above the disease

Chapter 370 Ambush Tai Sui Xingjun

Chapter 370 Ambush Tai Sui Xingjun

In the alleyway.

Beigong Dongzhi shook off the blood on his gloves.

The communicator strapped to his thigh beeped.

The little mushroom purred and untied the fungus from his hand.

"Little mushroom, be careful... Although the abnormality that attacked this time has been suppressed, Zhu Yun is not safe now. Although it is not clear why the chief surgeon did not take action, it is not certain that the chief surgeon will not appear."

Listening to Zhou Zhi's voice, Xiao Mushroom calmed down.

No matter what time, Zhou Zhi can give himself a feeling of peace of mind.

It's as if with him by your side, there's no need to think about anything.

"Okay, I heard you."

Little Mushroom made a gentle voice: "We'll be back soon."

In the long-term road to epidemic eradication, small mushrooms have almost no opponents.

He has the most powerful talent, the most favorable conditions, and the most dedicated heart to seek the truth.

It is natural to have such great strength.

It's just that Xiao Mushroom hasn't been so angry for a long time.

It was as if the beach castle that I had carefully completed was maliciously bulldozed, so uncomfortable.

The peaceful way of peace and joy has been tainted with such a disgusting disaster.

Abnormal people infected with drug addiction—as a carrier, no one hates such people more than Xiao Mushroom.

"There are still some ahead... Do you want to clean them up before leaving?"

Little Mushroom stretched out his finger and touched his red lips.

Zhou Zhi told us to go back quickly.

But...it's definitely not good to just let these guys go.

If you kill them, you should also be praised by Zhou Zhi.

The little mushroom narrowed his eyes.

Wearing cotton-padded clothes and cotton-padded shoes, he skipped towards the front.

At this moment, the chaotic streets have not yet returned to calm.

The corpses on the ground and the remaining traces of disease made people feel sick.

"It's okay, it's okay. Once the little mushroom kills them all, everyone can come back and have a happy New Year."

Xiao Mushroom said seriously.

In front.

The power of the disease surges.

Alley entrance.

Dozens of weapon bearers were waiting for something.

Little Mushroom touched his head: "Hey, so many people are waiting for us."

The peripheral vision moved slightly.

Behind the little mushroom.

There are also drug addicts who reek of the disease.

"Winter Solstice in Tai Sui Xingjun's North Palace."

"The reward for her head in the Dark Epidemic World is currently 8.6 million Xuanyuan coins."

"Kill her, and you won't have to worry about drug money anymore."

The instruments clashed and clanked.

"What a beautiful woman, but she is a little short..."

Someone next to me gave a pleasant smile: "It's okay, I like this. You can take your head to receive the reward, and leave your body to me."

"not us……"

Little Mushroom yawned.

Illness irritates the brain.

Make people stupid.

That's the truth.

Zhou Zhi once said, don't listen to fools, become stupid.

However, the number of people is too large and needs to be resolved quickly.

Among the crowd, the little girl stretched out her hand.

[Shui Tai Sui - Explosion].

[Tu Tai Sui - Battle Armor].

[Mu Tai Sui - Parasitism].

Mycelium surges.

Roots spread.

With thunderous speed, Beigong Dongzhi took the lead in attacking.

The spiritual power exploded.

Its name is Tai Sui! !

"Tai Sui Xingjun, the top young generation of the Chengyun Dynasty, her level has almost reached the limit."

"Even I may not be able to defeat her."

Standing at a high place, Lian Yan lamented like this.

Times are indeed changing.

There are more and more powerful young plague exterminators.

The gap between the former chief surgeon and the official level is being broken.

The terrifying power in Beigong Dongzhi's body was clearly visible to him.

Regarding the fact that he was able to become a chief swordsman-level epidemic killer, Lian Yan considered it the most successful thing in his life.

But she also knows very well that her talent has reached its limit when she reaches the stage of being a surgeon.

Without the motto, there is no way to liberate. Without the [High Frequency Suit], my own combat power is even weaker.

There is no comparison at all with Bei Gong Dongzhi, a plague exterminator with the appearance of a [Medical Dragon].

Therefore, Lian Yan really wanted to know.

Is the so-called "Three Scholars" who claims to be able to defeat Tai Sui Xingjun one-on-one a fool without self-awareness, or a real genius?


Ying Liang stood behind the drug addict.

