above the disease

Chapter 410 Ultimatum, conditions, future

Chapter 410: Ultimatum, conditions, future ()

The sweet night is over.

The entire Xuanyuan also officially ushered in the new year.

Gu Shentu's residence.


"A little bit sleepy."

The little mushroom drooped its head. The horror of the night before and the series of battles made the little mushroom quite tired.

"Go and take a nap if you feel sleepy..."

Zhou Zhi took a sip of tea and pointed at Zhao Ye: "If Mr. Zhao Ye has any abnormality, he should be able to feel it through the fungus, little mushroom."

Little Mushroom raised his head: "Of course."

The wine-filled Qilin and the tiger-toothed girl Zhao Ying are eating steamed buns.

Not to mention the fungus parasitism of Tai Sui Xingjun on his body. As far as the current situation is concerned, there are Xuanyuan's plague exterminators outside, and the Sinking Commandment has almost been lifted. It is quite dangerous. If he is caught by Xuanyuan officials, the result will only be worse than what happened in Zhou Dynasty. It's even worse here.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Okay, I'll go first."

Little Mushroom was excited: "Hey, do you want us to go together?"

Zhou Zhi smiled: "There's no need, just keep an eye on Jiu Qilin here."

Little Mushroom nodded and opened his eyes with his fingers, indicating that he would be serious.

half an hour ago.

Official exterminators from the epidemic prevention center found this place.

His words were also quite polite.

Ask Zhou Zhi to go to the headquarters of Ping An Road Epidemic Prevention Center to make notes.

In fact, due to the craving for sweets, the entire Xuanyuan epidemic prevention agency is in full operation, using various forces to restore the truth of this incident.

And Zhou Zhi...because of Empress Houtu, it can be said that there is a lot of noise.

The core area, the final battle.

At least Zhou Zhi was involved.

Zhou Zhi stood up and opened the door.


Through one-way glass.

The captain of Ping'an Road Epidemic Prevention Center [He Junwu] looked at Zhou Zhi.

"This person...is Zhou Zhi?"

He Junwu made a low voice, as usual when facing those extremely vicious criminals.


The plague exterminator on the side replied.

He Junwu observed Zhou Zhi.

The young man sitting in the interrogation seat looked cold and handsome, like a blue lotus.

In the cold light, the young man was still calm and calm.

"He is indeed someone who can be skinned and replaced."

"I'll do it myself."

He Junwu said calmly.

He pushed open the door.

Entered the interrogation room.

The two plague exterminators who were originally in the interrogation room stood up: "Captain."

He Junwu nodded: "Go out."

Soon, only two people were left in the interrogation room.

"Congratulations to Captain Wu."

Zhou Zhi looked at the onion-headed epidemic killer in front of him.

"I'm Zhou Zhi, hello."

"Actually, you have been asking for a long time. Do you have any questions?"

He Junwu looked at the inquiry in his hand: "Well... there are not many problems at the moment, except for one thing. On that day, in the final battle for sweetness, Hou Tu killed the sinking Lu Ling, and then took away the diseased object, It’s a complete victory for her, okay?”

Zhou Zhi nodded lightly.

He Junwu's slender eyes narrowed slightly: "Then why does this empress want to publicize your killing and skinning? Classmate Zhou Zhi, don't you think this is like some kind of revenge?" The scene became slightly colder.

Zhou Zhi raised his head and also observed the man in front of him.

He Junwu, captain of Ping'an Road Epidemic Prevention Center, a sword-level epidemic exterminator, this man has a great reputation and is famous for hating evil as much as hatred. He eradicates diseases and kills alien species, just like eating and drinking water.

Zhou Zhi's body leaned forward slightly: "Captain He."

"I'll tell you the truth."

"If Chen Chaosheng wants to kill me, I will kill Chen Chaosheng... The so-called skinning is nothing more than fear of Chen Chaosheng's background to create the illusion that he is still alive."

Zhou Zhi said in a deep voice: "You can go and investigate. If I didn't do this, I would have died long ago."

"As for Empress Houtu [Lin Xiaoxia]... I probably know her intentions."

"She said she was very optimistic about me and hoped that I could go to Chengyun and serve the Chengyun court."

"I refused. The woman's face didn't look good at that time. Now that I think about it, the seeds were already planted at that time."

He Junwu continued to observe Zhou Zhi, seeming to want to find some inexplicable emotional flaws.

But Zhou Zhi was extremely calm and could not see any signs of lying.

"Captain He, I am saying these things because I want to know one thing."

Zhou Zhi did not hesitate and asked: "What does the Xuanyuan Council think of me today, and what kind of result will I get?"

He Junwu didn't hide it from Zhou Zhi: "Zhou Zhi, there are two factions in the parliament now."

"On the one hand, you are regarded as an abnormality that violates basic human morality, headed by Representative Liang Zizhong. This is... [public opinion]. It is unimaginable for normal people to skin and replace others, including me."

He Junwu said, this is also true.

If Zhou Zhi had not been seen, then in the people's imagination, Zhou Zhi would only be a murderous demon who stripped skin and bones, and was not worthy of being a plague slayer, let alone abiding by the code of a plague slayer that was set before others.

"On the other hand, there is Xuanyuan's neutral faction."

He Junwu's words were barely spoken, and he believed that Zhou Zhi should understand them.

The officials of Xuanyuan could guess the purpose of Empress Houtu's appearance.

[Ksitigarbha] [Houtu] [Tai Sui]...

These top-notch young people are too powerful to be supermodels.

Among the Qizhao Stars, the only one that is truly capable of competing is Wanchao Lake.

other people……

Anyway, if you lose, you will die.

The gold content of [Qizhaoxing] has been declining crazily.

Xuanyuan's official organization is looking for new talents.

Chen Chaosheng, who had high hopes for him, is dead. Isn't there Zhou Zhi now?

After all, he was Xuanyuan's genius, and he knew Chen Chaosheng well. He was famous for his cruelty. The story behind Zhou Zhi's killing of Chen Chaosheng was conceivable.

"Captain, I'll just say it directly."

Zhou Zhi sighed: "If Xuanyuan cannot stay, I will have no choice but to go with Beigong Dongzhi to transport it. This is my true thought. Although I am charged with treason, I have to do it as a last resort."

He Junwu's heart moved.


Same as discussed before.

Next to Zhou Zhi is the little princess of the Beigong Palace who is named Wang Chengyun.

I went to the Chengyun court, and I was afraid that I would be like a fish in water.


Now that Zhou Zhi brought it up directly, it showed that he had feelings for Xuanyuan.

Likewise, I don’t want to be accused of [treason].

"Well, in that case, I'll just tell you."

"Join the Reformists."

He Junwu whispered: "We will help you handle this matter."

"Including [Liang Zizhong], who has a reputation, will also provide you with a lot of medical resources, and even human-dragon-level guidance."

Zhou Zhi's expression was calm: "Conditions."

He Junwu said: "Within five years, accept tasks assigned by the Reform Faction for free. Contacts with organizations other than the Reform Faction must be known to the Reform Faction. Information provided by abnormal organizations must be reported to the Reform Faction, including..."

"Including where you are now, [Patients Association]."

(End of this chapter)

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