guards uniform, holding two food boxes in his hands. He walked up to her with a smile, then put down the charcoal and stretched his waist in a relaxed manner.

"I was wondering if you didn't bother to eat again." Li Yanliang looked at his wife's bright eyes and the unconcealed inner joy on his face, and opened the food boxes in his hands one by one. "At noon, I will follow His Highness here. I had dinner at a well-known restaurant in the city and found the food very delicious, so I brought some for you."

"It's rare that you remember me." Cao Xi smiled and immediately put aside the medical books, papers and pens on the desk, made a clear space, and placed the food box on it.

"Are you still busy today?" Li Yanliang found an empty bowl and poured a bowl of delicious crucian carp soup for his wife.

"Yes, there are too many patients." Cao Xi sighed, "Some people come from nearby counties just to save some money on medical soups and medicines. As you can see, there is already a queue of old people outside the medical center. There was a long queue. Even at night, there were patients sleeping outside the hospital, just to get treatment as soon as possible the next day. I don’t know how they survived in such a cold weather? "

"With just a dozen of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to see many patients every day."

"Yes." After Cao Xi drank most of the bowl of crucian carp soup, he took a bowl of rice and ate the dishes in the food box, and replied vaguely: "Sick There were too many patients to treat. Mr. Deng ordered that patients who were too critical should be given up and instead treat patients who were less seriously ill and could recover faster. But doctors have a parental heart. , watching those critically ill patients die sadly and despairingly, I still feel guilty."

"You don't need to blame yourself so much." Li Yanliang comforted: "Even in our Qi State, there are many patients who do not have the conditions to receive timely treatment, let alone a country with a huge population like Qin State."

"Hey, are you comforting me, or are you accusing us doctors of failing to treat all the patients in the world?" Cao Xi rolled her eyes at her husband.


"Speaking of which, Qin's medical and health system is really bad, or in other words, it has not established a complete and effective medical system at all." Cao Xi complained to her husband while eating, "Although, according to the Qin official system , in their various prefectures, prefectures, and counties across the country, there are medical officers, medical doctors, and doctors in Huimin Pharmacy, border military towns, and other places, all dispatched by Taiyuan Hospital. But in fact, due to financial difficulties and the lack of doctors from Taiyuan Hospital, In many places, it has not been implemented at all, and this system has even existed in name only. Look, in their capital city of Nanjing, ordinary people who want to go to the so-called Huimin Pharmacy for medical treatment and medicine can’t even touch the door, let alone Don't expect to get effective treatment. This forces many poor people to spend extra high prices to go to private hospitals and pharmacies for medical treatment. Sometimes, an unexpected serious illness can destroy a family, leaving their wives and children separated. "

"The only thing worthy of praise is that there are quite a few folk medical clinics and pharmacies in the Qin State. Many pharmacies also have doctors who will make some homemade medicines based on some secret recipes as the golden signs of their pharmacies. But, these medical clinics and pharmacies They are the most stingy, and they all keep their secrets to themselves and will not share and study their secret recipes with us."

"By the way, there are some traveling doctors in Nanjing who don't have fixed medicine shops. They often travel around with a sign. Hehe, the sign basically says 'Hua Tuo is alive' and 'Miaoshujuan' ' and other self-proclaimed slogans. On the other side, most of them describe the diseases and wonderful remedies that they are good at curing. I think that unless you are very lucky, you can meet a miracle doctor who saves the world, but most of them are just ordinary doctors who can cure headaches and brain fever. Some of them are simply charlatans who cheat and deceive patients. This morning, a visiting doctor almost defrauded Mr. Deng of 50 yuan with a so-called century-old folk remedy!"

"Oh, when it comes to folk remedies, it really makes people speechless. For example, women should eat more raw sesame seeds, so that their babies will not suffer from scabies. Also, if pregnant women have dystocia, they can use an old headband to soak it in Burn hair oil to ashes, add one or two ginseng slices, boil it in water and take it, and the child will be born smoothly. The most outrageous thing is that some of the folk remedies that have been circulated for a long time are mixed with some strange things, such as those of certain animals. Excrement, child urine, blood of various animals, placenta of children, various poisonous insects, snakes and ants, etc. Alas, if these things are eaten, a good person will probably develop more serious diseases. !”

"By the way, doctors in the Qin State are particularly fond of rainwater for use as medicine to treat diseases. They say that rainwater is rootless water that comes from the sky and can cure diseases. They also say that rainwater in different seasons can cure different diseases. Like The most troublesome disease for women in deep houses and courtyards is childlessness (infertility). After the beginning of spring, they can catch the rainwater in a jar and bury it under a tree for half a month. The couple drinks this water and then has sex. Can give birth to babies. Hee hee, do you think it’s ridiculous?..."

Li Yanliang watched his wife eating the food and talking about what she saw with a smile. His eyes flashed and his eyebrows jumped, making his beautiful face look extremely vivid, like a little daughter, very cute and interesting.

"Yanliang, you served as our Daqi soldier, fought for the country, carried out killings, and caused thousands of killings. After you die, you may go to Abi Hell." Cao Xi saw a smile on her husband's lips and mistakenly thought that He was quite disdainful of the medical treatment he was talking about, and couldn't help but solemnly said: "But I am different. I am a doctor. I treat illnesses and save people. I perform the good deeds of a Bodhisattva. I have created endless sins, which can just offset your tens of thousands of killing sins." From now on, it will also be a blessing to our children and our descendants."

"Huh?..." Li Yanliang was stunned and did not react for a moment to his wife's jumping topic.

"Let me tell you something, I'm pregnant." Cao Xi smiled and touched his lower abdomen with his right hand involuntarily, "We are going to have a child. Therefore, I need to treat more people for the sake of this child who is about to be born. Accumulate more blessings.”

When Li Yanliang heard this, he was startled for a moment, and then he held his wife's hand with a look of pity on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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