Watching the girl named [Tai Sui Xingjun] riding a horse and riding a thousand horses.

Everyone, everyone.

None of them are this girl's enemy.

too strong.

Before Ying Liang became an official, he had not realized that there was such a big gap between him and such a top powerhouse.

It was only now that the feeling of seeing the blue sky emerged.


The sound of explosions and the sound of flesh being cut came and went.

The girl was stained with blood and walked out of the pile of broken internal organs.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid."

"It's safe."

Xiao Mushroom comforted.

What a poor guy.

It seemed like he was being tortured terribly by these drug addicts.

Ying Liang was tied to a pillar, and his skin and flesh were torn.

Xiao Mushroom confirmed that Ying Liang did not have the power of the disease and untied the chains on him.

"Big... lord!"

"The leader on the opposite side is over there." "Right inside!"

Ying Liang said loudly: "Run quickly, quickly..."

Xiao Mushroom remembered Zhou Zhi's words. She stopped and was a little suspicious: "Is it the chief surgeon?"

Ying Liang shook his head and became more panicked: "It's not... it's a formal level, but... it's really strong... too strong..."

Little Mushroom clenched his fist.

No lies.

It's a formal level.

That's fine.

"Let's find a place to rest."

Little Mushroom said calmly: "Let's go and come back."

Jump over the pebbles on the ground.

The small alley seems extremely long.

Dark and profound.

Inside the windows on both sides, it seemed as if someone was peering into the little mushrooms.

The little mushroom didn't care at all.

Get rid of it quickly and then go back to find Zhou Zhi.

He must be waiting impatiently!

"Don't be anxious, we'll be there soon..."

The end of the road.

A woman stood there.

A strange [Lucky Cat] mask.

The eyes are beautiful and flowing.

She stretched out her hand and waved: "[Tai Sui Xingjun], I'm very happy to see you."

Little Mushroom looked at the lucky cat girl in front of him.

"Are you their boss?"


The woman seemed to be smiling: "Boss... that's it."

"Besides, now is not the time to talk about that."

"Come on, let's have an exciting epidemic fight."

Little Mushroom looked around: "Is there no one else, just the two of us?"

The lucky cat woman nodded: "It's just the two of us."



The woman's figure moves instantly.

No weapons were used.

Rushing towards Beigong Winter Solstice.

"The speed is okay, but not as fast as us. He is just an elite monster."

The little mushroom is completely captured.

"if only……"


The little mushroom's pupils dilated.

It was as if he noticed something incredible.


I wish Yuncheng.

Gold upstairs.

Officials are restoring order throughout the city.

Tong Ge and Gu Zhun sat aside.

Zhou Zhi, on the other hand, looked down at the anti-epidemic workers at the epidemic prevention center who were responsible for disinfection.

"Little Mushroom hasn't come back yet..."

Tong Ge whispered: "Is something going to happen?"

Mawei shook his head: "Tai Sui Xingjun is probably the safest one here."

Zhou Zhi thought for a moment and turned on the communicator.

Dial Xiao Mushroom's phone number.

Xiao Mushroom is not the kind of guy to run rampant. If he encounters the chief surgeon, he will definitely assess the situation.

Didi... Didi...

'We are so happy...'

'Wait a minute, the little mushroom may be going to the toilet, he will be back soon...'

The slimy little mushroom sounds.

This is Xiao Mushroom’s new communicator ringtone.

About half a minute later.

The sound stopped.

Someone answered the phone.




Not little mushrooms.

Zhou Zhi didn't speak, but waited.

"Isn't anyone talking?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, someone should be listening."

"Tai Sui Xingjun, I took her away. She probably won't die now, but...it won't be certain after that."

Zhou Zhi finally spoke, extremely calmly: "Who are you?"

A voice rang in the communicator.


"Just call me [Lu Ling], Third Scholar - Lu Ling."

Camera switch.

In the alley.

Smoke, debris, and huge holes in the ground.

And Beigong Dongzhi, who fell in the center and completely lost consciousness.

Half of the Lucky Cat Woman's mask was broken, revealing her beautiful eyes.

There seemed to be a lot of [fungi] entangled in his eyes.

"Come to [Luoan]."

"If you want to get Tai Sui Xingjun back."

"Or maybe...I'm willing to watch her die."


The woman's smile rang out.

Soon, the call was hung up.

Only a beeping sound was left.

(End of this chapter)

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